Can we PLEASE get some more stylish shoes for women! The women's sneakers collection, heels, and flats need better options! The heels are very outdated. They look like older women's dress shoes. The women only have like 4 pairs of sneakers n only like 2 are cute/decent. The rest are very masculine looking. Study women's tennis shoes for 2019. They have come a long way! I never wear flats in Sims 4 because none of the flats are cute at all
Can we pls get the inheritance feature back from Sims 2. In sims 2 if your sims died their kids, closest family members etc inherited all the profits they made (or a portion of it depending on how many kids they had, etc.)
In my game I built a home that I want to be passed down to any future generations. It's unfair that something I created for their family; they have to rebuy when the parents pass away. Family photos are lost, etc!
More black American hairstyles for toddlers n kids pls!