Forum Discussion

wexxam's avatar
Seasoned Ace
3 years ago

So can we get a Generations expansion before support ends? :)

I think an Generations expansion is still greatly needed for the sims 4. It can add so much more depth to all ages, can we please get one??

8 Replies

  • I feel like people need to be more specific than saying generations. Because most of what was in generations we already have spread out across packs. Perhaps the team already understand basically what people mean.
    But when I think of generations I imagine TONS more stuff for teens and kids, only because adults can already do everything it's the younger ages that feel most lacking. Kids most of all.
    So to be honest rather then a generations I'd prefer a total kids pack filled with all types of interactions, and things of interest for them (that I won't list because I'm tired of listing it over and over ?) and a separate dedicated high-school teen pack so that both ages feel properly complete.

    I can't think of much for elders because elders are really just adults that grew older but they don't really change that much.
    One thing I would love though is the ability
    To make elders that actually feel "older" I like to make grandparents around 90+ we cannot even make a sim who generally looks that old. Would definitely love a slow cane walk, unique interactions and anything else that could help them feel older
  • Mk_2790's avatar
    New Spectator
    3 years ago
    Support could end at least up to 2024, so we can get Nightlife, Generations, Freetime, Showtime, Into The Future and Supernatural before support ends
  • "Babykittyjade;c-18105421" wrote:
    I feel like people need to be more specific than saying generations. Because most of what was in generations we already have spread out across packs. Perhaps the team already understand basically what people mean.
    But when I think of generations I imagine TONS more stuff for teens and kids, only because adults can already do everything it's the younger ages that feel most lacking. Kids most of all.
    So to be honest rather then a generations I'd prefer a total kids pack filled with all types of interactions, and things of interest for them (that I won't list because I'm tired of listing it over and over ?) and a separate dedicated high-school teen pack so that both ages feel properly complete.

    I can't think of much for elders because elders are really just adults that grew older but they don't really change that much.
    One thing I would love though is the ability
    To make elders that actually feel "older" I like to make grandparents around 90+ we cannot even make a sim who generally looks that old. Would definitely love a slow cane walk, unique interactions and anything else that could help them feel older

    Specific things I would like is gameplay for all ages probably even specific gameplay for like babies, toddlers, child, teen, and elder they kind of been looked over all throughout Sims 4.
  • More gameplay and CAS options for all life stages such as toddlers, children, teens, elders, and maybe even more baby stuff and improved babies….
  • "PurpleThistles;c-18106990" wrote:
    I agree most of what was in generations, we do have in Sims 4, however as a regular family player of both Sims 4 and Sims 3, I think for me it's a lack of autonomy in Sims 4 that is the problem. Yes you can read your child to sleep in Sims 4, but they don't ask like on Sims 3. In the Sims 3 the kids autonomously play tag, reign over the court, pretend to drive and so forth. I love panning over to my child Sims and finding them doing something like this autonomously. In Sims 4 kids mostly just clean and do homework on their own. Unless you directly control them all the time, they are just a bit boring.

    I was watching my sim kid in Sims 3, they went to their parents bed and then starting checking underneath it for monsters! It's these little things that really add personality and depth to sim kids. Releasing a generation style pack with more 'stuff' won't fix this, they need to fix the autonomy of each life stage.

    Absolutely this we need more gameplay with teens and kids I even suggested a school game pack just to have more activities like Sims 2 Free time so instead of just doing homework switch it up the kids can be active doing home work and gaining a skill and it may be fun for the player as well.
  • I am ALL IN for this!! Every life stage could use some expansion and more autonomy in general. These ideas are more action rather than stuff to add to the game... Here is what I was thinking though:

    NEWBORN - would it be nice to be able to actually pick them up, ability to put them into a different crib, have a baby changing station, throwing away the diapers, having to buy diapers, debate over cloth vs paper diapers, show off the kid to the neighborhood, let people give you a baby shower, be able to ask "who does the kid look like?", have the option to con your family into babysitting for you to have a date night, emotion for "kid kept me up all night crying" and "glowing new parent", burping after bottle feeding, spit up marks on clothes
    TODDLER - stroller options, teething, actually crawling and then moving on to walking and running, let the parents dote on them about their first steps or words, attachments to certain toys, fears (ex- afraid of the dark so you have to purchase a nightlight), ask parent to tell you a bedtime story, let them be naturally curious, option to ask parents/siblings "random questions", making sure they have sunscreen on when playing outside, giving them medicine when they get sick
    CHILDREN - teaching them to swim or ride a bike, letting them dance on your feet, option of face painting at a birthday party, catching fireflies when camping, playing tag, making simple recipes by themselves, walking down the street for the first time alone and the emotion that comes with it, giving parents art work they did at school or on the craft table, losing their teeth to the toothfairy (of course they get $$$), asking "what do you wanna be when you grow up?", lemonade stand, playing tag, throw in a random allergy
    TEENAGERS - braces and pimples (I know we have the option, but they don't just happen on their own), first crush, option to sent a secret admirer note or send flower to your SOS, curfew, letting parents have "the talk" with them, if we had cars again - option to teach to drive and let them study for permit, curfew, getting allowances, hiring a tutor if they need it, chores, calling their BFF about their first kiss, have a celebrity crush and wish for their poster, interest in hobbies - whether it be sports or music or ect..., ability to ask parents to come to game or recital or read their latest short story
    YOUNG ADULTS - call parents to ask for loan, emotion modifiers for "paid my first bill" "bought first home" ect..., option to have friends set them up on a blind date, ring actually staying on finger after engagement/wedding, ringing parents or elderly for advice when pregnant or sick kids or when you wish to change careers or go back to school
    ADULTS/ELDERLY - retirement talk, mid-life crisis mode/purchase, bucket-list talk, emotion mods for "empty nesters", making a will, slow walk, "days off" for rest due to back aches or doctors appointment, needing to purchase medicine, having strict diet for a period due to "doctors orders to eat better", wishes for kids or grandbabies to visit, getting new hobbies, competing in the jam festival at the farmer's market (something like this), having weird dreams/visits about the grim reaper ("when will it be your time?"), asking grandbabies to read them a book or fix dinner, perhaps deeper appearance of wrinkles or grey/white hair as they get more into adulthood, option to "go to salon" to redye it

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