@Heckstress17 Poor Iris quitting her job for Silas and he's a daddy boy! It's nice to see Aiyden being a good day. Aww poor Iris feeling so sick during her entire pregnancy. Good thing Aiyden stepped up for his honey! Awww poor Iris passing out at the end of her pregnancy. haha really Aiyden? You want to flirt now? I've been having problems at the hospital lately too. I've just been staying home. I think I'll try again though when Lia and Heath finally have nooboos. hehe poor Aiyden he does look like he is thinking "Wait!! Where are you going??" Wow! two single births!! Amazing!! Congrats on getting one of each and a toddler happy about a new sibling! It's awesome! I thought the window was a picture at first and I was wondering what picture it was from and then i realized those were the waterfalls. Oh wow, what a cutie he is! I can't wait to see what he looks like as a teen! So far so good on the traits! I love his room. You always do such a great job decorating. Fawn is such a cutie! I love her hair. OH Aiyden. I meant to remind people about that hot headed trait. I hate it for just that reason. Poor little Fawn. Why do they always have to take it out on the dollhouse? Aww look at Silas with his little sister. It's so adorable! Yay big brother! It's nice to see Aiyden actually knows what you are supposed to do with a dollhouse. I don't blame you for favoring him. He is such a cutie and I forgot this was the wildcard generation! I can't wait to see who's out there in my game!! hehe I don't think I've had a wildcard in forever!! I'm so glad you shared the styled pics. I love seeing the outfits.
@JordanNicoleJJ I'm so sorry about losing Bowie. They have other babies they need to focus on I guess. Hooray congrats on your baby girl! I love that name. I like Haven's big boy room. Haha I love your caption on his excited game face! Haha I was thinking the same thing about Ulysses as you! Aiyden? Can you comment? Awww Eden is a little cutie too and look at her adorable outfits! Ooo your community gargen looks so nice! Oh that's a good idea to get some gallery families. Especially with the wildcard mate in our future. I like his adult makeover. Haha poor Haven being embarrassed by his little sister. It's so cute thinking he has a little crush on Suri. Eden aged up so cute! I love her. I love her hair and her outfits are adorable. I love both of their rooms, they're so good!
@Mionax @Heckstress17 @JordanNicoleJJ @OJenn The skill was intended, but I totally think it's ok if you want to pass on a trait as well. I know I'm planning for all my heirs to be gardeners because I need them to but I'm also think "loves the outdoors" might be a trait I pass along too. The intention though was to pass on a "hobby/skill".