5 years agoSeasoned Ace
Rebuilding Worlds Vol. 2
Welcome one and all to volume 2 of the Rebuilding Worlds Challenge! This challenge has gone through a few different renditions and has been going on in one way or another since 2010! With Volume 2 you will get to explore new worlds but not without a little challenge and of course storytelling — after all what's the point, right? So let's dive in:
Starter Guide
- Select one of the premade founding couples and move into the founder's plot for the world of your choosing. Create your own founders for San Sequoia and Henford-on-Bagley
- When a sim is born you must use the randomizer for their traits, aspirations and even careers.
- Choose a skill from one or both of your founders to pass on to the heir for the 9 next generations.
- Each generation you will need to build a home and pick Floor Plan A or B to recreate. Additions are allowed and feel free to change any colors!
Founding Couples
The Greene Founders
The U'halu Founders | Version 2
Strangerville Founder Options pick one to start
OPTION 1- Pollination Tech 9