Forum Discussion

Zenionith's avatar
6 years ago

Spell ideas for Realm Of Magic

Raincloud spell
Water all plants on the lot, even indoors or turn out fires by summoning a small raincloud. Also works indoors!
If it fails the raincloud will appear above the sorcerer and make them drenched.

Clone Drone spell
Create a temporary NPC clone of your Sim that goes to work for you or cleans your house. Nobody will notice the difference!
If it fails you create a temporary evil clone. They will sabotage, break and destroy objects on your lot and insult you.

Love spell
Makes targeted Sim fall in love with you.
If it fails the Sim will dislike you.

Toad spell
Turns Sim into frog for a day.

Clown For A Day spell
Turn Sim into Tragic Clown for a day. They‘re gonna cry a lot and everything they do fails.

Mannequin spell
Turn a mannequin alive and make them playable. They will have all needs normal Sims have.

Also please bring back the classical Plumbob Wand from Makin Magic!

And a Bonus:
Owls as pets
You can buy and interact with an owl. It‘s your pet! Feed it or it will get taken away!
  • Chapter I • Introduction to Arcane Mysteries and Liturgy
    Magic - A Force of Nature that allows Change and Conformity enacted by a Will.
    In this book you will find a wide range of Spells, Recipes, Enchantments to help you get started.

    Chapter II • Two Sides of the Same Coin
    Light Magic:
    - Lux flare - Conjure a ball of Light and heave/Launch it at target
    - Smite - Launch surges of electricity from the palms of your hands.
    - Protective Rays - Build a protective barrier of Light to protect yourself.
    - Diamond - send out a flash of light stunning everyone in view.
    - Nova - creating a core of energy and Release bursts of radiation pushing back the darkness.

    Dark magic:
    - Dark Aura Blast - conjure a ball of darkness and blasts that dark energy at desired target.
    - Petrify - Immobilize victim with only enough room to breath, blink, and listen.
    - Cloak of Shadows - Shroud self the Darkness and to protect yourself.
    - Oblivion - Send a wave of darkness knocking out opponent.
    - Ominous Dark Clouds - Conjure a heavy thunderhead cloud to ravage the area plunging everything into Darkness, snuffing out the light.

    Chapter III • Alchemy: Potions & Curses
    To craft potions, and Curses you'll need a Stove, or a cauldron if you’re old fashioned.
    *Again you can also get creative, and apply these Potions and Curses to Meals, Drinks, Fruits, Vegetables, you can also throw these’s at other sims, or consume it directly, so it doesn't necessarily have to be a Poisoned Apple that takes Snow White Down. It could be a Pumpkin Spice Latte that does it this time. Also we need Potions & Curses that do more than just change appearances, and fix needs, but also afflict emotions, and really do have an impact on Sims lives. I also tried to come up with ingredients that made sense and a little less flexible than the Sims 3: Supernatural was with Alchemy.

    Potions & Elixirs:
    Potion of Health {Appears Red}
    - Effects: Restores Hunger, Sleep and Hygiene Needs, and Heals sims of Burns, Frost, Shock, Illnesses and Poison.
    - Ingredients: x3 Apples, x3 Lemon, x3 Sage

    Potion of Magic {Appears Blue}
    - Effects: Restores 50% Energy. Puts sim in a Focused mood for 3 Hours.
    - Ingredients: x3 Grapes, x1 Rose, x1

    Potion of Lost Memories {Appears Green}
    - Effect: Return Memories taken by other means. (Curses, Aliens, Vampires, Werewolves etc)
    - Side effects: Vary between a Minor-Severe Headache for a 24 hours
    - Ingredients: x1 Blueberry, x2 Orchids, x1

    Potion of Fertility {Appears Pink}
    - Effects: Will be pregnant with Children by morning, Flirty Boost for 12 Hours
    - Side effects: Pleasant Pregnancy
    - Ingredients: x1 Strawberry, x1 Carrot

    Potion of Strength {appears orange}
    - Effects - energizes sim giving them a temporary fitness boost to win fights. Lasts 5 hours
    - Side effects: temporary weakness once it wears off.
    - Ingredients: Sweat of Athlete (Sim of at least lvl 7 Fitness), x1 Spinach, and x1 Apple

    Elixir of Prophecy {Appears clear}
    - Effects: Grants drinker absolute power. for 24 hours. without exhausting themselves.
    - Side effects:
    - Ingredients: x1 Grape Vine,

    Elixir of Enlightenment {Appears Purple}
    - Effects: Immediately Boosts All Skill Levels, and Inspiration. For 48 hours.
    - Side effects: Severe Post-Headache
    - Ingredients: sage,

    Elixir of Invincibility {Appears Gold}
    - Effects: Nothing can harm you, no vampire, no werewolf, no spell, no illness, Mother Nature herself is powerless against you. Lasts 72 Hours.
    - Side effects:
    - Ingredients: x1 Apple, x1 Rose, 1 Diamond

    Vial of Infertility
    - Effects: Ruins the chances of conceiving a child.
    - Side effects: Belly Pain
    - Ingredients: 3 Orchids, A Pear, Tears of a Toddler

    Vial of Ravage Starvation
    - Effects: Drains Hunger, and Energy, Rapid Weight Loss, Weakness and finally Death.
    - Ingredients: x5 Mint, Lettuce, Sweat of Athlete
    Curse of Pride - Inflates a persons ego ten fold. putting selfish desires, urges and welfare above everything and everyone else.
    - Effects:
    - Ingredients:

    Curse of Gluttony
    - Side effects: Inflicts an insatiable hunger upon victim for Three DaysRapid Weight Gain; Slowness; post-stomachache
    - Ingredients: x7 Grapes, x3 Hamburgers, x1 Roast Chicken, x1 Whole Cheesecake

    Curse of Lust
    - Locks sim in a “Very Flirty" mood for Three days without fail.
    - Side effects: Could end up, Single, Divorced, or a new relationship, Married, with kids… and post soreness…
    - Ingredients: x1 Cherry, x3 Roses, x7 Strawberries, x1 Banana

    Isolation Curse
    - Effects: Traps Sim within an object. {Requires Entrapping Enchantment… See Enchantments}
    - Side effects: Eternal Sadness & Boredom
    - Ingredients: An empty vessel, {Requires Entrapping Enchantment… See Enchantments}

    Sleeping Curse {Dark Blue}
    - Effects: Puts sim in a deep sleep. {On their back as if “dead” NOT with their rear end up in the air}
    (Even if you travel/switch households, victim will remain asleep).
    - Side effects: If broken, Nightmares & Insomnia.
    - Ingredients: x1 Jar of Honey, x3 Amanita Muscaria, x1 Daisy

    Flask of Avarice
    - Effects: Inflicts victim with obsessive, possessive behavior, and will Steal, Lie, Cheat, whatever it takes to get what they want.
    - Side effects:
    - Ingredients: x1 Gold Ingot, x2

    Flask of Envy {Appears Dark Green}
    - Effects: Like the Avarice Curse, the difference is, they will do anything it takes to get what doesn’t belong to them.
    - Side effects:
    - Ingredients:

    Flask of Wrath {Dark Red Color}
    - Effects: Inflicts the victim to unleash an irrational, uncontrollable, fury.
    - Side effects: Wicked (Respectable) Savagery with no apology.
    - Ingredients:

    Chapter IV - Elemental Spells

    Fire Spells:
    Fire Ball - Conjure a ball of fire in hand, can be thrown burst with fission once it hits it’s target.
    Ignite - Light candles, fireplace, fire pits, Sims, objects almost anything flammable
    Fire Ring - Turn up the heat, creating a Ring of fire around the Caster
    Fire Breath - Studied by Ancient Dragons, breath fire with the ferocity of a dragon.

    Water Spells:
    Splash - Spin a vortex of water barraging them
    Ice Wall - building a Wall of solid Ice
    Deep Freeze - with a wave of your hand Turn a sim into an Ice Sculpture.

    Earthen Spells:
    Quake - With a heavy stomp on the ground create sizable earthquakes, send sim's trembling.
    Mudslide - Create large pits of mud.
    Petrify - Turn victim to a perfect statue made of Stone
    Meteor - Call upon the heavens to rain down rocks of fury.

    Air Spells:
    Levitation - Control the air currents to float in the air. (Click ground to display "Go Here/glide here/Descend")
Dust Storm - create a cloud of sand
    Wind Storm - Send a rush of air blowing back opponent.
    Tornado - Spin a Vortex launching anyone and anything that gets caught in it’s wake

    Chapter V • Teleportation
    - Cloud of Smoke - (Color Customizable) Make a grand entrance or Disappear in style by poofing in or out of any room.
    {Dark Red} {Emerald Green} {Navy Blue} {Golden-Yellow} {Charcoal}
    - Materialize - Dissolve into the Sand and Wind, and reform anywhere else.
    - Vanish - Simply fade out of sight.

    Chapter VI • Summoning and Conjuring
    Summon people, pets, objects those known to them.
    Ghosts and other worldly beings to your side.
    Grim Reaper - to Bargain with perhaps.

    Chapter VII • Transformations
    {Via Hand/Wand Magic/Cauldron}
    Glamour Spell - Possess the power to temporarily/Permanently change your own or someone else's, looks {Outfits/Body/facial reconstruction} until Midnight?
    Animal Morphing - Turn self or others into a (controllable) Mouse, Frog, Fish, Cat, Dog, Goat, Pig, Cow.
    Occult Swap - Vampires, can turn Humans into Vampires, Werewolves can turn Humans into Werewolves, Mystics can turn Humans into anything!
    (Respective Packs required for those Occult and Animal transformations)

    Chapter VIII • Enchantments
    Animation - Give Statures, living qualities, Like gnomes, Knights, Broomsticks
    Efficiency - reduces Cooking, Crafting, Writing, Gardening time to get those types of jobs done.
    Levitation - Grant objects the ability to hover, fly.
    Golden Touch - Sounds like a good idea
    Protection - A spell to build a barrier, no one can break through. perfect for keeping people, and objects safe.
    Entrapping - Making an object an excellent prison for someone. Works on mirrors, Urns,
    Loyal Servant - Live to serve, serve to live, till the very end.
    Unbreaking - to appliances & fixtures to never break, The Unbreaking Enchantment can be placed on spells, Potions and curses, so they may remain permanent. for example a sleeping curse may receive the Unbreaking enchantment.

    Chapter IX • Prophecy
    Not really sure how this magic will work in game. seeing the past, present and future at a glance.

    I think Mystics (Witches, Wizards Sorcerers, Prophets etc) who unlock the Prophecy chapter should be able to create, or declare prophecies upon themselves or others.
    like if you click on your Mystic (Mine is a Sorcerer)
    go under Magic>Prophecy> Declare a Blessing/Unfortunate prophecy for...

    Chapter X • Forbidden Magic
    In game I was hoping for kind of like we go out into the worlds and find collectables, Ingredients we go out and find the “Hidden Pages" that we can add to the spell book unlocking the last Chapter, “Forbidden Magic." These Pages were written by the most powerful Sorcerers of Medieval Times, but then they hid them, because this magic was too dangerous. Do you dare put the pieces back together?

    Extraction of Hearts - Carefully, Phase your hand into the chest cavity of victim, grabbing hold of the Heart, Finally pluck the heart, like an apple.
    Once the Heart is removed, the Victim's personality will start to shift. Slowly not being able to feel, only knowing what they are, Heartless.
    Congratulations! you now have a puppet to control, as long as you possess their heart. Careful not to squeeze the Heart too hard! Or go ahead see what happens to your puppet.
    (makes voodoo look like child's play)

    Resurrection - I have a few ideas on this. Where you have to steal the Grim Reaper's Scythe and use it to create a rift between life and death. the other option was, building a pentagram, and performing a ritual.

    Time Travel - (not sure how this one would work)