Job changes I'd like is part time jobs for teens plus, work experience for teens in current adult only jobs. Jobs I'd like are likely returns from old series.
ACT = activity like drama or scout
PT = Part time
PT: Tutor, main branches teacher leading to principal or school district chancellor
PT: File clerk/ librarian, main lawyer type like defense, pro bono, people bs real estate law etc
Model(in sims 2 ps2)
Photography branch, modelling branch
Fortune teller , Ghost hunter
other scientist
Oceanographer, food technician, astronomer, zoologist
Clown branch, Magician Branch
ACT: ballet/hip-hop, branches classical dancing and street dancing
Home career
Nanny, kids are brought to your house to look after
Personal trainer, they come to your house and you instruct them on exercise equipment. Have to balance not overworking them.
I would also like the slacker career again.
Some of these could fit in current careers as a third branch like trainer in athletic or magican in entertainer. Tutor could also be a at home part time job where a kid arrives with homework for help. There's also several already existing jobs I could think of after school activities for boosting their later performance, like a newspaper club for writing career, a dnd activity for gamer branch of tech etc.