I was inspired by the "show me your Newcrest" post, and thought it would be fun if we showed each other all our worlds and what we've done with them. All worlds in one post, however, would be way too ...
Oasis Springs is a special world in my game, being the only world where I have assigned a lot the "Pool" lot type (other worlds with pools have them in their gyms). It's also the only world where I have a lot assigned lot type of "Museum" and the Desert Bloom Park is one of the most family friendly parks I have set up as well.
For renovations, every single lot in the world has been renovated, but most of the residential still maintain a similiar, if not identical, exterior appearance. Commercial lots however got complete and total renovations. In the Mirage Canyon neighborhood, the museum was replaced by a lovely 2 story spa and the Solar Flare lounge was rebuilt from the ground up to be larger and fancier. Burners and Builders gym was demo'd and a new Public outdoor pool was constructed in it's place and Rattlesnake bar was significantly upgraded to be a more upscale experience.
The Desert Bloom Park is the most family friendly park in my game, with activities for the entire family, including toddlers. It it is one of the more heavily visited parks in my game as well, in part because of this and also because the weather in Oasis Springs is just more conducive to year-round activity.
The Bedrock Strait neighborhood is still residential, with most of the homes resembling the originals with renovations. The largest renovations were Slipshod Mesquite, which has had a few additional trailers added and Agave Abode and the Nookstone which got some pretty major exterior renovations alongside the interior ones. Sandtrap Flat was also torn down entirely, to make room for the new town museum whose original location was displaced by a spa. The end result is that the neighborhood is far more upscale, overall, than it was originally.
In the Parched Prospect Neighborhood, Springscape was demolished to make room for a new Diner for a budget dining experience, while the rest of the neighborhood remains largrly unchanged.
And the Skyward Palms neighborhood is still the same wealthy neighborhood as always, with just the addition of the Arid Ridge Nightclub (on the previously empty lot). This neighborhood is home to the Caliente family.