It was going to be a mid-October launch, but have decided to launch now as it may take some time for people to decide to join and to get judges etc sorted.
1. Mhybor’s Harvest (adapted loosely from a Dungeons and Dragons module)
A writing, roleplay and modelling competition for keen fantasy fans and writers. I’ve tried to cater to a range of people with the mix of class characters I’ve chosen, so I hope you find it interesting! It's mainly about the writing, so if you are a keen writer then this will be ideal for you.
It’s the first time I’ve even attempted to do this in a competition context, so I welcome any feedback or suggestions as we go along. Whether the information is too much, or doesn't give you enough room for your own creative writing, these are the sort of things I’ll need feedback about.
The length and timing of this competition will depend on participation and how the story evolves. I will be trusting you as players, and my judges, to help me review this as it goes along, but as a ball park figure I’d be giving between 10-14 days to complete each round.
I will provide some of the backgrounds for certain rounds as the shots will sometimes need to be taken in a specific location, such as a cave, or dungeon, but I will inform people of that as we go along.
2. The Game I will be giving an introduction for your short narratives. Each character should respond in their short story as their particular class would, and role play their character as part of their application and future rounds. First person Point Of View would be great, but third person POV is okay too depending on your writing style.
Each round I will create a scenario that you can expand on through your character’s role in your writing, accompanied by the continuity of the story. I will have a short sentence in each round for each class character, giving them a scaffold sentence to their story. How you choose to use that in your writing is up to you. In other words, you are not required to use the exact sentence, but it is a guideline you will need to write to, in order to keep the story-line consistent. Dialogue is welcome.
Each round will delve deeper into and continue the story. This will be how the rounds are set up. The short introduction I do for each assignment will hopefully kick-start your inspiration for your writing and keep it relatively consistent with the other players. I will adjust each future assignment to incorporate all individual write ups. It will be exciting to see where each round takes us!
Here is a tag list of Sims 3 and 4. I wanted to give everyone an opportunity to check this out. If you would like your name removed or added please let me know as I know some of you are not into writing comps.
Checking in! Omg... I'm genuinely surprised with the placing, I saw nothing but mistakes, but thank you so so so much! Thank you judges, thank yous all for the kind words, and congrats to everyone else. <3
Thanks SO Much Judges For Your Time & Efforts <3 <3 :) :) @Jendowoz0612 @lisabee2 @fabtiffsim ---- I Am Quite Please With My Scores ---- ((( NO, ELATED & SHOCKED ))) Which Leads To Inspiring Me MORE WITH MY WRITING THANKS :D :D :D <3 <3 3rd IS A Great Number For Me............ :o <3 :o <3 :o
CONGRATS TO THE WINNER @Movotti --- As The Cats Out Of The Bag I Will Say That! LOL :D :D <3 <3 A WELL DESERVED 2nd @annathefantabulous <3 <3 <3 Love How Your Character IS SO Aloof.....In Your Writing -- As I Portray Her That Way Somewhat ... In My Writing... But Teagan Wants To Befriend Her & The Other's It's HIS Character LOL
& FOR ALL The Participants **Hat's OFF** To ALL OF YOU --- Such TALENT & CREATIVITY!!! <3 <3 <3
A HUGE HUGE Thanks To OUR SWEET TEACHER / HOSTESS -- JEN!!!!! YOUR THE BESTEST @Jendowoz0612 Thanks For Always Being There TO Help US ALL MY FRIEND ( Can I Get An Extra Bonus Point For That ??? ;) ;) ) LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL <3 <3 PRAYERS For YOUR MOM........... <3 <3 <3
@Jendowoz0612 -- I Am Going To Do Corrections / Reading Out Loud As You Suggested....... Sometime This Eve It's 4:30 pm Almost here ;) Try To Polish It Up More With The Synonyms Paragraphing & Timing --- Being It All Flows Better ;) Thanks For Pointing It Out!!! :D :D
You are welcome, Tonya and thank you for the accolades. I just have a passion to help people write, must be the teacher in me, I think LOL :) Maybe I should have all of you lot read my book and see if you think it is worth self-publishing. Had not much luck with traditional publishing, perhaps I need to try some publishers over there in the UK or the US. Might have better luck. But I'm never giving up. Look at JK Rowling she was rejected over 100 times. so there is still hope for me :) ;)
@Jendowoz0612 Omg, if you need readers I'm totally down! Love, love, love reading and been out of books for a bit, if you need someone to read I'm always here :)
Hey Jen............ I Would Love To READ Your Book........... Send Away!!!!!!!! :D :D :D <3 <3 <3 Yes, I Am Good Friends With An Author -- He Writes Thrillers.... For Many Years Now About My Age Well He Might Be A Couple Years Younger.... Nope His Bio IS Same Year As Me LOL
He Has His Own Promoter Per Say For His FB Page and that....... He Attends Many Events To Promote ETC.... Not Sure How Successful He IS...
Gord Rollo -- Here Is The Google Page Of His Name HERE
"TEXASTWANGTONYA;c-16200244" wrote: @Jendowoz0612 -- I Am Going To Do Corrections / Reading Out Loud As You Suggested....... Sometime This Eve It's 4:30 pm Almost here ;) Try To Polish It Up More With The Synonyms Paragraphing & Timing --- Being It All Flows Better ;) Thanks For Pointing It Out!!! :D :D
Great! Let me know when you have and I'll have another read, Tonya. :) <3
I've had this picture and the write up done for a few weeks now. I thought I'd add it here so you all could get some ideas on how to go about this assignment. Don't forget it is from your characters' perspective not The sorcerer (me) so each write up will be a bit different. I could have gone into all the healing and such but that wasn't my role, so left it for those that have healing abilities/skills included in their stimulus sentence. See story below.
At first light my companions and I set off toward the cave lead by Teagan.
“Mistress Katia, in truth, I do not believe a wagon will be able to go where we need to travel.” Marcus said. “It may be wise to take only our packs as we shall need to travel by foot.
“God’s teeth, impetuous one! I had no intention to take this wagon, I am not dim-witted,” Katia retorted. “I have lived on this land for many-a-moon, do you not think I know this?”
“Good Lady, ‘twas not my plan to offend. Pray pardon me. By thy leave.” With that, Marcus bowed his head and backed up fading into the shadows as he does so well.
We all set off on the hidden path Mistress Katia had found. Thickets of trees bearing unnatural vines twisted their way around darkwood trees, making sinister shapes that would unnerve the bravest of souls.
Darius had called on a bear to help with tracking the blood trail that lead us to the well-used track that was hidden behind heavy undergrowth of scrub and vegetation at the back of the village.
“Master Darius, pray tell, why a bear? Methinks the fox would do as well. Will the bear not be seen, being of such bulk and is she steadfast to our cause?” I asked.
“They have the keenest of noses, Mistress Safiya. Black bears have been observed to journey 5.2 leagues (18 miles) in a straight line to track a food source, an’ grizzlies can find an elk carcass when it be underwater and polar bears can smell a seal through three feet of ice. A female, although smaller in size, it highly protective.”
“Truly? That is most noteworthy, master druid,” I replied.
“Verily, ‘tis so. She shall be our best guide. She be trustworthy, do not vex, Mistress Safiya.”
“Dost thou knowest how far we must travel to reach this cave Master Darius?”
“’Tis still a ways to go, Mistress. We have much woodland to pass through before reaching our destination. I do not think these cultists would perform this evil so close to Wolfwater.”
Ellawyn joined us as we continued to trek through the dense woodland. “I hope our companions are of a good stomach, Mistress Safiya, as I fear these eyeblades will be testing of all our powers whence we arrive at this cavern.”
“Indeed, my insides tell me this also,” I added. “There be more to these abominations than we know, I feel.” As I finish speaking, Markus came bounding into our path.
“Come, join me I have much to share.” Markus summoned us all to a gathering in a small clearing. We halted our trekking and sat around on some fallen trees, others sat on the ground.
“Can we eat while we speak?” Teagan said.
“Yes, master barbarian, there be some time for sustenance,” Markus laughed. "Those figures, those eyeblades I spied amongst the woodlands, they have disbanded. I saw them move off toward the same cave we be seeking ourselves…” Marcus raised his eyes to the sky “…in truth they seemed to ‘float off’.”
“That explains it then,” Lady Ellawyn interjected. “These eyeblades I speak of, they be more than humanoid. We shall have to be ready for such abominations.”
“They are not the only danger we face,” Katia interrupted. “I have found evidence that some animals, canine in appearance, but not of those I know, hath been trailing us from the moment we passed into this forest. I fear we are in their terrain, so we need to be watchful from here on in.” Mistress Katia looked up and a knowing look passed between her and Marcus. “Twas good spotting, master rogue.”
Markus half-smiled and briefly nodded his head. “Many thanks, good lady.”
“What of these orcs?” Teagan said between mouthfuls of jerky and bread. They be big enough to fall heavily, we can take them with ease.”
“Our brave, barbarian, ‘tis true they shalt fall, and I have no doubts you will be a formidable opponent for them, but they wear the symbol of the Lord of the Providence Eye and I am still to discover how these may affect those that wear them.”
“Yes, we need to tread carefully, master barbarian,” I said. “Master mage, did ye not say a spell can fortify our weapons?”
“I did, ye need to place them to the front of me.” The companions did as he asked and he conjured up a spell that spread throughout their weapons. A blue glow lit them all temporarily and then it faded.
“They do not look any different.” Teagan grabbed his great sword and turned it around in his hand, and then began swinging it around. “Feels lighter I do say,” he said. As he was swinging it in figure eights, he severed a small tree and it toppled down onto some bushes. Suddenly six large wolves dashed out from behind trees and bushes. Snarling and growling, lips rolled back and teeth gnashing, they charged at Teagan.
“We are under attack!” Teagan yelled.
Everyone jumped up and took up arms. I conjured a large crystal that exploded into chains of lighting, that knocked at least three wolves off balance giving the others a chance to ready themselves for battle.
Master Teagan swung his sword in large circles and each time a wolf would either be thrown against a tree or thrust several feet away. How he did this without cutting one I will never know? Each time the wolves would spring at him and each time he hurled them off in all directions.
I was tiring when I noticed Lady Ellawyn closing her eyes and chanting, and then suddenly a white wave washed over us all. It was like a strong gust of wind and after it subsided my strength had returned.
Master Darius was also conjuring something when I noticed a wolf moving in for the kill behind him. “Master Darius!” I screamed. Losing concentration for just a moment, I directed one of the streams of lightning toward the wolf until a thump at the back of my head veered it off target. A wolf had leapt at me. I staggered forward but kept my footing. I began chanting again.
In that split second, I saw Markus appear, from out of thin air it seemed, and thrust his short swords into the neck of the wolf attacking Master Darius. It dropped immediately, but Darius had hit his head on a fallen tree and lay still.
To prevent any more damage to master Darius, I spun in a circle whilst chanting an incantation. Three illusory duplicates of myself appeared in my space that moved out and confused the wolves. The duplicates moved with me and mimicked my actions, constantly shifting positions so it was impossible to track which image was real until I separated them. Knowing they may fade at any time, I rushed over to Darius and the wolves attacked my doppelgangers until Seth let fly with some magic missiles, disposing of the the few that were left. Soon after, he too had another wolf turn on him, baring its teeth and snarling.
When is this going to end? But shortly after, dead and bloody wolf bodies lay all around us. The attack took us by surprise and we were not ready, yet everyone seemed to gel together at the right time. Master Darius and master Seth were injured. I be most grateful that we had healers amongst us.
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