@JordanNicoleJJ - Yessss be my FB friend! I messaged you :mrgreen: lol I loved your comment you left during work. I'm glad you and @Mionax cleared up the clothing piles thing for me, so thank you! I'm having issues with the bug box too. It wasn't "producing" very often for me, and then one day all the crickets just up and died despite being fed regularly? I've been searching for the digging hole with no luck. Maybe next time your in game you can take a pic of it. I'm getting pretty annoyed with having to travel to other worlds to look for collectibles. Though having Iris in the Scientist career is pretty sweet since the lab lot spawns like 10+ rocks everyday :lol: No fossils so far though. I've got Aiyden in the Green Tech career too. He's making pretty good money, but I've been playing catch up with his Logic and Fabricator skills to get him a promotion. I've got another question for you. Do you know how he can come up with his own green concept? I think it's called that. He needed to do that for work one day but I couldn't figure out how. But yeah I'm pretty glad I didn't end up using the empty world save. I like that there's townies to befriend
use for influence points and it's cool to see the community center change with the different NAPs etc. Haha thanks for recognizing my genius about the scientist career :lol: In all honesty It's more like my stupidity for not realizing she had a degree in botany :joy: But yes I really like the new
Science Lab I downloaded. It's much much better then the default one. I'm down to ignore real life responsibilities and binge the sims! Just let me know when we start lol
@debjameswhite - We must've posted at the same time, cause I didn't see your post until later either. As always thanks for the compliments on my post :heart: I've definitely missed posting and playing. And I'm happy to have given you something to read over your morning coffee. I'm not surprised to hear Lia met Knox too. The guy is always around, but I don't mind because he's quickly become one of my fav townies. I don't know what Aiyden's deal is, but Iris has seemingly accepted that this is just how he is, so as long as she can roll with it, so can I. Plus his mood swings are very entertaining lol Ah, I think you might be right about Evergreen Harbor and forgotten spawners. It's been a pain to walk the neighborhood and never find a single rock or frog. Anyway, I appreciate you recapping for us. It helped quickly catch me up on some of what I missed. I really like Lia. She reminds me so much of one of the mates we use to have but I can't remember exactly who. Anyway, she's a cutie. Her and Jay growing apart makes sense, but I can't help but think she deserves better then being a single Mom. I understand her frustration toward her Dad talking with Jay but I'm glad they came to an agreement for their daughter's sake. The toddler spam was great :heart: you're giving me sim baby fever :lol: Though I don't think you said what her name was? Or if you did I missed it. I'm excited to see how seemingly homeless stranger plays a roll in her life though.
@OJenn - I'm loving all these updates too :blush: I thought Iris had the perfect aspiration for Evergreen Harbor, I'm still shocked that nothing seems to spawn there. Oh well, we're all making due. And I'm playing on normal lifespan. :smile: