@CathyTea: Oh, I can't wait to read your TLS challenge! I bet it'll be as much fun to write it as it will be for others to read it haha.
I was only about 30-sim minutes in my game when one Sim caught on fire in another Sim's "house", trying to cook scramble eggs. Thankfully he didn't die, but he did ruin the stove and the counter. After the fiasco was over I ordered the third Sim to cook ... and he headed into the house with the ruined stove and counter to prepare his meal! Hahaha, what illogical thinking :pensive:
I got the rules over at mod the sims: modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=535355
It only has rules/objectives for up to 6 generations though (there is a 7th but it's not as detailed as the others). I haven't decided yet whether I'll stop at those 6 generations or if I'll try and make up my own challenges to try and make it the traditional 10 generations.
Thanks, that means a lot! I should have a chapter up today as I'm about to play now ... I have so much planned for CeeCee, but she has so little time left, it's quite stressful, but exciting at the same time, hehe ^^