I want to recreate my TS3 version of the Lovegood house.

I built it when The Sims 3: Supernatural came out.

It's going to be a little different in The Sims 4.
I will be replacing all the windows and doors with ones from Realm of Magic.

No spiral stairs this time, but at least custom stairs is allowing me to build it.

I still have a ways to go.
I don't have any sims that will use it right away, so there is no rush to have it done.

I can't stop working on it.
I am having issues with the basement tool screwing up the terrain,

So I am adding on a room off the building for magical and alchemy activities. Which means a bigger lot.
I moved the lot to Forgotten Hollow. I think I like this better anyway.

I was also having issues with stacking custom stairs above two levels.
I had to figure out a workaround.

I am liking it more and more as I add more details.
I don't have any sims for this house. I think I might create a sim or two to live here and explore ROM before having my other sims use the pack.

Another Update.
It's evolving. I'm just going to make it a much bigger place to make use of the large lot in Glimmerbrook.

It's too much Gothic/Victorian or whatever now. It will make a full Art Nouveau transformation when I get ROM.