Welcome to my reboot of Under The Tartosan Sun.🙂 The original story was my first try at writing SimLit. It's been crazy fun and I've learned and grown so much since April '22 when this journey start...
The small red hatchback glided to a stop in the driveway. Its simplicity and practicality contrasted with the palatial home and the luxury car that shared the driveway. As Mimi had hoped when the gates opened there was no sign of Nancy or Malcolm’s cars. Mimi wanted to spend some quiet time with Geoffrey, one last time before adulthood stole these moments from them. Not having Nancy and Malcolm around to ruin it made them smile. Before getting out Mimi checked to be sure the wig was properly situated and gave it a playful toss. Seeing the reflection in the rearview Mimi felt a wave of confidence wash over them.
Mimi quietly unlocked the door and slipped in, hoping to surprise Geoffrey. Just as Mimi was about to clasp their hands over his eyes the scent of perfume tipped him off. “Morning kiddo” he said without even turning to look. Even before he turned a smile spread across his face. When he did he got a look at his eldest, and favorite, child. “Look at you! That’s a cute outfit. It really suits you.” He patted the sofa invitingly.
“Thank you!” Mimi gave a spin to show off the whole look before taking a seat. “I’m glad you like it, you helped pay for it. I didn’t invest all of my graduation money. I set some aside for fun and things I need for my act. When I met my new roommates they saw my more androgynous side. I thought it would be fun to show them this side.”
“Nothing wrong with that. You should get some enjoyment out of being a Landgraab.” Time seemed to stop for a few moments. Joy and sadness, fear and excitement, seemed to fill the world in those moments before Geoffrey broke the silence.
“So I guess this is finally moving day?” His voice had a happy tone. His eyes were a mixture of sadness and pride. Mimi had left home over a year ago but had only moved a few blocks away. It didn’t feel like Mimi had entirely left the nest. They still talked or texted on a daily basis. Now they would be miles away and the opportunities to see one another face-to-face would be fewer, far fewer. This time Mimi really was leaving the nest.
“Yeah. I wanted to come visit my dad and say goodbye before I left town. A phone call or a text isn’t good enough.” Mimi’s hand closed over dad’s. “You’ve been there for me through everything and you’ve been super supportive. I wouldn’t be where I am without you. I love you so much.” Mimi smiled as the tears began to well up.
Geoffrey returned the smile as his world became slightly fuzzy as well. “You’re welcome kiddo, and the love is more than mutual. But you’re making it sound like Del Sol Valley is half way around the world. It’s not that far away. Unless it’s rush hour.” Geoffrey tried not to slip into overly protective dad mode, but he couldn’t help it. “I know I asked before, but, did you thoroughly check into your roommates? They’re not axe murderers or anything like that are they?”
“Yes dad, I checked their profiles and everything.” It made Mimi happy knowing at least one parent cared enough to worry about them. “We met in person too. Their names are Venessa and Londyn. They’re really chill and I feel like I can totally relax and be myself with them. We’re all different parts of the LGBTQ spectrum but we have so much in common too.”
“That’s great kiddo. You really need that kind of support from other people your own age who understand what you’re going through. I think they’ll help you much more than I can.” Geoffrey had watched with pride as Mimi blossomed in spite of Nancy and Malcom’s efforts to tear them down. Mimi had to put up with endless verbal abuse from both. Yet here they were, looking radiant and happy. The two spent almost an hour talking, neither wanting the moment to end just yet.
The unmistakable sound of Malcolm’s car reverberated through the house. He took a typical teenage boy's enjoyment from revving the sleek sports car’s powerful engine. Seeing Mimi’s car in the driveway motivated him to lay it on thick.
Mimi turned eyes towards the heavens and heaved a sigh. Thinking they could spend time with Geoffrey and avoid crossing paths with Nancy or Malcolm really was wishful thinking. Mimi often felt pangs of jealousy for people who had loving relationships with their siblings. Malcolm was less a sibling and more a tormentor and adversary. Mimi wondered if that was one of the reasons they hit it off so well with Venessa and Londyn. There had been a feeling between them that felt almost sisterly, or hinted that such a depth of emotional connection might be possible given enough time.
As the door opened Malcolm’s voice rang out. “Dad, what’s Johnny’s car doing in the drive? Is the little weirdo here?”
Mimi and Geoffrey exchanged a look before Mimi turned back to greet him. “Hello Malcolm.”
Puzzlement was written all over Malcolm’s face as his mind tried to piece together what his ears and eyes were telling him. “Johnny?” A moment later those pieces began to fit into place. “Johnny! What the hell are you doing here!?”
"Malcolm calm down." The fear was written on Mimi's face. They'd never seen Malcolm act this angry. And he was between them and the door. "Please. You're giving me the creeps."
“I'm creeping you out? What do you think you're doing to me? My own brother dressed like...like...that!” He waved his hands up and down between Mimi's head and feet.
“You owe your sister an apology Malcolm.”
“My what? Did you just call him my sister!?”
“Yes I did, Malcolm." Geoffrey knew he'd just made the situation worse. He hadn't planned to say it and he felt horrible for putting Mimi on the spot like that. "It wouldn't hurt you to learn some manners and some empathy.”
Mimi cringed inside. Sister felt like the right term, but it was also too soon to say if transition lay at the end of the journey. Saying it now had only made things worse. Mimi grabbed Geoffrey's arm. “Dad please, please stop. It’s okay, really. I'm ok.” Mimi’s eyes said otherwise. “This is a good time for me to leave” Mimi said. “My roommates are waiting and I don’t want them to worry about me. We’re going clubbing later so we’ll need time to get ready. And I still have to get the car unloaded when I get there. I love you dad. I'll call you as soon as I get there ok.” Mimi gave Geoffrey a kiss on the cheek and headed for the door.
Malcolm had been right, Nancy was right behind him. Mimi emerged to find her waiting. “Johnny” she said mockingly, “come to ruin my day did you?”
“Hello mom. Come to be a loving parent did you?
The comeback was a direct hit. “You look ridiculous, Johnny.” Nancy knew how much Mimi disliked their old name. She wielded it like a knife, every utterance meant to wound deeply. “The pink leather jacket. Those jeans with those insipid designs. You look like a floozy.”
“You wanna talk about looking ridiculous? My God what's up with those shoulder pads. Are you moonlighting as a football player for the Del Sol Llamas?”
Mimi didn’t have any illusions this would be the beginning of an open dialogue and understanding from Nancy. This conversation, like the rest of the morning, was only going to go downhill from here. They didn’t wait for a reply, Nancy’s reddening features said both comebacks had found their marks. Mimi stepped around Nancy and got into the car.
As Mimi settled into the driver’s seat and closed the door Nancy taunted them, “That’s it Johnny. Run away like you always do. You can hate me all you want. You’re my son and that’s an end of it. If you won’t accept that and start acting like a man then don’t bother coming back.”
Mimi lowered the window. “I’m not running away. I have better things to do than arguing with someone who only wants to be bitter, petty, and hurtful. Buh-bye now” As the window was coming up, Mimi blew Nancy a kiss and gave her a wave goodbye before backing out into the street.
That was the last straw. Nancy turned and stormed back toward the house, her outrage focused on the one remaining target. Geoffrey had been watching nearby. Mimi waved to him just before driving away and he returned it. Seeing the wave Nancy gave him a withering stare as she walked past him, slamming the door behind her as she disappeared into the house.
Geoffrey watched until Mimi’s car disappeared from view, then turned and headed inside knowing full well Nancy would be waiting to continue the fight. He’d gladly bear Nancy’s wrath if it meant Mimi didn’t have to.
Just as he was expecting Nancy was waiting for him when he came through the door. She stood there with her arms folded across her chest. “This is all your fault If you had been a proper dad and talked some sense into him none of this would be happening. Our son wouldn't be throwing his life away and ruining the Landgraab name."
“Overreact much Nancy? Look I had a hard time accepting it all at first too you know. But I talked to our child. I learned a lot from those talks. I went online and learned even more. Would it kill you to listen to her? To be open minded?”
“Oh for God’s sake Geoffrey, you’re his father. You’re not supposed to be learning from him. You’re supposed to be teaching him. And stop talking about him like he's female.”
“Nancy I’m not in the mood to argue with you about this again. Mimi is my child too. I’ll support her, or him, whatever they decide is right for them.” Geoffrey had chores to do. It would be a blessed relief compared to dealing with Nancy right now. He had been about to leave Nancy to stew, then stopped and had one last say, “You can push Mimi away if you want. I can't reason with you where she's concerned. But you’ll never convince me to turn my back on her. Whatever decision Mimi comes to, they have my unconditional love and support.”
“At least there's one male in this house who knows how to act like it. Too bad his father and his older brother don’t know how” she said to Geoffrey’s retreating back as he started out of the room.
He still loved Nancy but her refusal to make any effort at all to talk to Mimi and understand them tried his patience. He respected his first born’s journey to finding their true self. Geoffrey meant every word when he said Mimi had his unconditional love and support. As happy as he was for them, he was equally worried about the ripple effects of Mimi’s decisions. Whatever those decisions turned out to be.
Was enjoying their father daughter moment until Malcom and Nancy ruined it😔 His rush hour quip gave me a laugh. You can tell he's a supportive dad 🥹 Glad Geoffrey didn't back down with either of them. Mimi blowing a kiss to Nancy felt good 💅 It's so exciting to see Mimi again 😁
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