Haunted House Build Kit - Victorian Architecturehttps://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_original/qmlxjxfvuccnfhqq8cdg.jpg Staircase (Interior) w/ broken spindles & worn rug Railings to match the stairs Broken & Boarded Windows Broken Shutters Broken Conservatory Window & Windowed Ceiling pieces Distressed pillar Fireplace that is VERY sinister looking. Perhaps with grotesques or wolves carved into it. Brick texture for walls that seems old and worn intended for Chimneys & Foundations Chimney Top to match the brick intended for chimneys and foundations Spooky 2 tile front door, backdoor and single & double tile interior doors and archways - If you can make the two tile interior door a pocket door so much the better Gate & Fencing Gates will get a new Upgrade - Creaking Gate, Lubricated Gate. So we can have a bit of ambiance noise for scary places.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foUyyBM2ins Porch Screening & Porch Screen Door in both intact and deteriorated versions Roof Mossy Slate texture with missing shingles Mossy or vine covered shingled siding Halloween/Spooky Day Supplemental Party Pack Apple Bobbing Tub https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/e6770b2827e3a3bec7912fb44eb79e5c.jpg Buffet Table for Spooky Day Classic Movie Monster Costumes - Accessories, Clothing, Makeup & Hair Bride of Frankenstein - Especially the Hair and chin stitches https://journeysinclassicfilm.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/bridefrankenstein.jpg?w=1200 Dracula - Bela Lugosi version Frankenstein's Monster - Boris Karloff version - definitely with the neck electrodes Invisible Man The Mummy Imhotep - Boris Karloff version & Anck-es-en-Amon, Zita Johann version Phantom of the Opera - Lon Chaney version Vampira - Maila Nurmihttps://i.pinimg.com/originals/19/03/de/1903de7cc3049dac033f45e81f1a9692.jpg The Wolfman - Lon Chaney Jr. version Masks Venetian Masks Commedia Dell Arte - Masquerade Party Masks https://i.pinimg.com/originals/01/63/5d/01635d5186acfa457be9ed16a3623229.jpg Bauta Columbina Medico Della Peste Moretta Pantalone Volta Zanni