Forum Discussion

LadyAlkali's avatar
4 years ago

Stuff Pack Theme Ideas?

Or kits, if we absolutely must. I know how "exceptionally well" kits are received #sarcasm. But maybe we can influence them for something really interesting... and not broken like the vacuuming pack. xD Though preferably an SP because there's just a little more to them.

2 Replies

  • SEREFRAS's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    4 years ago
    In order of importance:

    What can I say, I'm a Historical nut.
  • ChadSims2's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    4 years ago
    I'd pick transportation but what I want done could never be covered in a stuff pack.

    - Baby
    - Arcade
    - Skate park
    - H&M style pack that helps create clothing stores and adds game play for them like changing rooms clothing racks and displays a working cash register because I need stores that look like the first image not the second which only real game play is purchasing clothing off a mannequin so and chasing Sims around with a tablet so weird.