@Busmover50 , many people use the Sims as therapy! While you don't have to need therapy or have a chronic illness or injury to enjoy the Sims, you will find that many people of many ages use the Sims as a tool for these reasons! 🥰
Thank you for your service and I'm sorry you have to go through PTSD! 😭 That is an awful thing to have to go through! I'm very happy the Sims can help you deal with that!🥳
I find that when I have a terrible day or week, etc, playing the Sims is the only thing to get me out of a negative headspace! 🥳 I don't have as hard a time as PTSD, but I do have an autoimmune disease, ADHD , and a few more things. I know others will various problems as well that love the Sims!
I mainly make Sims and Families, and then play them. I am not the best builder, and while I could learn , that would take a lot of time from me making Sims and telling their stories! But because I don't build often, I am always downloading other people's builds from the Gallery! 😃 (My best building was a tiny house I did! I think my mistake is building large houses and I don't know how to do those properly! )
@simsplayer818 , so sorry for your spinal problem! That sounds painful !😣 It can be hard to stay still when you are injured! I'm glad the Sims can help you! 🥳
@Busmover50 Your park looks so lush! 😃 And that kitty clinic is too adorable!!! 😻🥰
I'm going to have to download y'all's buildings! Are all of these on the Gallery?