It was going to be a mid-October launch, but have decided to launch now as it may take some time for people to decide to join and to get judges etc sorted.
1. Mhybor’s Harvest (adapted loosely from a Dungeons and Dragons module)
A writing, roleplay and modelling competition for keen fantasy fans and writers. I’ve tried to cater to a range of people with the mix of class characters I’ve chosen, so I hope you find it interesting! It's mainly about the writing, so if you are a keen writer then this will be ideal for you.
It’s the first time I’ve even attempted to do this in a competition context, so I welcome any feedback or suggestions as we go along. Whether the information is too much, or doesn't give you enough room for your own creative writing, these are the sort of things I’ll need feedback about.
The length and timing of this competition will depend on participation and how the story evolves. I will be trusting you as players, and my judges, to help me review this as it goes along, but as a ball park figure I’d be giving between 10-14 days to complete each round.
I will provide some of the backgrounds for certain rounds as the shots will sometimes need to be taken in a specific location, such as a cave, or dungeon, but I will inform people of that as we go along.
2. The Game I will be giving an introduction for your short narratives. Each character should respond in their short story as their particular class would, and role play their character as part of their application and future rounds. First person Point Of View would be great, but third person POV is okay too depending on your writing style.
Each round I will create a scenario that you can expand on through your character’s role in your writing, accompanied by the continuity of the story. I will have a short sentence in each round for each class character, giving them a scaffold sentence to their story. How you choose to use that in your writing is up to you. In other words, you are not required to use the exact sentence, but it is a guideline you will need to write to, in order to keep the story-line consistent. Dialogue is welcome.
Each round will delve deeper into and continue the story. This will be how the rounds are set up. The short introduction I do for each assignment will hopefully kick-start your inspiration for your writing and keep it relatively consistent with the other players. I will adjust each future assignment to incorporate all individual write ups. It will be exciting to see where each round takes us!
Here is a tag list of Sims 3 and 4. I wanted to give everyone an opportunity to check this out. If you would like your name removed or added please let me know as I know some of you are not into writing comps.
~ The night was a restless night; it never seemed to end. The oppressive feel was everywhere and made it hard to settle. ~ We all had decided to take turns in watching over the cottage. I took first watch, but nothing much happened. Then I woke Teagan whom seemed to be able to sleep anywhere with no trouble at all. It took a bit to wake him, but once awake he asked if anything of interest had occured. I told him nothing there was nothing to report, and I hoped it stayed that way all night long. ~ I felt tired, but sleep eluded me. At some point during the night I even heard Teagan come in and wake Markus to come outside and see the night sky that had turned red like the heavens had caught fire. I lost the thread of their conversation as the voices drifted outside and were lost to me. I could not smell any fire , but could feel the oppressiveness envelope me anew. ~ Teagan eventually came back in and lay down, seemingly falling instantly asleep. I listened as his breathing changed to that of sleep. Like the others though, I had the feeling that not all of us were really sleeping, but like me were trying desperately to shake these feelings and find some peace in slumber. ~ Before I knew it the light was faintly creeping into the cottage as dawn approached. With it, came Markus silently, to whisper something in Ellawayns ear. They spoke quietly for a time, and then just as silently as he’d appeared, he was gone again, back into the early dawn. ~ I thought it was no use trying to sleep when everyone would be up and about before long. ~ Ellawyn had not gone back to sleep after Markus's departure but instead got up slowly. Dazedly she held her hand out, like whatever was in her hand she did not want there. I could see a golden orb emanate from her hand, but it was a very faint glow. Others I think would have missed it or dismissed it completely; it was not of natural origins, but on the other hand it was. It is vexing to say the least. ~ I thought before anyone else wakes was the perfect time for my ablutions as I made my way to the privy, to make a start to my day. Upon my return I found everyone in the cottage rousing all except Teagan who was still sleeping soundly even with the sounds of the cottage groaning to life. ~ Ellawyn was still wandering around as if entranced, but still holding whatever it was that Markus had entrusted to her. She held it as before, but she looked like it had a pungent smell that she wanted far, far away from her, yet it still lay in her hand. ~ Seth noticed as soon as his bleary half asleep eyes looked her way the slight golden glow coming from her hand. He was instantly wide awake; he asked Ellawyn if he could look at it more closely. They both wandered to the other end of the room to sit and discuss it. ~ As we all gathered to break fast, I enquired as to why Markus was absent from the meal. ~ Ellawyn said, "Things had gotten interesting after my watch over the night, that Teagan had witnessed the sky light up like it was on fire, had woken Markus for his watch to come look at the sky. Then after it had died down and gone back to normal, Teagan had gone into the cottage to sleep. But, not long after that Markus saw a figure keeping to the shadows of the night, leaving the village by way of the road that leads out past the Murbil Cottage. He followed easily until he came to notice who it was; Gnaabak was fleeing away through the cloak of night. By the time Markus knew surely who it was he had just lost sight of the Cottage, and knew he must return as no one was awake to protect us all should anything occur. He came back and at Sunrise he awoken me to entrust me with this pendant." She held it up for us all to see, “then to tell me of goings on of the night, so I will impart to you all what transpired during the night." ~ "He also told me he was off to find the dark figures he encountered the day before, to see if they were still around on the edge of the forest, to see if he could see them in the clear light of the day." ~ We all finished up our break fast of bread soaked in warmed goats milk. We were even lucky enough to find honey in the larder, and blessed that the Murbil goat still lived and had some milk to spare. ~ Seth put forward that with Gnaabak out of the Village that may be the villagers would be more forthcoming. And as we all ventured back into the village, people were wary but more open to be spoken to. They themselves told us they knew the Orc to be gone during the night. The stories were all the same that Murbil KIlmir and her family was kidnapped and they all suspected the Orc Gnaabak Orgoth to be behind it, as he had showed up not long before she disappeared. Some said "he was a nasty piece of work that one", "good riddance" others said. ~ They also asked if we could stay to keep them safe, we had already run off one problem and if we scared him off we were well worth keeping around, that we were welcome to stay in the Murbil cottage for as long as we liked or until we found Murbil Kilmir and her family, as long as we looked after it and no harm is done, that it has a couple of goats and a well-appointed garden, that would keep our bellies full. ~ I had to ask for myself, “Why is it called Murbil Cottage? Is it not normal to name it by the husbands surname?" The lovely old dear I asked said, "Tis because her husband she was wed to did own a trading business, but he be a tosspot and forswear he drank her Dowry away, she came from a well-heeled family, from what I heard." "It is said that he lost his life on his way home one night, drunk most likely was thrown from his horse. He was found stone cold the next day by a traveler." "But she never let it get her down, she took over her husband’s business and made it grow, so much so that she could afford to get that Cottage built, and it be named after her, it be an honor." "We all hope you find her and bring her and her family home safe, she is the heart and soul of this Village, and it isn’t the same without her in it" ~ We purchased some extra food, from the Village square, knowing that vegetables and goats milk will never fill our dear friend Teagan, and made our way back to the cottage, discussing all that the villagers had said, I also told them about the story of Murbil Kilmir, and the open invitation to stay as long as we liked or until we find Murbil Kilmir and bring her home. ~ When we arrived back at the cottage we found Markus was partaking of a late break fast joined by Teagan whom looked as if he had just awoken. Markus explained he came back to find the cottage empty save Teagan whom he woke to ask of our whereabouts, but of course he had as much clues as he did to where we all had vanished to. ~ Seth explained that with the message he left that Gnaabak had fled during the night, that their luck may be better with the Villagers this morn, to see if they were more agreeable to talk to us now the Orc had gone, and the idea had paid off as the Villagers spoke in faith about the last couple of months. They did not know were Murbil Kilmir was taken or by whom, but they swore an oath that Gnaabak was behind it, as he has only been in the village since a few short days before she and her family disappeared. ~ Markus told of what he found, not that it was much, but it also had something to do with the strangeness of this Village. Not that the village is strange but the goings on around it, he backtracked till he found the place where he found the strange people cloaked in black, from head to toe, with very little skin showing. They, in the light of day, were dressed in a fashion he had never seen before, it made his skin crawl, and very little does that to him with what he has endured or experienced. It just seemed odd that they are in the forest at all, and still there by the light of day, unmoved from the previous night, where he stumbled upon them while looking for Seth and Safiya, it is very puzzling. ~ We all discussed what had happened during the night and the morn, Seth pulled Ellawyn and Safiya aside to discuss the pendant and the matching runes and symbols in the tome found in Murbil's own private library. ~ Katia said she needed to check outside again, in full light of the day to see if she had missed anything of importance. ~ I asked every one if I may have a word before we all disappear again. I had an idea that I thought would save time and travel. A few of our group looked at me like I had sprouted an extra head, so I quickly explained my plan. As we needed to tell Beargrim of our findings in this quest so far, and for him to tell us how to proceed, I suggested that I could get one or more of my feathered friends to fly to Beargrim a message of what has happened to date and our findings, that if the person with the neatest and smallest handwriting could make a message to fit a birds leg, that could be tied there, as Beargrim cannot speak to the bird and the bird cannot speak to Beargrim, it was the only way I could think that would work. And in less than a few hours, instead of days Beargrim would know what is happening and what we have learned, and in a few hours more we would have our reply, they did not think it will work, but to save time they were willing to let me try. ~ I told them I would make my leave and go and talk to the animals about this and also ask about the happenings of the night just past, see if they heard or saw anything more. ~ I followed Katia outside. She quickly skirted off to the side of the cottage to check the marks left in the earth, while I myself walked over to the forest that faced closest to the cottage to talk to my animal friends once more. Not far in I was once more face to face with the quick witted young buck of the day before he stepped forward to address me he told me that the cave he had told me about on my arrival was abandoned and not used, but since last night and today, there was much activity around and in it, that he fears for my safety if I were to go without a guide as the cave is not easily seen until you are upon it. It is best if he guides us in case we fall into an unseen trap, I said I will inform the others and ask their opinion. The young buck backed up and bowed to me. Next a fox came quickly out, his black beady eyes darting all over the place, even so he spoke directly to me, he told me of a trail along the same path to the cave that veered off before reaching the cave. He told me of the blood he had smelled there, spilled into the earth. He informed me that it is not animal blood that he had smelled along that track. If I wish it he could show it to me. I was just addressing the birds when I heard shouting, or more like a Teagan bellow, come not far behind me, so I went to investigate; the deer and fox followed too, I think more to protect me than anything. ~ As I stepped out from the forest I saw an old Orc being threatened by a sword wielding Teagan, and Katia trying in vain to stop Teagan, “Nay Teagan, I pray thee he means no harm, but came to warn us of a danger that is near." ~ "But Mistress Katia he was manhandling you, he was touching your person." was Teagan’s cry in return. ~ Katia, you could see, was visibly shaken, but bravely trying to calm Teagan out of his rage. It finally worked and the old Orc quickly left before the large man with the sword changed his mind and came after him. ~ I told my friends of the forest to wait where it was safe for them and I would return. I went inside to check that Katia was alright as she seemed to be shaking still as she went inside with Teagan. I quickly went to my satchel to get a calming Tincha to give Katia as she looked to be in shock. I poured a few drops into a mug of water and instructed her to drink. The others started to ask Teagan what had happened, giving Katia a few moments to calm down. Teagan told them of an old Orc that approached Katia just as he was going outside, that the old Orc grabbed at her twice while he was blathering on about some harvest. Naturally, Teagan had saw red, and threatened the old Orc, lifting him up off his feet by the scruff of his neck, (that I wish I had seen, no mean feat that, as even an old Orc is rather large and cumbersome, how Teagan managed to lift the old Orc off his feet with one hand I will never know.) asking him why he was manhandling Mistress Katia, but he never uttered another word not one. ~ Seth asked Katia what the old Orc said about a harvest, to see if she could remember exactly what the Orc said, she nodded her head yes and closed her eyes as she recalled as near as possible what he said to her. ~ "Tis the harvest," he muttered as his sharp eyes pierce me through “sowing the new crop. The night with three moons in the sky and darkness below. If you know what is good for you, be gone before it comes for you too." ~ Seth was pleased with that, saying "indeed, it makes much sense, but if only I could figure out when these three moons align." He sat down to explain his findings while Ellawyn wrote out the message to send to Beargrim. ~ Katia told of a blood trail she found some way away, heading towards the direction of the cave, that was spoken of the night before, I told them what my animal friends said about the new happenings going on in and around the cave and of the blood trail just mentioned, and that it was not animal blood. ~ We all decided as a group that after the letter was sent to Beargrim we would pack up and follow the leads we have, but whether we follow to the cave or to the blood trail will be decided when we get there, whichever will fulfill our quest quicker and is of more importance.
Gorgeous EDIT!!!! Love My Teagan IS There -- Darius The Orc & The Animals!!! & Katia It LOOKS LIKE???? IS This Your Build / Well One You Were Speaking about???????? Stunning!!!! :D :D <3 <3 <3 @aussiekarima & Teagan Is Drawing His Sword :D :D :D <3
OMGOSH I haveeeeeeee To Make An ORC Now..............But what clothing????????????? LOL OH But He Might Not Be In Next Assignment BUT Love Making Different SIMMIES
~ I just used EA's cloths for the Orc!LOL! :) Me too,love making different Sims of all types,shapes & sizes,makes it all interesting,I love making Bratz Dolls & My Fairy Dolls & Elsa.............Anna, I can go on! ;) LOL!♥ <3 ♥
"sawdust;c-16196095" wrote: You might want to pop your heads in the Aussie forum and see the latest news. :/
Oh. That's a bit disappointing. Goodbye little haven. Maybe I'll just amp up the ocker when I post on here (well, everywhere except modelling, and whatever little corner they shove us into).