Forum Discussion

Eillas's avatar
5 years ago

sentiments (expanded)

Hello, since it seems that sentiments include base and snowy escape. Let's throw some ideas in for other pack sentiments

sentiment for defeating the mother plant from strangerville.

Home invasion to feed, forcibly changed. changed with permission, permission granted to feed. feed without permission
Realm of magic
Bonding over dueling, or grudge from duel. bonding over potion making. bitter about spells.
  • SnaveXs's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    Get Famous sentiments

    1) Celebrity/Fan interaction
    2) Winning and Losing Awards
    3) Fan reaction to Celebrity death

    My favorite celebrity Judy is actually rude in person. ??

    I can't even enjoy a nice day out with my family without being bothered. ??

    Why did Judy win best actress award. I should have won. ? ?

    I know I lost but I am genuinely happy for Judy winning the award. ??

    Bella should have won that award. ?? (Kanye West, third person, audience member perspective)

    My favorite celebrity Bella died today. I remember when she signed my autograph. ??

  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    Yes, this interesting feature needs to be expanded.
    After all, there are pets, clubs, active jobs, universities, and many more to have sentiments about.

    There are so many possibilities!
  • I want more sentiments special to twins and siblings!! Could relate to parenthood.
  • alan650's avatar
    New Spectator
    I am IN LOVE with the sentiments system! It has breathed depth into so many of my characters! What is crazy is that it's read my mind a few times in the direction I was going to go with my Sims! For example, I was going to have two girls jealous of each and competing for the same man and they quickly developed the "bitter" and "festering grudge" sentiments without that much trying which is exactly the dynamic I wanted. Every time the 2 are around each other they have a variety of negative moodlets and autonomous reactions often towards each other. They both have the jealous trait too. I am convinced that certain traits make specific sentiments quicker to attain. MORE OF THIS PLEASE! :)
  • Realm of Magic

    So usually your sim gets a confident emotion buff after defeating someone, and this can be true even in a normal human fight, or a vampire fight, however There should be a sentiment after You win at Heated duel even if it's verses someone who is more powerful than your sim and Is your sim's enemy there should be a sentimental feeling when your sim finishes them off.
  • Clubs-
    "I could do better", from when a sim has a negative interaction or relationship with the club leader, or witnesses the club leader doing a banned activity. Might autonomously complain about the club leader. Will become happy if they replace the leader.
    "Inspirational leader" from a positive interaction or relationship with the club leader or witnessing the leader doing a club activity. Might autonomously talk about the club positively.
    "Club-mate", positive, feeling connected to another sim because you're in a club with them
    "Troublemaker" the club leader can get this when having a negative interaction or relationship with a club member or witnessing a club member doing a banned activity.
    "Life of the club" the club leader can get this towards club members.
    "Overzealous" a sim feels intimidated by another club member's skills or dedication to the club.
    "Rival Club" between sims in clubs with the good reputation vrs. bad reputation rewards as well as clubs that have being mean to each other or have banned friendliness with the other club. It's harder to make sims from rival clubs friends
    Bad reputation: a sentiment from meeting a sim from a bad reputation club
    Good reputation: from meeting a sim from a good reputation club
  • Several more ideas:

    For any sort of competition (chess, city living festrivals, dance battles, card games, etc) or fight (including vampire and caster duels), though the positive ones can only show up for friendly competitions:

    Worthy Opponent: From competing against a sim with similar skills. Both the winner and loser can get this sentiment. When around the opponent, this sim might get a happy buff that suggests a desire for a rematch. This sim gets increased social gains with the opponent as well as very slightly higher skill gains because they're feeling challenged. Sims with negative relationships to each other aren't likely to get this.

    In Your Face!: From the winner towards the loser. The winner gets a confident buff when they're around the loser. When they have this buff, they can rub the loser's nose in it, brag about victory, victory dance, and cheer. If a child or teen sim does these interactions, they lose empathy. Evil sims, childish sims, bros, mean sims, self-assured sims, insensitive, uncontrolled emotions, and self-absorbed sims are more likely to get this sentiment. Hates Children sims are more likely to only if playing against a child sim. Sims with negative relationships to each other are more likely to get this than acquaintances or sims with positive relationships. Child and teen sims are more likely to get this than YA or older ones.

    Sore Winner: A sim can get this when a sim with the In Your Face! sentiment uses one of the unique interactions from that sentiment on them. They occasionally get a small tense moodlet around the winner and always gets one when playing a game/dueling with the winner.

    No Fair!: The loser can get this towards the winner. The loser gets an angry buff that gives them unique interactions. You Must've Cheated!, Demand Rematch, You Got Lucky. If a child or teen sim does these interactions, they lose emotional control. Evil sims, childish sims, jealous sims, perfectionists, self-assured sims, self-absorbed sims, uncontrolled emotions, and paranoid sims are more likely to get this sentiment. Sims with negative relationships to each other are more likely to get this than acquaintances or sims with positive relationships. Child and teen sims are more likely to get this than YA or older ones.

    Sore Loser: A sim can get this when a sim with the No Fair! sentiment uses one of the unique interactions from that sentiment on them. They occasionally get a small tense moodlet around the winner and always gets one when playing a game/dueling with the loser.

    Noob!: "That wasn't even a challenge. (Sim) isn't going to want to play with this sim until they git gud" Chance of happening when two sims with a big gap in skill levels face off. The higher-leveled one can get this sentiment. The higher-leveled sim can get embarassed, bored or angry when playing with/fighting the "noob". Relationship gains between the two will be slowed and the higher-leveled sim will get lower skill gains because they're not getting a challenge. This sim gets some special interaction- mean: criticize skills (reduces empathy) friendly: explain techniques AGAIN (reduces emotional control). Bros, geeks, geniuses, perfectionists, mean sims, evil sims, insensitive sims, uncontrolled emotions sims and self-assured sims are more likely to get this sentiment. Most sims are unlikely to get this towards teens or children, unless both opponents are children or teens. Hates Children sims, on the other hand, are more likely to get this towards children.

    Intimidating Opponent: Chance of happening when two sims with a big gap in skill levels face off. The sim with lower skills can get this sentiment.

    I'll edit this to continue later

  • I would love to see more sentiments related to earlier packs, but its impossible. EA would never spend money updating an old pack for free. Thats why we lack more icons for the holidays/clubs as well as the newer traits being added to the club requirements options.