@Heckstress17 Awww look at the kids making friends! I really need to build a community lot for kids to hang out at in my game. I think your park looks great! But I know what you mean, building parks - especially on a small lot - are the bane of my existence :tongue: OMG Fawn is so pretty! :love: And she got the good trait :heart: I adore her outfits, especially the cream dress with the cute lil strawberry necklace. Ya'll are really making me want to use cc hair again too...why must you tempt me :bawling: Fawn totally strikes me as a social butterfly. I feel bad for Silas, but it's so funny that she keeps stealing his friends lol. That pic of Fawn with the doctor set :heart: Yes yes yes totally make her a doctor! It fits her good trait perfectly already :blush: Girl the bed monsters are plaguing me too. I'm one more interrupted sleep away from putting those big ugly "anti-monster" lights all over their rooms lol. The last pic :heart: :heart: Those kids are too cute. And I love those cc eyes :love: