I would love an Afterlife EP like in the survey. Cloudlands & lava pit (my names) depending on if the ghosts were good or bad. Ghosts released from the sim world could go to one of these. Cloud houses and fire houses depending on where the ghost goes. More grim interactions including procreation, his house, goth clothes, ect. Mean sims could try to become Grim. Cemeteries, funeral services(picking out of flowers/urn or stone/minister or other/reading of the will/urn and stone in cemetery or at your sim's home), wills(ability to make one and get stuff from one; or perhaps some random sim thinks you should get something from them or money), urns/tombstones/rocks/double headstones for soulmates(poor, fancy, wooden, rickety, intricate, old, ect.). Ghosts could be added to and playable. Ability to go to sim world and cause trouble, which seems fun to me even though my sims are really never mean.