@Heckstress17 We must have posted at the same time yesterday because I didn't see your post util this morning! That's ok though I love sims on a weekend morning with my coffee. Your pictures always look so dimensional. Everything seems bright and poppy. I'm jealous! I just love that first picture of them hugging with the smoggy background and the bike in the yard. I love Knox. Lia met him while she was at college. He came to her dorm to talk. I imagine that is how she ended up in Evergreen. Oooo look at Aiyden being grumpy! Wow the eyes! Iris was probably smart to go for a walk but how annoying! Wow not nice! What could he possibly have to insult sweet Iris about? Wow! Look at that lab!! It looks so bright! Unlike the "regular" lab. Yes I've noticed that as well about no collectibles in Evergreen Harbor. Seems like they made a mistake there but maybe it was just too much with everything else going on? I've never seen any in Brichester either. I really want to know what you called him that EA flowered out. I'm glad to see the couple was feeling better. They'll have to keep working on the friendship though! Oh they are :) Excellent, and good job being nice to Knox. I love her garden space. I can't wait to give Lia a new garden space in her new founder house when she gets there. I've really enjoyed her big garden. Oooo that restaurant is so nice! Oh I love the rain picture too. She looks so happy. Haha your wrap up pictures made me laugh! Poor Iris haha. Poor you with the laundry piles!