OH @Mionax sorry I didn't tag you! I knew I would miss some people but I hoped you'd all find it especially with @OJenn 's new signature. I'm planning to change mine to direct here too so that should help. I love how you styled the founders. Super cute I love that sweater! Also, I love your floor plan! oooo the freelancer career! I keep thinking I'm going to do that one, but I haven't yet! Oh I never saw that gross air moodlet while I've been playing. Very interesting! Oh I like your laundry room. I like seeing Aiyden on his work day and then running home for lunch. Aww poor Iris and her fruit salad.
@OJenn Oooo I love the new house! I've been looking at that leaf paper you used in the bedroom trying to decide where I would use it. Oh that's so fun seeing Aiyden's face after experimenting with his fabricator. He looks so happy. OH the insect farm! I can't wait to see how that works out for you. I'm afraid of it if I'm honest!
@Heckstress17 Woot so glad to see you back. I love the new house. You did a really good job getting it to match. House tour! I love how colorful it is! Your entry way is beautiful! I love the living room / dining room shot. Oh I've done that with the fridge before too. Isn't it a bummer when you're like...but no I like this! I wish you could hide them in the cabinets more. Oh well. You always remember to put in pipes and stuff and I love that. I love everything. I'm looking in the bedroom and master bath now and OMG so good! I love that toddler bed too! My current toddler is using it. Can't wait to see what's next.
@PeculiarPlumbob Welcome to the challenge! Feel free to ask any questions. Don't get overwhelmed. Everyone here is super friendly and nice but if you ever want to take questions offline you can message me. I'm a firm believer though that if you have a question probably someone else does too :)
@JordanNicoleJJ I love how you styled your founders :) I think your house looks great. I love how you described your picture as hiding the flaws...you know I always talk about that ugly side of the house :) OH and that comment was before I got to your "fixed" version! It really looks so good. You should be proud of it :) I can't wait to see how you decorate it :) Ahhh! First update! I loved you showing them going to vote on the community action plans and then setting up the garden. I love that so much. Your picture with the smog was so good! It's good Iris already knows to send him packing when hit hot headedness takes over! Awww first nooboo of the new challenge! I love it. Oh I'd like to say I couldn't believe Aiyden got eaten by the cowplant but really I totally can! I'm glad he survived though. I'm also glad their relationship recovered from the tension the incident created. The house is looking great. I love how it's coming along. Haven is so cute, and I love his name. Look at him in that little hat! So cute!!
@OJenn @Heckstress17 @JordanNicoleJJ @Mionax Originally I thought I would play Lia and have her move to Brindleton Bay but seeing what you all are doing and liking the point that we're all in the same place...I have decided to keep her in Evergreen Harbor. If I could tear myself away from the story I would also change founders to be in sync with you all but I can't. I hope you won't mind that I use a different set of founders. I'll be looking at plans A and B though and figuring out what house I want to build. I guess I should probably keep the story in the other thread until she meets Heath. There's a little bit of wrap up I need to do to get her there. If I can get in one post though I'll put it here :)
Also just wanted to let you know I've been having a rough time. I lost a dog at the beginning of the month and I'm losing a cat too. The dog was old age and the cat is kidney disease. I just wanted to let you know why I haven't been around much. I'm really looking forward to this challenge though so expect content soon!