Forum Discussion

shyladysimmer's avatar
2 years ago

Sims 4 Suggestions for BASE GAME

  • for part of the Sim Profile , I would like to see . See previous Jobs, in the Career/School section.
  • Redo the hairs and clothes. Don’t update them, redo them.

    All hairs get the same texture and the colours aren’t slightly or wildly different depending on the hairstyle. Old hairstyles get updated to look better and newer colours aren’t just added on.

    Clothes don’t just get some extra colours that look like badly saturated versions of an older colour scheme. They get better colour coordination and better textures. All clothes have a feminine and masculine frame, so masculine sims don’t get boobs and feminine sims don’t get square boobs. Pants are also made with each individual frame in mind.

    Accessories also get an update so there’s no half-buried pearl necklace in the neck of masculine-framed sims and no floating crystal necklaces on the feminine-framed sims.

    Make the opposite gender-frames less awkward. Trans Masc sims look like they have Popeye arms for one. Maybe add a more neutral frame as well? And don’t randomise clothes if a sim goes from one gender to the other, but use the corresponding clothes that fit that frame. Whenever I try to make a Trans sim, I can’t find any clothes that fit their frames, cuz masculine pants on a masculine sim with a feminine frame looks like they’re breaking. And any feminine framed bottom part on a masculine framed sim just looks really strange.

    It seems more effective to have the same clothes, but fitted to each frame and with an option of “does this sim have boobs or not?” So I don’t have to end up making a Trans Masc coded sim by using the female frame and female gender (with masculine pronouns), cuz they look so awkward otherwise, yet I can’t use the scars nor completely remove their chest or let them be bare chested. It’s just awkward :(
  • Slider for kid not toddler.
    Better resize!!
    Pool slider!
    Pool valley! (I want beach valley for island refresh too)
    Pool float ride!
    Better resize!
    Spiral Stairs!
    Pack refreshes!
    Better resize!
    More use of mail like send letter/gift
    I want heritage!
  • I think I would like a new world, like an alternative one for THAT world. I filled that for save with my lookalike who lives in there. Mostly or by half the map, I have placed Maxis lots down. The big lot by the water and the two are still free to use. I'm not fully using the others, but the spell casters feel cramped.
  • I think it used to be that when you hovered over a sim, it said your relationship. I miss that, although I suppose it has been replaced by age.

    My main thing I’d like to see are cars and garages.
  • "Reallysoawkward23;c-18260471" wrote:
    I think it used to be that when you hovered over a sim, it said your relationship. I miss that, although I suppose it has been replaced by age.

    My main thing I’d like to see are cars and garages.

    It still does this? Unless it said more at one point that I don't remember.
  • I recently just realized that TV’s do not emit light, this is such a little thing but it would be so cool if they did! They could flicker a little bit, similar to the lamp from the basement kit. It would be cool for when all the other lights are off besides the TV. It just seems more realistic as well.