It was going to be a mid-October launch, but have decided to launch now as it may take some time for people to decide to join and to get judges etc sorted.
1. Mhybor’s Harvest (adapted loosely from a Dungeons and Dragons module)
A writing, roleplay and modelling competition for keen fantasy fans and writers. I’ve tried to cater to a range of people with the mix of class characters I’ve chosen, so I hope you find it interesting! It's mainly about the writing, so if you are a keen writer then this will be ideal for you.
It’s the first time I’ve even attempted to do this in a competition context, so I welcome any feedback or suggestions as we go along. Whether the information is too much, or doesn't give you enough room for your own creative writing, these are the sort of things I’ll need feedback about.
The length and timing of this competition will depend on participation and how the story evolves. I will be trusting you as players, and my judges, to help me review this as it goes along, but as a ball park figure I’d be giving between 10-14 days to complete each round.
I will provide some of the backgrounds for certain rounds as the shots will sometimes need to be taken in a specific location, such as a cave, or dungeon, but I will inform people of that as we go along.
2. The Game I will be giving an introduction for your short narratives. Each character should respond in their short story as their particular class would, and role play their character as part of their application and future rounds. First person Point Of View would be great, but third person POV is okay too depending on your writing style.
Each round I will create a scenario that you can expand on through your character’s role in your writing, accompanied by the continuity of the story. I will have a short sentence in each round for each class character, giving them a scaffold sentence to their story. How you choose to use that in your writing is up to you. In other words, you are not required to use the exact sentence, but it is a guideline you will need to write to, in order to keep the story-line consistent. Dialogue is welcome.
Each round will delve deeper into and continue the story. This will be how the rounds are set up. The short introduction I do for each assignment will hopefully kick-start your inspiration for your writing and keep it relatively consistent with the other players. I will adjust each future assignment to incorporate all individual write ups. It will be exciting to see where each round takes us!
Here is a tag list of Sims 3 and 4. I wanted to give everyone an opportunity to check this out. If you would like your name removed or added please let me know as I know some of you are not into writing comps.
~ I got my writing finished it is in the process of fine tuning, I go over & over it, & @Movotti I am sure I have missed someone out,as the sinus has gone head-achy again, my local GP is on holidays & the temp said no to more antibiotics, so I am looking forward to cardboard food for CHRISTmas, I also can not see clearly, so I hope my picture turns out OK! ~ I am start work on ASAP as I leave for the Gold Coast tomorrow for CHRISTmas with my Mum & Family around my Mums pool,heaven! (been over 30* Celsius here the past week,and if I can get my face to stop throbbing, I may enjoy it!)
~ Sorry Jen, I am still editing my picture,My Brother is here to pick me up & it is half finished,sorry talk to you when I get back on my PC! Merry CHRISTmas everyone! @Jendowoz0612
Yayyyy So Happy Your Getting Your Glasses @Movotti <3 <3 <3 @Bugsie2016 Your Writing Is Beautiful..... You Can Do IT!!!!.... <3 <3 <3 Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!!!!!!! :D :D <3 <3
"aussiekarima;c-16226787" wrote: ~ Sorry Jen, I am still editing my picture,My Brother is here to pick me up & it is half finished,sorry talk to you when I get back on my PC! Merry CHRISTmas everyone! @Jendowoz0612
That is quite okay, Karima, we still have a couple of weeks before I leave to go away, so we will fit in as much as we can before that.
I got some writing done last night. It's about half done... And the battle hasn't even started yet. :p I think with each assignment, I write a slightly longer story.
My pic needs a lot of tidying up. But is mostly done.
@Jendowoz0612 It's my pleasure to encourage others. I'm really enjoying this comp (not that it's really a comp, more of an adventure in writing, with pictures). When I next see my brother, I want to show it to him, because his writing group is struggling to keep people interested, and I think they could do something similar.
I've adapted this for my students at school if your brother would like any help with that. Depends on the age group of the people in the writing group, I guess. I had to curb some of the story line to suit the younger kids, and since we have about 37 different cultures in our school, some of them weren't able to participate because of their religion/beliefs. But was able to adapt it, so if your brother needs help let me know.
Well our Xmas is over. US is today. You all can have until the 30th Dec. to get this assignment in. Hope all the Aussies/NZ had a wonderful Xmas day yesterday. @TEXASTWANGTONYA (submitted) @aussiekarima @annathefantabulous @Bugsie2016 @Movotti @sawdust (submitted)
I can finally work on this. (Finished my crazy christmas stuff) Now, to figure this all out. :#
Edit: Okay progress has been made. I should be done with the writing at some point. I won't give an exact time as I don't know yet. The picture might take a little bit longer as that's the harder part for me. :)
- After dispatching the letter to Beargrim,it was time for each of the magic users, each in their own way to prepare for what lay ahead. For me I needed the peace and quiet of nature around me to quietly meditate and gather strength from my surroundings. I knew I was not the only one whom needed this quiet time to prepare; sometimes just the noise or closeness of our group was too much for some. - While Katia, Teagan and Markus were kitted up and ready to depart they gave use this time to fortify ourselves in body and soul, readying ourselves for if it is needed, each in their own way. - Before I left the sanctuary of the forest I made sure the quick, but nervous fox was at the ready to depart. She hovered on the edge of the forest waiting for our time of leave. - On returning to the cottage to change to my light armor, and to make surety I had packed all my belongings and my satchel was kitted out, at the ready for any outcome, I looked around not knowing if I would return this way again. It was a pleasant stay at the Murbil Cottage, I just hope and pray that we can find Murbil Kilmir, and return her and her family to the safety of this cottage. - Stepping out into the early morn of sunshine, I noticed that all were at the ready to depart; I had drawn forth a nature spell to show us the quickest path to follow to the cave. It departed quickly from the main well used road departing from Wolfswater, the Fox and Katia in the lead, the fox keeping to the skirts of the undergrowth which followed the little used and overgrown path, through a very dense part of the forest, where the trees were tall and just about blocked out the light of day. The effect was very eerie, with vines cloaking the trees, very little light survived. We all trekked on; the only noise in this part of the forest to be heard was a footfall or a twig and dry leaves crunching underfoot, the very quiet panting of the fox. No bird song, or forest noise, nothing else to be heard, it made it all the more troubling as we travelled on to the cave. - About noon both Markus and Katia stopped us all as we came upon a large clearing of sorts there was more light here as the forest opened out on the path we were following which made it lighter here as the noon sun spilled through the trees - Katia informed us of something that has vexed her from not long after we entered the forest proper; she informed us that she had found evidence of canine droppings and large paw prints in the earth. She said, "I know they be of a doglike creature but the size is too big for dog or wolf of any kind that I know of. These creatures have been circling and following our every advancement towards the cave since we stepped foot onto this trail into the forest. I have not said anything till now as they have been keeping their distance, as if to just observe us, but now they have become closer." - Just then with a ‘Humph’ Teagan sat down heavily with a clatter of weapons and kit on a fallen tree. - "Can we not eat while we talk?" Enquired Teagan - "Yes, my forever hungry friend, now would indeed be a godly time to replenish," said Markus. "We have more than enough time to do so while we talk." Markus continued, "I was scouting around and those apparitions in black, the ones we discussed as being ‘Eye blades’. Some were high up in the trees, and others on the ground, the ones I could see have moved off in the direction we are following, they appear to be floating, instead of walking. It chilled my bones, I can confess, I think they have been summoned to the cave, as the large creatures drew a tighter circle around us, from that time on." "From now I would be very wary to tread lighter of foot Teagan, as ye can be heard by all as ye traverse this path, the others are all lighter of foot, and need not be warned!" - Teagan, seeming not to hear, was munching on flat bread and dried meat he had drawn forth from his satchel. - “You do heed my words, right Teagan?" Markus asked. - "Aye, aye, I hear thee well, I cannot help the way I walk, it has always been so, but I will try, that is all I can do!" was Teagan's reply as he resumed to stuff more food into his mouth with a grunt. - "So now would be a fortuitous time to plan our approach to the cave. We know from Darius's animal friends, there are guards of Orc origin. But now I fear we will also have to face the"Eye blades" as well. Though we will not see them, they will be there. It is looking more and more like a trap!" Markus stated. - Ellawyn said in her clear and quiet voice, "I can help with ‘Evil Detect’ and ‘Blessings’ spells, it will show to us all, where they hide, to show the hidden evil, and blessings to protect. Seth did ye not say ye could fortify our weapons with an enchantment?" - "Aye, it is so. If they be placed before thine eyes I can do so forth with!" was Seth's response. - We all placed our weapons in a clear space, which Seth went right to work, chanting over each and every one till they glowed with a pale blue glow. - Teagan whom was reluctant to lay down his sword and never took his eyes away from it, snatched up his sword at the first chance he could, as Seth went to the next weapon in line. - "Tis lighter, me thinks. But will it work at this lightness? Best be heavy to strike a good blow." - He starts to swing his sword around as he steps away to test it, large whirls of circles and figure eights in a blue glow surround him. With a smirk of satisfaction on his face he lunges and parries at an unseen opponent, side swiping a small tree, he severs the limb from its trunk that with the force of it flies into the dense undergrowth surrounding our clearing, with much cracking noise before it comes to rest out of our line of sight. Teagan smiles broadly “It will do nicely!" he said, and then I watch as his smile drops. "We are under attack!" were the next words to fall from his mouth in a bellow. - Every one sprang into action as it was clear we were indeed under attack, the snarling beasts’ roars drew closer and closer to us. We heard them before they were seen by any one of us. All rushing for our weapons as we ready to fight. - As I see what Teagan is looking at, a very large wolf, like none I have seen before came snarling out of the undergrowth towards him, it made Teagan’s size diminish as it drew nearer to him. - Seth shouted, "Dire wolves, keep your eyes sharp and your wits sharper." He started to chant; next I see a magical shield of purple hued symbols appear before Teagan, as he starts to slash at the great beast before him. With every swing he knocks another large wolf to the ground - I count roughly six, they do not stay down for long, so I quickly take my staff and with as much force as I can muster pierce the earth with it so it stands upright, as I concentrate on it to draw forth the powers of nature, the crystal at the apex starts to glow and hum. I first summon a magical command on one wolf, that he will refrain from his attack on my friends, I stare in to his eyes of red and gold flames, he must obey, he stops in his forward attack on our group and shakes his great head as if to clear it, but eventually turns towards his fellow wolves to attack them, just as I influenced him to do, he does my bidding. - No matter what this creature is, it is in the form of a wolf and basically animal and therefore under my command as I have the gift to do so. Before I could do anything else I saw a wolf circle around behind Safiya, who was chanting softly to herself, with a look of concentration on her face. While he was readying his lunge towards her, I quickly asked the vines on the nearby trees, if they please, to stop the wolfs progress, I watched as the great wolf lunged, but before he came anywhere near his target the vines from the surrounding trees reached out and ensnared the beast wrapping themselves tightly around the great bulk of the wolf, constricting and growing tighter, till the wolf hung limply, and it moved no more, suspended in the air. - I could see that Seth was down but well-guarded by Katia. These wolves were coming; they were targeting the magic users, so before anything else befalls us I must lend my assistance. I take a circlet of Jade that hung at my side and place it upon my head to focus my transformation into a Dire bear, having never see one I hoped that nature would help me out here, once fully changed I charged at the nearest wolf with all my force and bulk behind it and dazed the huge beast, I then swung at it with my large claws, slashing at it till it's movements ceased. The other wolf under my command still, had also taken out a wolf, and was circling around another, getting ready to attack. These beasts are hard to fall, as they seemingly get up again from what would have been a fatal blow to any other creature - I cannot recall much more after this as something thumped into the back of my head and I could feel my Magical form slipping away from me as I fade into darkness.
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