Forum Discussion

SoulGal7's avatar
Rising Hotshot
9 months ago


~ The Basic Rules ~

The One-Tile Box Challenge is a challenge where you start your sim off living in a 1 x 1 tile box with no skills, no job, and no simoleons. Within that box, they have to earn simoleons to survive and expand their box into a small furnished house (bathroom, kitchen, living room and bedroom) before being able to leave that space and venture out into the real sim world.(Disclaimer: This challenge was not created by me, and it appears the challenge may have started in The Sims 1).

~ My Own Additional Rules ~

- Starting as a teen on normal lifespan
- Aspirations can be switched as your sim is working on various areas
- A job will be defined as a career that earns simoleons
- Discovery Quests (Game Options under Tutorials) will be disabled (the ones where you get simoleons for opening the skills panel, etc.)
- Any world and any lot traits can be used
- Your sim may accept random pop-ups of sims visiting you or wanting to have a stay-over at your place, but your sim will be unable to interact with them because they have to remain in their "box"
- Your sim may accept random club invite pop-ups (Get Together); however, your sim cannot travel to the club gathering. You may, of course, hold a club gathering on your property, but must remain in your "box" and will not be able to interact with the club members.
- Your sim may accept or decline random pop-ups or giving or receiving simoleons.
- Your sim cannot accept random invites to travel somewhere, such as attend the opera or a festival, etc.
- The final house will be a micro home of 32 tiles and will be 2 x 2 wide.
- Once the final house is furnished, a fence with a gate will enclose the property, allowing your sim access to the outdoors. They will still not be allowed to travel anywhere, or leave the property.
- Complete the Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration. Once they do that, travel and job restrictions will be lifted and they are free to live their sim life.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ Background ~

Grace Crosby is just your average teen. So when her high school science teacher told their class about a government-sponsored "Box Experiment", Grace's interest was piqued. Apparently, they were looking for volunteers to participate in the experiment and the ultimate prize was $200K simoleons and your own home. Grace figured she had nothing to lose, so decided to give it a go and filled out a rather lengthy form. There were some standard questions on likes and dislikes and there was even a question asking if she had an imaginary friend, which was kind of strange. A few days passed and Grace received a call that she had been chosen for the "Box Experiment" and that a car was picking her up to bring her to the experiment site.

As Grace was placed inside the box and the last wall hammered into place, she wondered if signing up for this experiment had been such a good idea.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Grace Crosby
Traits: Geek, Dance Machine
Aspiration: Teen: Goal-Oriented (Relatable)
No likes or dislikes.

The "Box Challenge" lot:
San Sequoia
Manzanita Terrace (30 x 20 lot), Anchorpoint Wharf Neighborhood. (Empty lot that came with a palm tree).
Lot Traits that come with this lot: Bracing Breezes, Natural Light. These were changed to Penny Pixies, Homey, Natural Light. (These will be changed later on).
Lot Challenge added: Spooky.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  • SoulGal7's avatar
    Rising Hotshot

    Starting off, Grace takes a Selfie of herself. Maybe she is thinking of her strategy for this experiment. She also gets a pop-up stating that she likes Photography.

    She keeps the best photo, and then places the rest on the wall of her "box" and Uploads to Simstagram and Sells to Collector. She made $35 simoleons.

    Next, we're going to purchase the "free" wall mailbox from the Snowy Escape pack. For now, we place it on an outside wall, but this is going to be placed inside our "box" once we get some simoleons to expand. Then, we're going to change the Natural Light lot trait to Study Spot, which gives a bit of skill gain.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    As a teen, when you sign up for certain after-school activities, such as the Cheer Team and the Football Team. you get free gifts. If you sell these items, you get "free" simoleons. As part of the Goal-Oriented Aspiration, you can tick off that task.

    And just like that, Grace has $380 simoleons.

    By joining a Team, you also get "free" acquaintances who you can speak with to help with your social. One of them is usually an enemy, but by texting and chatting with them, they can soon be an acquaintance, too. You can go through all the Teams, if you want, to get more acquaintances. Just sign up for an after-school activity and then join another Team. Then switch the Aspiration to Admired Icon, and add those friends to Social Bunny. Make a post and you're on your way to completing the Make a Post task. Then just send some friendly and funny messages through Social Bunny to get the friendship up.

    Switch back to the Goal-Oriented Aspiration and for your final after-school-activity join Scouts. This gives you a free Scout badge Board (we're keeping this one). You are now going to do your homework. This will get you a Scout Badge and a tick off the homework task.

    Then switch back to the Admired Icon Aspiration and make a post about completing your Homework.

    Around this time the Welcome Wagon will show up. Wait until they are all there and just cancel. They are not going to leave that fruitcake anyway. The members of the Welcome Wagon will now be in your relationship panel. More sims to socialize with! (This won't really matter to you if you have the Loner trait, but for others, social goes down quick.)

    Because Grace goes to high school, we want to make sure that she is still in good-standing when she finally leaves her "box", so we are going to make holidays M-F for the month. We are choosing, Art & Music Spirit, Give Gifts and Open Gifts. The wall mailbox will come in handy as other sims will send us gifts and we will be able to access them through the indoor mailbox and then sell them. We will also be selling items on plopsy through the mailbox.

    Now, it's time for Grace to check out the trends on Trendi. Hipster is Trending, so she Browses Trendi and sees the cheapest Hipster outfit for $165 simoleons.

    She purchases that. It is currently Neutral. She is going to promote that until it reaches Hot and then list it for sale on Trendi. And in about 20 clicks, she gets it to Hot, and lists it for $1,650 simoleons. (You can list it for any amount, I just added a zero to the number). Okay, let's hope she sells that. She now has $215 simoleons.

    Time to expand the "box" to 2 tiles. Grace now has $95 simoleons left. With that she purchases the Pile of Presents for $45 simoleons. Another option is The Attic Stack Decoration Box for $100, and she could purchase that by taking a few more selfies and selling them to get her the funds. The pros of the Pile of Presents is that you get more expensive gifts, but there is a cooldown period. With The Attic Stack, it is limited to decor, but with no cooldown. We shall see how this goes, and she might end up purchasing The Attic Stack as well. She now has $50 simoleons left.

    She adds a few gifts, and then Opens Present and Sneaks a Present. She gets a candle crib worth $85 simoleons and some starter fruits, which are 9 strawberries. She keeps both. She then places her Scout board in her "box" and Checks her Badge Progress and Collects her Scholarly Aptitude badge. She also receives a Scouting Manual, worth $20 simoleons.

    Before she sells it, she is going to read it. So, switching Aspirations to Renaissance Sim, she reads her Scouting Manual and then sells it. She now has $70 simoleons. Next up, she is going to purchase the BFF Super Duper Friendship Kit for $30 simoleons. This is the fastest way that I have found for a sim to gain the handiness skill in a little over a day. Just cue up making friendship bracelets. The downside of this is that the friendship bracelets are not worth anything. The Cooldown for the Present Pile is not over yet, but we will keep an eye on that as Grace works on her handiness skill.

    Then Grace gets a pop-up that Lilith Pleasant wants to buy her Trendi outfit! Yes! She temporarily places the present pile and Friendship Bracelet kit outside her "box" and moves the mailbox inside her "box". And boom, she sells her outfit and is now $1,650 simoleons richer. It is also time to open another present, and she gets the tray chic perfume set worth $225 simoleons, which she sells. Grace now has $1,915 simoleons.

    At 5:44 pm she can Open and Sneak a Present. Grace is already at Level 5 of the Handiness Skill.

    Woot! She is into the simoleons now! With the motionmonitor gaming mat worth $3,750 simoleons. She also gets a bowl of fruit. She sells both of these. Grace's hunger is getting a bit low, so we purchase the Always Have a Snack Bag for $120 simoleons. This is cheaper than the cooler from Outdoor Retreat and gives the same options. It also can be stored in personal inventory.

    After a quick bite to eat, we move the present pile out of her "box" and put the wall mailbox back in. We donate 5 friendship bracelets to earn the Give back Scout badge.

    Time to open another present and it's the crystal clear digital camera worth $2,015 simoleons.. Before she sells this, she is going to take some photos.

    And it looks like the end of Day 1 is coming, and we are going to expand Grace's "box" to a 7 x 2 "box". (The screenshot is for a 3 x 2 box, but the bed takes up 3 tiles, so needed to enlarge it again.) Time to buy a bed, and we opt for a bunkbed with desk and chair.

    Grace hasn't quite maxed her handiness skill and her bladder needs are really in the red. In order to craft a toilet, she needs level 10 Handiness skill. But that's for Day 2. I do buy her a woodworking table, though. And here is her little "box". Nitey nite, Grace.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    I have watched several YouTube videos on this challenge, and most simmers start their sim off by taking photos with their phone and gain simoleons from there. Once they have enough simoleons, they expand the "box" by one tile and usually purchase an easel. I decided to do something a bit different and also do the challenge with a teen.
  • SoulGal7's avatar
    Rising Hotshot

    And Day 2 is now upon us and Grace has to purchase a toilet (The Ambassador -$250 simoleons) for her bladder needs. I have her switch to the Teen - Live Fast Aspiration and prank the toilet. By doing this, she will complete a task for this aspiration and when she uses the toilet after she pranks it and then repairs it, she will get upgrade parts which she can then sell.

    After pranking the toilet three times, using it and repairing it, Grace gets 10 common upgrade parts which she can sell for $100 simoleons.

    The only problem now is that her hygiene is in the red and she needs Level 9 Handiness to craft a tub. So, she purchases the cheapest sink (The Patrician - $120 simoleons). She also has a disco nap in her new bed.

    Once she is fairly greened up, it is time to open more presents, and she gets an easel! Now, she would certainly make more simoleons painting; however, before she does that, Grace is going to max the Handiness skill and then craft each item available on the woodworking table.

    Since she has those strawberries in her personal inventory, she crafts a garden pot. I then switch her aspiration to Freelance Botanist and she plants and waters the plant.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    It is now Monday morning, so officially Day 2.

    She checks the mailbox for any gifts her friends might have sent her. And she gets a camera from Darling Walsh! So nice!

    In the morning, she gets a pop-up from a mystery sim asking if they can stayover. And Grace agrees.

    And it is Duane Talla, another teen from her high school.

    During the day, Grace also completes her Handiness skill and starts crafting items.

    She also gets a pop-up that she likes handiness.

    Okay, so Grace can't interact with Duane, but I do buy a pee bush so he has somewhere to pee and sleep, and place the Always Has a Snack Bag outside, so he can eat. If Grace needs to eat, you can just drag it inside. I also purchase a beach towel ($20 simoleons) so he can relax on it.

    During the day, Grace crafts a bathtub, toilet, mirror and two sculptures that she lists on plopsy. She also buys the Nanocan Touchless Trash Can ($1,200 simoleons), which is placed outside for Duane to dispose of his garbage.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Grace gets invited to the Paragon Club and she accepts. Yeah! More friends.

    And the eco guy comes on the lot to inspect the lot to ensure it abides with the NAP. Oh gosh! What is the NAP even? Apparently it is eco-alliances, so I have Grace take a chance and install a water recycler on the toilet. That seems to have done the trick.

    The strawberries are ready, so I just move the planter inside for her to sell them all. One strawberry plant isn't going to get us rich quick. She needs to make some planter boxes and plant more strawberries. In one of her present openings, she got some herbs and also farmer vegetables.

    On Wednesday, Grace has crafted all the woodworking items. It's time to switch to something else. She was lucky to get a tv in a present, and I also purchase a computer for her.

    Programming is next, so she switches to the Computer Whiz aspiration. The goal here is to get her programming maxed so that he can hack and make mods/viruses, and also hack her high school grades to get better grades.

    The house is now at 32 tiles for a micro home.

    And Sidney Price comes by to give Grace a gift. Too bad she can't accept it. Send it to her in the mail Sidney, and she'll be sure to get it then.

    And we finally see the ghost appear as part of the spooky lot trait. But he doesn't go into the house to socialize with Grace. Gah! That is why I did that lot trait. Meanwhile, Grace is suffering from a mood swing and is tense.

    It's now Friday, and Grace starts on painting and a bit of an upgrade to the house with some walls separating the bathroom and the bedroom and the beginning of a kitchen. The huge art piece on the wall she got when she opened a present.

    And there's a pop-up that she likes painting. Any paintings that she makes are sold on plopsy. With a little over $5K simoleons, the house is decorated and almost finished.

    A fence encloses the front yard with a gate admitting no-one. Having made some planters, I switch to the Freelance Botanist and Grace plants some more vegetables and sells them all. The fence was quite expensive and her funds are dwindling.

    And it turns out that Grace likes gardening, too.

    Saturday evening, she has $231 simoleons to her name. I have her start writing a book.

    Grace wrote a children's book, but before publishing it, she switches to Renaissance Sim aspiration and reads it. By reading the book, she can also post a book review on Social Bunny, so afterwards I switch her to Teen Admired Icon and post that.

    She then switches back to the Bestselling Author Aspiration and Self-publishes her book.

    It's now been a week, Grace has $91 simoleons and some gifts to sell, including 2 robot vacuums. Both the front and back yards are fenced, so she is able to go outside.

    She gets a pop-up from Darling Walsh to come over, and of course she can, Darling just can't come in.

    Grace autonomously changed into her Scout uniform, but she can't attend because the gate is locked. And another mood swing.

    Thank goodness for that mirror she crafted so she can give herself a pep talk. So after one week, she has completed her house, the front and back yards are fenced so she can go outside. The main thing now is to make those simoleons.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    And here's how she is doing on the Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration.

    And her skills.

    A little tour of her house. I bought off-the-grid appliances and an off-the grid sink. All her light fixtures are also off-the-grid.
  • SoulGal7's avatar
    Rising Hotshot

    It's Monday, Week 2 and it's raining. I had put an invisible roof over the front and back patios, so Grace can still go outside.

    And she gets some book royalties and also does some hacking.

    And while she gets funds, she also has to pay the bills. Blech!

    Grace continues on her painting and creates a mathematical diagram and gains some logic skill.

    And, Grace paints her first masterpiece! Woot! We are going to keep that one for the kitchen area.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Grace has 3 Scout Badges left to obtain for the Llamacorn Scout award. She decides to work on her Get Fit Badge, and she does a workout from the tv. And she autonomously does some sit ups just to prove that she does like exercise.

    She also does the plumbob dance routine and loves to dance, too.

    She is now a Pegasus Scout and gets the Silver Scout Award. Three badges left to go.

    For the Outdoor Adventurer, she can do some grilling, so I purchase a cheap grill for her and she grills some meals. And that one is now done.

    This must have inspired Grace to do more cooking, and she autonomously makes some pancakes. Oh gosh! Don't burn the house down, Grace.

    And Grace likes cooking, too.

    Two left, the Good Deeds and Sociability. Well, she can take out the trash with the Good Deeds one, but I have to get a regular indoor garbage can to do that. However, I'm not sure she will be able to complete the Sociability badge if the ghost won't talk to her! lol She is going to try her best though.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Speaking about the ghost...later that night, the ghost is in the house cleaning! But it is a different ghost from the last one. In fact, it's the ghost of Gavin Richards, a pre-made sim from Oasis Springs. I wonder how he died.

    Okay, well, here's Grace's chance to chat up the ghost and get that badge. Although she does a valiant effort of chatting with him, he leaves partway through a story she was telling. What? How rude! Well, maybe he will return another night.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    And Grace needs more teen friends. Now, which club has teens that she isn't friends with yet? There's the Renegades, but it's an invite-only club. However, Knights of the Hedge has two teens she doesn't know, Wolfgang Munch and Yuki Behr, and anyone can join. So she joins that one and adds Wolfgang and Yuki to Social Bunny. She does not go to the meeting and just cancels it. Apparently, she now has 11 teen friends, but the Admired Icon Aspiration doesn't recognize them. So, she still doesn't get that task ticked. Ugh!

    Apparently one of the teens she is friends with is a "rascal". I am sure it's Wolfgang Munch. lol So, of course, she likes that type of sim.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    With all the hacking Grace is doing, she has become a Celebrity in Hiding and gets a fame point. I switch her over to World Famous Celebrity and choose Noticeable. This is actually funny, because who is going to notice her when she can't leave her property? Right? I promise, one day Grace, it's going to happen.

    And Grace maxes the Programming Skill.

    There is an option to "hack grades" and right now Grace is sitting with a C grade. She has done her homework and studied for her exam, so let's see if she can hack her grades to get a better grade.

    Oh my gosh! No! She now has a 'D' grade? How did this happen? The good news is that she can do homework and make-up homework to get a tick for the homework portion of the Teen Goal-Oriented Aspiration.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    Another week has passed and she is at Level 3 of the Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration, working her way to make that 75K simoleons.

    And her skills for the week.
  • SoulGal7's avatar
    Rising Hotshot

    I decide to look to see how much longer until Grace's birthday, and realize that her birthday is this week! What? No! A normal lifespan for a teen is 21 days...less than a month! Looking at her funds, Grace may not complete the aspiration. So, desperate times call for desperate measures.

    First, I get her that Attic Stack box, which does not have a cooldown period, but gives you less expensive presents. Every little bit counts now. She gets these three items from her rummaging.

    And more hacking and painting. She is still selling the paintings through plopsy and I had reserved some other masterpieces she had painted, but not now...all those reserve masterpieces are being listed on plopsy. Sell! Sell! Sell!

    And yes, she hacked her grades again...and the bad news is, she now has an F in school. So, I bought her a school project to get her grades up, and she also did her homework for another tick on that Goal Oriented task. I wanted her to have an "A" in school, but she is getting the complete opposite! lol

    She gets her royalties, and, of course, she gets the bills. She had purchased a solar panel, a water collector and a roof wind turbine to help with the bills. In one of the thunderstorms, the water collector got struck by lightning and was unrepairable. I also purchased the frugal trait for her. Her bills aren't bad...but why now? She needs to make funds, not spend them!

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Even with these efforts, I don't think she will make that $200K needed for the aspiration in time. Oh gosh! Instead of hacking, she must have switched to video games. Okay, she likes them.

    And then the computer breaks. Thank goodness she has the handiness skill so she can repair it.

    There might only be one way to get the funds in time. So, I look at her aspiration reward points, and BINGO! she has enough reward points to purchase a money tree seed. But how long does it take for the money tree to bloom those simoleons? Just plant it...and cross your fingers this will work. (I found out that it takes 5 days for a money tree to grow).

    Will this be enough? I have Grace try one more thing. I decide to have her list another outfit on Trendi. Hipster is trending, so she purchases the cheapest hipster outfit. She promotes it to Hot and then lists it for sale on Trendi for $250,000 simoleons. Will she sell that outfit in time? (The wrong outfit is showing in the photo, it is the one above it for $160 simoleons that she purchased).

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Two days before her birthday, and she is in a frenzy. The money tree has not sprouted yet and the outfit has not sold.

    So, she is frantically going from the easel to paint and list paintings for sale on plopsy...

    ...then to the Attic Stack box to rummage for decorations...

    ...opening and Sneaking Presents when ready....

    ....then to the computer to hack funds. And Grace obtained Level 5 of the Entrepreneurial Skill. Yes!

    But then Grace gets a pop-up that's it's Energy Conservation Day! What? Noooo! She needs to keep hacking funds! Well, she can't.

    So, she crafts a bathtub on the woodworking table as she can just sell that, and it's normal quality and she only makes $755 simoleons. Oh gosh! Time is running out. How is she going to make these funds in time?

    And just when Grace thinks all hope is lost...she get a pop-up that Vlad Straud wants to purchase her Trendi outfit! Yes, Vlad is going to save her!

    And as soon as she ships the outfit to him....Boom....she has completed the Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration! Yes! Grace did it! Congratulations!

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    If I was doing this again, I would definitely play on long lifespan.

    Using the money tree (which didn't bloom in time), and asking an enormous price for that last Trendi outfit was a bit "cheaty". I mean, she could have asked $1,000,000 simoleons for her first outfit and she probably would have sold it, but, again, a bit "cheaty". She was lucky, however, that Vlad bought the outfit when he did.

    I would also just sell the paintings to inventory and not list them on plopsy, as there were still a lot of paintings that had not yet sold.

    Instead of trying to complete the Scouting badges, I should have had her focus solely on making simoleons. Like 24-7 focusing on making simoleons.

    Even though at the start making those friendship bracelets didn't get her any simoleons, I wanted her to be able to furnish some of her house with items she had made. And maxing the Handiness skill did help her when her computer broke and needed to be repaired because she wouldn't have been able to call a repairperson to fix that for her, since her door was locked.
  • SoulGal7's avatar
    Rising Hotshot

    Grace was finally free of her "box", and as she heads through the gate, she meets Sofia Bjergsen for the first time. They were Social Bunny friends but had never met.

    Grace exchanges a friendship bracelet with her. It was so good to meet someone for the very first time. And as they chat, Grace also earns her Sociability Badge. There might be a chance that she earns those last two Scout badges!

    Tomorrow is Grace's birthday and also exam day at school. Sofia encourages Grace to attend the exams, as she had studied. Perhaps her grades will go up. Anything is better than an F.

    She also decides that she will hold a birthday party tomorrow after school, so I purchase some items for the backyard. It's going to be epic! She can hardly wait.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Sofia heads off, and Grace decides to work on her last Scout badge and gets it. Woot! Grace is now a Llamacorn Scout and has completed the Scout program. She decides to quit Scouts and joins up with the Cheer Team again.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    The next day, Grace's money tree has bloomed and she gets $11,200 simoleons.

    She also receives her royalties.

    She is also off to her first day of school. And it's also Love Day. Does Sidney Price have a secret crush on Grace?

    Apparently she likes these types of sims.

    She meets so many sims at school who are all eager to meet her for the first time. She misses an opportunity to do that T-pose, as the bell rang just as Grace was about to join. Oh well.

    Grace aces her exams and her grades have gone up to D. Well, better than an F I guess.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Then, it's off to Grace's house for her birthday party. She invited everyone she knew. She autonomously changed into the outfit that she sold that released her from her box.

    I change her into party wear, but now and again, she keeps autonomously changing into that other outfit. Getting down on the dancefloor.

    Oh gosh! Is that a fire starting in the kitchen? Grace quickly repairs whatever is wrong with that stove.

    Kiyoshi and Grace have a birthday toast together.

    Grace has a final dance as a teen with Duane Talla, the teen who had a stay-over at her house for a few days.

    And then it's cake time!

    I randomly choose a trait for her and she gets Creative. I also give her the Friend of the World Aspiration.

    What a Party! And Grace earns Gold.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    A week later is high school graduation. During that time, Grace applied to uni.

    Grace decided to attend Foxbury Institute. She is living in one of the dorms and is in the Biology program.

    Grace is now off to new adventures, and we know that whatever she will set her mind to, she will accomplish! Congrats Grace! You did it!

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    Grace's Final Traits:

    Grace's Final Skills: