Don't forget the crossword/puzzle page as another way to build Logic, and career listings (I want the old system back where every job wasn't immediately available).
Could also add in things like classified ads for finding a blind date or purchasing used items for a discount (some items might be broken/dirty on receipt).
Maybe ads/coupons for retail shops or market stalls having sales would allow you to visit and buy things at a discount. Add in haggling for even further discounts on stalls.
Maybe ads/coupons for venues would allow discounts on drinks, food or invite sims to special events with relevant celebrities (book signing with author, small concert with musician).
Coupons for free/reduced price home services and deliveries.
Weather reports for all the worlds.
Also the ability to subscribe to magazines/periodicals for various hobbies, skills and careers. These could be fun to read if you have a preference for a related subject, give career boosts if you work in a related field and even boost skill gains.
So many options.
However, I'd also like a digital version of newspapers and periodicals via tablets.