I'd like an updated chemistry system but I also want to be able to override it most of the time if I decide that two sims really ought to get together. I'm very cool with more randomness, unpredictability and complexity.
I really like the suggested idea of building up all relationships, not just romantic ones. Romance needs freshening up but it'd good to see more ways to interact as well as "memories". More distinction between friends and acquaintances, more value to relationships of all types is what I'd like to see. Sims should care about what happens with and to each other.
If I'm really thinking about it, I'd like sims to be able to ascribe value to certain other relationships such as family, friends and romantic interests. They can do that with traits and aspirations. I'd just like to layer in some complexity. You should be able to determine to what degree a given sim wants friends, romantic partners, children, extended family and maybe a public personality (for those who want to do community service, be famous, go into politics, etc). You kind of can but it would be good to add depth there.
In terms of romance, I'd like sims to be able to have different personalities in romance. Maybe these would be like the character values. They would value different characteristics and they would have different tendencies. Then it's a matter of getting along with other sims who are like them or who are different.
As for letting sims have a type, sure, I want that as long as I can also throw it out the window. I sometimes play sims who might think they know what their type is and then they meet the sim they really want to be with and it just clicks. It all falls into place. I guess that's how I think it usually works, on a deeper level anyway.
I think these ideas would go a long way toward making sims not all seem the same. Yes, I think there should be online dating as an option too.