2 years agoSeasoned Ace
~ The Basic Rules ~
The One-Tile Box Challenge is a challenge where you start your sim off living in a 1 x 1 tile box with no skills, no job, and no simoleons. Within that box, they have to earn simoleons to survive and expand their box into a small furnished house (bathroom, kitchen, living room and bedroom) before being able to leave that space and venture out into the real sim world.(Disclaimer: This challenge was not created by me, and it appears the challenge may have started in The Sims 1).
~ My Own Additional Rules ~
- Starting as a teen on normal lifespan
- Aspirations can be switched as your sim is working on various areas
- A job will be defined as a career that earns simoleons
- Discovery Quests (Game Options under Tutorials) will be disabled (the ones where you get simoleons for opening the skills panel, etc.)
- Any world and any lot traits can be used
- Your sim may accept random pop-ups of sims visiting you or wanting to have a stay-over at your place, but your sim will be unable to interact with them because they have to remain in their "box"
- Your sim may accept random club invite pop-ups (Get Together); however, your sim cannot travel to the club gathering. You may, of course, hold a club gathering on your property, but must remain in your "box" and will not be able to interact with the club members.
- Your sim may accept or decline random pop-ups or giving or receiving simoleons.
- Your sim cannot accept random invites to travel somewhere, such as attend the opera or a festival, etc.
- The final house will be a micro home of 32 tiles and will be 2 x 2 wide.
- Once the final house is furnished, a fence with a gate will enclose the property, allowing your sim access to the outdoors. They will still not be allowed to travel anywhere, or leave the property.
- Complete the Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration. Once they do that, travel and job restrictions will be lifted and they are free to live their sim life.
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~ Background ~
Grace Crosby is just your average teen. So when her high school science teacher told their class about a government-sponsored "Box Experiment", Grace's interest was piqued. Apparently, they were looking for volunteers to participate in the experiment and the ultimate prize was $200K simoleons and your own home. Grace figured she had nothing to lose, so decided to give it a go and filled out a rather lengthy form. There were some standard questions on likes and dislikes and there was even a question asking if she had an imaginary friend, which was kind of strange. A few days passed and Grace received a call that she had been chosen for the "Box Experiment" and that a car was picking her up to bring her to the experiment site.
As Grace was placed inside the box and the last wall hammered into place, she wondered if signing up for this experiment had been such a good idea.
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Grace Crosby
Traits: Geek, Dance Machine
Aspiration: Teen: Goal-Oriented (Relatable)
No likes or dislikes.
The "Box Challenge" lot:
San Sequoia
Manzanita Terrace (30 x 20 lot), Anchorpoint Wharf Neighborhood. (Empty lot that came with a palm tree).
Lot Traits that come with this lot: Bracing Breezes, Natural Light. These were changed to Penny Pixies, Homey, Natural Light. (These will be changed later on).
Lot Challenge added: Spooky.
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~ The Basic Rules ~
The One-Tile Box Challenge is a challenge where you start your sim off living in a 1 x 1 tile box with no skills, no job, and no simoleons. Within that box, they have to earn simoleons to survive and expand their box into a small furnished house (bathroom, kitchen, living room and bedroom) before being able to leave that space and venture out into the real sim world.(Disclaimer: This challenge was not created by me, and it appears the challenge may have started in The Sims 1).
~ My Own Additional Rules ~
- Starting as a teen on normal lifespan
- Aspirations can be switched as your sim is working on various areas
- A job will be defined as a career that earns simoleons
- Discovery Quests (Game Options under Tutorials) will be disabled (the ones where you get simoleons for opening the skills panel, etc.)
- Any world and any lot traits can be used
- Your sim may accept random pop-ups of sims visiting you or wanting to have a stay-over at your place, but your sim will be unable to interact with them because they have to remain in their "box"
- Your sim may accept random club invite pop-ups (Get Together); however, your sim cannot travel to the club gathering. You may, of course, hold a club gathering on your property, but must remain in your "box" and will not be able to interact with the club members.
- Your sim may accept or decline random pop-ups or giving or receiving simoleons.
- Your sim cannot accept random invites to travel somewhere, such as attend the opera or a festival, etc.
- The final house will be a micro home of 32 tiles and will be 2 x 2 wide.
- Once the final house is furnished, a fence with a gate will enclose the property, allowing your sim access to the outdoors. They will still not be allowed to travel anywhere, or leave the property.
- Complete the Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration. Once they do that, travel and job restrictions will be lifted and they are free to live their sim life.
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~ Background ~
Grace Crosby is just your average teen. So when her high school science teacher told their class about a government-sponsored "Box Experiment", Grace's interest was piqued. Apparently, they were looking for volunteers to participate in the experiment and the ultimate prize was $200K simoleons and your own home. Grace figured she had nothing to lose, so decided to give it a go and filled out a rather lengthy form. There were some standard questions on likes and dislikes and there was even a question asking if she had an imaginary friend, which was kind of strange. A few days passed and Grace received a call that she had been chosen for the "Box Experiment" and that a car was picking her up to bring her to the experiment site.
As Grace was placed inside the box and the last wall hammered into place, she wondered if signing up for this experiment had been such a good idea.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Grace Crosby
Traits: Geek, Dance Machine
Aspiration: Teen: Goal-Oriented (Relatable)
No likes or dislikes.
The "Box Challenge" lot:
San Sequoia
Manzanita Terrace (30 x 20 lot), Anchorpoint Wharf Neighborhood. (Empty lot that came with a palm tree).
Lot Traits that come with this lot: Bracing Breezes, Natural Light. These were changed to Penny Pixies, Homey, Natural Light. (These will be changed later on).
Lot Challenge added: Spooky.
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