New harder at least 100 baby challenge
You started in Create a sim, you create a sim. (If you create a boy just be sure you clicked on become pregnant)
After you are done you are going to build a house. Be aware of your amount of money.
Than the gameplay:
Some basic rules:
Every matriarch needs another way how to earn money, but you can't have a job.
Every pregnancy needs to be made with another sim.
Ageing up:
Newborns and infants naturaly, you can't skip the days
Toddlers: You can't age them until they have 5 skills on level 3.
Children: They need A at school.
Teens: They need A at school.
New generation:
(If you aren't afraid of gay woohoo, you are going to use last child, before your matriarch become elder. In another way you are going to use last girl.)
New matriarch needs to be moved out of the house with 20 000 simeleons and you are starting from beginning. You could use your previous houses. You can't use your last house from previous generation until last sim in that household die.
She need to make money, however it must be other way than you use before.
After that it's the same as the previous generation.
Every generation has same patern as the previous one.
If you use mods, there are some mods, which could make it easier.
First one: MC command center (you could change number of households - how to use this advantage would be written bellow)
Second one: Subject homework (Children and teens could raise their skills by doing homework) (it makes your children and teen grow up faster)
Third one: Relationship and pregnancy mod (actually that make it easier and harder at same time - you could cheat here)
Rules for MC command center:
After completing a generation you could add 2 more slots to your household in next generation (1. gen = max 8 sims; 2. gen = max 10 sims; 3. gen = 12 sims;...)
How to cheat in Relationships and pregnancy mod:
You could do just one thing: You could change fertility of your matriarch to max 80.
With these mods it easier to make 100 baby with less matriarch. So I'm trying to transform it to 1,000 baby challenge or to 10 generation baby challenge.