This is probably the world where I, personally, struggle to find something to really change, as any change means loss of residential lots of which there are far too few. I do love the look and feel of Britechester though, and really which they had made it a bigger world. But I do look forward to seeing what people have made of what there is.
As I said, I struggle to find something to really change here, other than improve on what is already there. So on the surface, my Britechester looks like it always has (with Plumbob's map replacement to make that always so much prettier).
The one major change I've made in town is to make the two smaller dorm-buildings residential, as that was what I missed most in town. After trying to play them as dorms once, I realised that for me, those two houses didn't feel like a dorm, but more like home, but with all the downsides of a dorm (no stove, long time to get to class), as well as all the downsides of your student living at home (not feeling as if you're in the mix of student life). Turning these two into something else felt like an easy decision.
I am especially proud of my make over for the Foxbury one:
I tried to keep with the mid-century modern feel of the house and I have to say I like what I got. At one point it would be interesting to actually play the house. As it is I have reserved it for those in the teacher career, thinking living here is a perk that comes with the job.
Otherwise my fixes are mostly to the interior of the houses, like adding thermostats everywhere so that no one freezes to death inside their dorms or need to sit with jackets on in the library. In each of the dorms I've added tables for having dinner or studying, a research computer, some games for socialising. Generally just trying to give people more things to do in the dorm. It looks a bit different in different dorms, but here is one example from Tidal tower:
The large table creates the ability to call to meal when someone brings in food (as they do) which makes time for socialisation. It's also a good study spot.
One of the buildings I've changed most in is actually Larry's Lagoon (the Foxbury Commons), turning it into a high tech study hall with lots more options for both study and play than there was before:
The food area has been made bigger and I've added a bar for possible parties:
I've added foosball table and a movie theatre size TV:
Upstairs I've added more computers and research computers:
I also added a debate podium, for why should Britechester be the only university who can debate things?
I added more technical equipment, such as a microscope, the weather machine, the scientist station and analyser and more robot building stations throughout.
And finally a telescope on the balcony:
I've added a few things to Darby's Den as well, but not nearly as much as there wasn't as much empty space to fill there. But in general, the commons are where my students are most when in uni, so they are now equipped with the things they need.
Another building where I added a lot of things is the library:
First of all an observatory outside (as well as some yoga mats for classes):
I also added some gardening boxes for biology sims to build their gardening skills on:
As well as some outdoor chess-tables and study tables for summer, spring or early fall students. Inside there are more research machines and computers, but most of the changes are to the upper floor where I added things like an archaeology table, a robot making station and a scientists lab. All in the name of knowledge.
Other than these changes I added a dancefloor and some games to the pub, and that's pretty much it. I haven't touched any of the other buildings yet, so I really look forward to seeing what everyone else has done with Britechester.
I like what you have done with those two homes JAL. I haven't touched them. I looked at them once. I will do something about them eventually.
Most of what I've done was related to Britechester Campus. I love that school and have played it the most. I played Drake and Wyvern dorms and realized very quickly that they would need a very extensive makeover. I did not like the public spaces and did not like where the elevator was placed. I would find I was often surprised by sims that I did not see enter the dorm or sims that have left.
The dorm made me want to send my sims to the Student Commons, but that wasn't a fun lot to play either.
I like having active dorms. I want the public spaces to be fun and I like to put in social and skill objects that support education and dorm life.
Anyway, on to my changes. OMG, this is going to be a long post.
My intent with my Drake and Wyvern renovations was to make the two dorms unique to each other. Drake has a darker theme and is designed to support sims pursing a standard degree. It supports science with fun objects. Wyvern has a lighter theme, supports sims going for a Distinguished degree, and has objects for the arts. Both have 8 beds.
I would need to have two levels. One for study spaces and the other for rooms and student entertainment.
The lower level is for studies and skill activities.
The upper level is for recreation, privacy and sleeping. Dormies will still be pigs.
This dormie has some unfortunate CC CosPlay footwear.
Right this way.
We will give her some new sports wear too.
She likes it.
Now that my dorms were updated, the Student Commons really needed some attention. 1st floor, cafeteria and student lounge for socializing and debates. Plus an additional rest room.
2nd floor. -West: Study area -Center: Chess, poetry reading and comedy routines, desk for homework -East: Game room, plus easels for art students.
Basement -Bowling ally, and a bar that does not get a mixologist NPC
Bowling did not come with University, but I feel it should have. Probably because I used it so much in TS3 University.
Gibbs Hill I made major changes here because I needed a place to locate my Uni prep-school for teens. I also wanted to put in some Foxbury and Britechester themed student stores.
I love my Uni prep-school. I get to have a half dozen of the world's teen under one roof and it serves as a great Uni rotation point. A library used to be here. I moved it to Windenburg.
It's basically a house, but instead of parents, there is a school student counselor and school administrator.
The intention of these lots is to have access to certain items while your sim is locked out of buy-mode during their time at University, or have access to items that are difficult to acquire by normal game play. The Prices are more expensive than buy mode. You can have someone own the shop and reduce the price, but it will still be more expensive than buy mode. The point is accessibility through game play instead of cheats. You can also purchase themed clothing, or set up your own styled looks.
This is Britechester's student store.
Did you forget something before packing your sim off to Uni? Or maybe there is something here that you did not know you needed. There are plenty of inventory based items here to explore.
Foxbury. The same store, but with a Foxbury theme.
Custom Dorms I love custom dorms built from scratch. Unfortunately mine tend to be large and Britechester has no large lots. I really wanted them in Britechester, but I had to go outside of Britechester. I just consider them and extension to the schools.
I can't play Uni without the dorm I created for The Sims 2 University. Huge nostalgia feelings. I located it in the Windenburg countryside. It feels like it's close to Britechester.
1st Floor: -Foyer -Dinning Hall (The cafeteria object has been removed since it's not needed) -Library/Study -Science Lab -Greenhouse -West Wing: Arts area -East Wing: Fitness and Wellness
3rd Floor: -Sealed magic chamber (sorry, no potion making) Teleport to get inside -"I solemnly swear I am up to no good" storage room. -Movie night theater -Party Lounge
I've only started playing my Foxbury dorm recently. The only location I had left was Brindleton Bay.
Ooh, I love to see what people have done! Here's mine, there's not massive changes:
The dorms, I just re-did the insides a bit. My Darby's Den is by @CK213 so you have already seen that above ;) Pepper's Pub is by @ehaught58 except that I added a phone box in the corner... cos... Bristol lol.
The library, I recreated from Sunset Valley in TS3:
Downstairs: Kind of a reception area for greeting new/prospective students: (for storytelling screenshots)
Play room:
TV room:
@CK213 wow, you've put so much thought and effort into Britechester! I'm impressed. @elanorbreton that canteen looks so realistic. I love it! @tatselk I love the Oxbridge touch, and really like the idea of Darby's Den having more space and things like music rooms and the likes. I tend to prefer Foxbury because I like the commons much more. Maybe I'll have another go at fixing Darby's Den.
"JAL;c-18134806" wrote: @CK213 wow, you've put so much thought and effort into Britechester! I'm impressed. @elanorbreton that canteen looks so realistic. I love it! @tatselk I love the Oxbridge touch, and really like the idea of Darby's Den having more space and things like music rooms and the likes. I tend to prefer Foxbury because I like the commons much more. Maybe I'll have another go at fixing Darby's Den.
I am putting a lot of sims through university, so I've had plenty of time to think about it. :) @tatselk Britechester Academy fits in so well with Britechester Architecture.
@JAL Thanks! I do prefer the original Foxbury commons to the original UBrite one.
But I hardly ever play on the Foxbury campus since the routing issues with the terrain means that my Sims are perpetually late for everything/travelling to and fro. -_-''
hangout was made into soccer field instead cause I really wanted one (but also I do wonder if i should find a way to add basement cause... weather) as for the dorms they are identical in exterior I don't think i changed much and also the dorms layouts are kinda same but I furnished them little bit differently (I still need to test routing and all tho cause I haven't been to uni much yet :sweat_smile:) and then theres the house lot that i changed into more camping vibe when I was playing my BFF Incident insides are kinda hard to take pics of but basically its just rooms and toilet oh and cowplant is still there :lol:
hangout is pretty similar i can't remember what i edited about exterior but i did simplify it bit i think insides was changed completely wanted it to feel more school like downstairs has like big cafeteria and some hangout space with stage for graduation parties aaand as for the house lot i just edited it somewhat to feel more like party place and I saw someone did similar layout for first floor which i liked so i shamelessly copied :lol: additional building is just for any skill items i may need the dorms are again somewhat identical but also not one of them is more complete than other I am still considering what i could change for the less complete one I think I might do some couple beds or something
except kicked out pleasants cause they live in windenburg now with their parents and i did make this shell before but idk if i will just build yet another house on that lot and suffer will eventually attempt to build some stuff in center too though lots here kind of frustrate me
@Simmingal I love that football pitch (soccer field) you made. If Sims could only play a real match on it, that would be even better. I suppose they can juggle the ball, either alone or with someone else, there. Still, it's a great creation. :)
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