8 years agoNew Ace
Post your ideas for The Sims 4: Seasons here
As seasons has been speculated to be next big expansion pack for The Sims 4, I decided to create this place for simmers to post their ideas for the expansion pack team before it's too late, as if seasons is the next expansion, the team has most likely started working on it.
Here's the list so far:
New gameplay objects
Summer activities
Autumn/Fall activities
Winter activities
Early Spring
Late spring
Here's the list so far:
- Seasons are available for every released, and upcoming world.
- Players can edit worlds to have specific seasons.
- Players can edit the length of every season the way they like (similarly to The Sims 3: Seasons).
- The lowest amount is 3 Sim days and the highest is 48 Sim days (per season).
- Every new save starts with 1 week long seasons and 4 weeks long "Sim year".
- The lowest amount is 3 Sim days and the highest is 48 Sim days (per season).
- Temperature that can affect Sims.
- Weather such as rain, thunderstorms, fog, hail or snow.
- New deaths by lighting, freezing and spontaneous combustion.
- Weather television and radio channels that tell news about the weather.
- An in-game calendar that allows players to set holidays the way they want.
- More food recipes possibly relating to the holidays.
- More harvestables.
- New traits and aspirations related to weather and seasons.
New gameplay objects
- Lounge chairs
- Pool slides
- Greenhouses
- Weather machines
- Can control the weather.
- Are able to be build by Sims who have reached high enough in the logic skill.
- Can control the weather.
- Diving boards
- Fireworks
- Umbrellas
- Toddler pools
- Air conditioners
- Heaters
- Thermostats
- Nights will be brighter than they are now in game.
- The weather will generally be quite hot, and most of the time sunny, with the probability of rain, thunderstorms, fog and hail.
- In hot temperatures Sims can get sunburns (with the possibility to die), some harvestables will wither, Sims become uncomfortable, pets can become distressed and be taken away if not properly treated and food can spoil quicker.
- In hot temperatures Sims can get sunburns (with the possibility to die), some harvestables will wither, Sims become uncomfortable, pets can become distressed and be taken away if not properly treated and food can spoil quicker.
- Children and teen Sims will have a summer holiday.
- The holiday starts in the first day of summer (the first day of summer will be a school day with the holiday starting after the children/teens have gone home from school) and school starts again in the last day of summer.
- Children and teens will gain a happy moodlet when the summer holiday starts, and get a bored moodlet when the holiday ends.
- Children and teens with the genius trait will instead gain a bored moodlet when the holiday starts, and gain a happy moodlet when school starts.
- Children and teens with the genius trait will instead gain a bored moodlet when the holiday starts, and gain a happy moodlet when school starts.
- Children and teens will gain a happy moodlet when the summer holiday starts, and get a bored moodlet when the holiday ends.
- The holiday starts in the first day of summer (the first day of summer will be a school day with the holiday starting after the children/teens have gone home from school) and school starts again in the last day of summer.
- Random flowers will appear that Sims can collect.
Summer activities
- Soccer/football
- Badminton
- Volleyball
- Ocean swimming (will most likely be added in the pre-expansion patch)
- Biking
- Rollerblading
- Skateboarding
- Flower picking
- Nights are at the same level of darkness as they are now in game.
- The weather will be colder than summer and have the probability of rain, thunderstorms, fog and hail. Snow is more possible than probable, and will occasionally happen.
- Sims will automatically use their outerwear clothing when going outside. They can go outside in every type of clothing, but if they do so they will become sick.
- Trees and bushes will turn orange, yellow and brown. Tropical type plants such as palms will not change their color.
- Leaves will start falling from trees, allowing Sims to rake them into leaf piles and have Sims later play in them, burn them or WooHoo in them.
- Some bushes will also lose their leaves.
- Some bushes will also lose their leaves.
- Random mushrooms will appear that Sims can collect.
- The grass will turn into a greenish brown color.
- Sims can celebrate Spooky Day (Halloween).
- Sims can go trick or treating in the neighborhood.
- The residential neighborhoods will be populated with costumed children and teens who are trick or treating.
- Sims can go trick or treating in the neighborhood.
- Sims can also celebrate Harvest Day (Thanksgiving and harvest festivals in Europe).
- Sims will have a free day.
- Harvestables planted on that day will have the "perfect" quality.
- Sims can make Roast Turkey as a family dinner and Sims will get a whim to eat Roast Turkey.
- Sims will have a free day.
Autumn/Fall activities
- Raking the leaves
- Nights will be very dark.
- The weather will be very cold and snow might occasionally happen.
- Sims will automatically use their outerwear clothing when going outside. They can go outside in every type of clothing, but if they do so they will become sick.
- If Sims are outside without outerwear for too long, they will freeze. If no one saves the frozen Sim, they will die.
- If Sims are outside without outerwear for too long, they will freeze. If no one saves the frozen Sim, they will die.
- Snow will accumulate on roofs, objects placed outside, and the ground.
- Lakes, pools and fountains will freeze.
- Sims can celebrate Snowflake Day (Christmas).
- On this special day children and teens will not have school and adults will not have work.
- Sims can give gifts to other Sims.
- On this special day children and teens will not have school and adults will not have work.
Winter activities
- Ice skating
- Snowboarding
- Skiing
- Dogs and toddlers can eat snow and toddlers can play in the snow.
- Sims can make snow angels and have snowball fights.
- Sims can build snowmen.
- If a Sim destroys a snowman, they will gain a confident moodlet. If the Sim(s) who created the snowman notice it being destroyed, they will gain a sad moodlet.
- If a Sim destroys a snowman, they will gain a confident moodlet. If the Sim(s) who created the snowman notice it being destroyed, they will gain a sad moodlet.
- Sims can shovel up snow that has accumulated on paths.
- Random huge piles of snow will appear in the neighborhood.
- On these huge piles children can play king of the hill.
- On these huge piles children can play king of the hill.
- Sims can make hot chocolate.
- Along with chocolate machines and the option to add marshmallows.
- Along with chocolate machines and the option to add marshmallows.
- Spring is categorized into "early spring" and "late spring"
Early Spring
- Nights are at the same level of darkness as they are now in game.
- The weather will be around the same as in autumn/fall.
- Snow will start to melt.
- Sims will still use their outerwear. They can go outside in every type of clothing, but if they do so they will become sick.
- Trees and bushes will start to gain leaves.
- Grass will turn green.
- Random mushrooms and flowers will appear that Sims can collect.
- Sims can celebrate Love Day (Valentines Day).
- On Love Day, WooHooing always gives a happy moodlet.
- On Love Day, WooHooing always gives a happy moodlet.
- Sims can celebrate Easter.
- On Easter, random Easter eggs will spawn in the neighborhood and Sims are able to collect them and give them to a special NPC (similarly to the Easter challenge event).
- On Easter, random Easter eggs will spawn in the neighborhood and Sims are able to collect them and give them to a special NPC (similarly to the Easter challenge event).
Late spring
- Will be very similar to summer.
- Will only last for a little while.