Forum Discussion

SimishGamer's avatar
4 years ago

Rags to Riches Mega Challenge ~ UPDATED ~

Rags to Riches Mega Challenge

Are you prepared to do whatever it takes to completely change your sims lifestyle to get them from living in rags, all the way to riches? In this challenge you will find a creative twist on raising to the top. You will also be able to customize most aspects of it to fit your gameplay style in hopes that you don’t feel too stifled by the bulk that sometimes can be overwhelming in challenges like this. Below you will find that some aspects of this challenge are similar to the original but I have since edited it to hopefully be a little less daunting.

In the Rags to Riches Mega Challenge you will have main goals to complete and inside of those goals are steps you must finish before you can start it. In the edited version of this challenge I made optional goals. You no longer are forced to have a family, or get married, or work a traditional job. You can customize the optional challenges based on if you have the packs for them or if that type of gameplay even fits your style. This challenge may look a bit daunting but when you take into consideration that most of the information here are optional goals you can choose to add, it becomes much simpler.

Below you will find that this challenge is broken up into multiple posts to make it a bit easier for you to pinpoint exactly what you are looking for.

This is a bit of the backstory on why this challenge was created. Completely optional to read, feel free to ignore it.
Hello there, I am SimishGamer also known as LadyAlitear on some platforms. I created The Sims 4 Rags to Riches Mega Challenge back in 2017. At the time I had been doing the basic Rags to Riches challenges and hadn’t completed it a single time because I kept losing interest in the middle of it. I had decided one day to go through the forums and look for a new challenge. I scrolled for hours and liked some aspects of other challenges but to be honest none fit how I wanted to play. So I sat down with a pen and paper and decided that I was going to write out a challenge I wanted to play. When I made the original version of R2RMC it was back before Get to Work came out. I edited it to include some of that a while later but then I completely forgot about my challenge.

Years later in 2021 I was part of a streaming community and one of the girls was doing a Rags to Riches challenge on her stream. It seemed familiar to me and I had her post the link. Funny enough that link led me right back to my own page. I quickly read through it since I had forgotten most of the information in it and realized that it was massively outdated and was shaped to fit how I play The Sims. Now, at the time I had not expected that in those few years that I forgot about R2RMC, that it would get as popular as it did. I came back to people asking lots of questions and wanting more out of the challenge since it was so outdated.

It is now 2023 and I have realized even more that with the changes I made in the challenge with the updated post, that it is still structured to fit my gameplay style. I am currently working on restructuring both the main goals and the optional ones. I am also trying to add more onto the optional section as packs continue to be released for the game. I am attempting to rectify some of the questions or things that don’t quite make so much sense to some people. So please if you have any questions or suggestions throw them my way. I am more than happy to answer them.

I would love to see everyone's progress as they go through the challenge! If you have a blog or YouTube channel please share the link and I will put them under this spoiler.

Introduction - Challenge Information and Rules - Main Goals - Optional Goals - Helpful Hints

  • "WifeofBath;c-18129315" wrote:
    I'm very confused by the building requirements. It says that I have to level handiness and logic, which, ok. But then the second requirement is to incur a $1000 noise disturbance fine from the city. But it's an empty lot and the rules expressly say I cannot place anything on my lot until I've started building, so how is my sim supposed to make any noise at all? Also, can you even incur noise disturbances in places other than apartments? It doesn't seem like that's ever happened in any of my other saves. So am i to move into an apartment and then build on my lot once I've met the requirements?

    Also, about the bed. It says you have to place a public sleeping space before you acquire a bed, but again, it also states that you can't place anything on your lot until you've begun building. I really love the idea of a mega challenge, but some of these seems contradictory and therefore confusing. Thanks in advance!

    Okay so basically the noise disturbance is caused by the building of walls. You have to pay the fine before you start building walls as well as meet the other requirements for that section. The disturbance is not something that is triggered in game, it is basically paying a fine for the noise instead of getting a permit to build. You would remove the fine with the money cheat.

    As for the sleeping situation if I remember correctly the rules state that you have to sleep in public places if you want to sleep before you are allowed to place a bed. That means you can sleep on benches or buy a tent from the granite falls area to sleep on a public lot.

  • "whxskers;c-18070924" wrote:
    > @rneuhoff said:
    > > @SimishGamer1 said:
    > >
    > > Making Money
    > > The options listed below seem to be what people think are the best ways to make money without having a career.
    > > • Painting (Find a lot with an easel and begin painting. If you can’t find an easel around town anywhere I suggest placing one in the park or on another public lot.)
    > > • Writing (The library has full access to computers.)
    > I like this challenge, but I'm a little confused about how to make money before getting a career. In this post, you mention making money from selling paintings or writing, but in the rules, we can't make money this way unless we're in that career field. But then there's also a rule that says that we can't keep the money for these things until we've completed all the main goals. Could you clarify.

    I believe what OP is saying is that hobbies like Painting, Writing, and Programming can't be done until you've met the requirements to join that career path. But there are other money making things you can do in the game (finding and selling collectibles ect, Fishing, ect) that you can do that aren't attached to a career that you CAN do. Once you're able to join a career attached to painting, writing, ect THEN you can use those skills to make money. I think OP is trying to offset the fact that these hobbies can be really quick money makers and would make the challenge to simple.

    As for not keeping the money, OP is talking specifically about earning money in clubs. so for example, if your sim is a painter and makes a painting club, you can't keep any of the money you make from making paintings during club meetings until you've completed the main goals of the challenge. Presumably because club perks can enhance the quality of your paintings and such and make them cost more when you sell, thus making the challenge to easy.

    Thank you so much for clearing that up. I will reword it later to make it a bit more understandable.
  • SianneShep's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    If I am using a woodworking table on a public lot to improve my handiness skill, am I allowed to sell the objects that I make?

    Thanks :smile:
  • Each time I build, will I have to pay $1,000 to the city for noise disturbance (and $500 for a blueprint for any outdoor building?)