Welcome to The Freezer Bunny Club! This reading circle is an open space for the members to share our stories and discuss them with each other. Each week, starting on Mondays, we will focus on reading/catching up on one of the stories. The author can post a list of discussion questions, and/or ask for advice, suggestions, or thoughts on certain aspects of their stories and writing in order to foster meaningful and constructive discussions. Though each of the stories will get the spotlight in a rotating fashion, general questions, happy sharing of screenshots, and cheering along of any of the stories in the circle at any time is also encouraged!
Our fifteenth week of discussion, from September 21st to 27th, is focused on Ridley Residence by @Skeilah!
Make sure to check the post below for detailed information about the stories and archived discussions. (The adorable freezer bunnies in the banner were made by SimLaughLove!)
@AdamsEve1231 I could only find this one: https://modthesims.info/d/545254/less-frail-elders-no-longer-updated.html. It doesn't get updated anymore but someone in the comments said it still worked in October 2019 so might be worth a try.
I'm able to navigate your website easily. I like the new look. It's clean and crisp, easy to follow. Minor note... the pictures on the character page and text with titles are off-center. It may have been a design choice on your part, but it's a little jarring the jumping to the right of the screen and then to the left, especially when reading on a smaller screen (like I so often do on my phone).
That was a design choice on my part. I get it, but I like the way it looks on a computer screen and sadly I can't do anything separately for phones. I just looked at it on my own phone and everything is lined up right underneath each other when I go to my cast page. Only the text for the Villareal main house is a little jumbled together but not unreadable, in my opinion. So I'm not sure what it would look like on your phone?
Yes, she feels like a real addict. Spaced out, disconnected from the world, fell into it in a lackadaisical way, and is incredibly self-centered without realizing its impact on those who love and care about her.
I also relate to Hugo - wanting to be their for his girlfriend and support her, recognizing she needs help, but having no clue where to start or how things grew to be so bad. I can understand how scary it is to change status quo and move on from someone like Sofia, even if he no longer have feelings, or never had feelings for her. It can be hard to leave someone like that behind. The dependency is almost a bit addicting too. Hugo strikes me as someone who gives his all in a relationship, and he wants to take care of her. I wonder if losing his mom at an early age and/or his father's remarriage impacted that as well - his need to care for and protect others even at the expense of his own happiness.
I also think she is jumping from one relationship to the next to numb the pain she might be feeling. Like fixating on Luna keeps her from focusing on her real issues - her addiction. And I feel like she probably cared deeply about Hugo at one point, enough to ask him to move in. Perhaps instead of grieving the loss of a relationship, even if she's fallen out of love or never really loved Hugo in a romantic sort of way, she's jumping to Luna as a band-aid.
Very poignant! Sofia did care deeply for Hugo, she still does. It might have even been romantic in the beginning. I wouldn't describe Sofia as a lesbian. I think her sexuality is more fluid than that. I'm not sure myself if it's just Luna she's attracted to or women in general.
Luna and her daughter, Allyson's seems the healthiest relationship right now. Even if Allyson is a difficult child at times. Also Paolo and Lucy had the sweetest wedding at the beginning. I hope to see more of them and that post-wedding life is treating them well (despite Max putting a damper on things).
No Hugo/Nelson this time! There will be more Luna/Allyson in the future. They love each other very much, but relationships can be hard to navigate especially if Luna doesn't start setting boundaries with her daughter.
I don't think Paolo will be in the picture very much. He'll be in the background sometimes, but I wasn't planning on focusing on Lucy and Paolo. Paolo will be a minor side character. Although, rest assured, he does make Lucy happy and they're sickeningly sweet together. Very drama-free right now.
I want Luna to find happiness. I really do. But I don't think it's with Sofia. That's dangerous territory given Sofia's addiction and her behavior. She seems to either be in a funk and apathetic toward everything and everyone, hurting people as she disconnects, or she's flitting right into another relationship at the expense of really working on herself and without thinking clearly about the impact to Luna and Luna's daughter.
Absolutely. Luna deserves to be happy after all she's been through. I hope Sofia can work through her issues and make Luna happy or let her go and let her be happy on her own.
I've read a few other stories with the Villareals. I also had my own lore around them (without ever publishing it... yet). It's an interesting take on the family. I do think there's a good bit of subtle drama happening, but in a way that doesn't feel over-the-top or forced, and feels genuine. Reading the chapters is like ambling through their everyday lives. No crazy explosive fights or catching spouse with other people kind of drama (at least not yet), but a family that genuinely struggles with a wide variety of issues that a lot of families face.
Subtle drama is the right term for it. It's a family saga, but also very much a slice of life. Maybe even soap opera, but in quieter times.
Max is a self-centered individual. He only seems to care about what's his and making things his, without giving thought to other people's input, thoughts, or feelings. He also seems like a bit of a mooch, up until he moves out. He doesn't seem to work very hard at his job, but I could be wrong. However, I do think he's intelligent or at least clever as he schemes to gain back his "club"/gang.
The gang is mostly his job. Leading it, committing crimes together. I haven't shown much of the committing crimes part, because they're all in the criminal career and go off to their rabbithole jobs. They're will be more of the crime part in the future, but for now it's implicit.
<3<3<3 Hugo! <3<3<3 What's not to love? He seems the sweetest most genuine person in the story. I do like Luna as well, and probably Lucy next.
It's good to see Lucy being mentioned somewhere. How sweet! She hasn't been on-screen much, but I'm glad she does get some love.
Sofia. But not because you haven't written her well. Because of her selfish, self-destructive behavior and choices.
I like seeing the different reasons for everyone's favourite and least favourite characters. Sofia is @ajamkeevin's favourite character because of the relatability, but for you, Sofia's behaviour makes her your least favourite. I think it was a good question on my part to ask, because I get to see what makes for an interesting character for all of you.
I think I already made this clear - Lucy and by default, Paolo. I'd like to see more of Luna. It would be nice to see more of Jacqueline also. All three ladies are really pretty Sims, and seem like good people. Obviously, I'd also like to see more of Hugo. <3:blush: And Nelson is pretty cute!
I'll see if I can get a Lucy/Paolo update in there somewhere. I might already have an idea on what to do with them for that. Luna will be focused on in multiple aspects. With Sofia, with Allyson but also in terms of her job as a teacher. Hugo will stick around for a while, but he is going to disappear to the background at one point. I'm not sure how soon yet.
I'm really invested in Hugo and Sofia, but now that they are splitsville, I'd still like to follow their characters. Their stories seem to be what ties together the Villareal family and the story overall.
We'll follow their characters for a while, but over time they're going to become less important to make way for other Villareals, although they'll still be there.
Okay, predictions... fun times! Sofia attempts a relationship with Luna and Luna indulges her, only to be hurt in the end when Sofia returns to her addiction or changes her mind for some reason. Maybe she really realizes she needs help and checks into rehab and breaks things off with Sofia. Or crazy thought? She wants Hugo back but he's already with Nelson. :open_mouth: Sofia needs an intervention from her family, probably her mom and sister.
Hugo and Nelson go on a few more awkward dates and realize they are meant to be! <3 Hashtag #TeamHuson or #TeamNelgo! :lol:
There will be a growing rift between Hugo and Luna if 1) Luna doesn't talk to him about what's going on and 2) her relationship with Sofia continues. I think that would be really sad, but realistic. I hope the twins can make up.
I'd love to see Jacqueline grow to love and embrace her body. She's a beautiful Sim! And triumph over the bullies by refusing to listen to the naysayers and becoming a strong and confident woman.
I'd love to see Lucy and Paolo stay happily married. Someone needs to in this family. If they expect a little nooboo of their own, that would be cute. Or I could see incredibly juicy drama with that situation. Lucy didn't want more kids but is suddenly expecting. Paolo is thrilled. It could cause some awkwardness. Or Lucy wants another child, a child of their own together, but Paolo doesn't. Hmm... okay, no I still like my happily married idea best.
Max's plans backfire on him. Maybe he spirals and realizes he needs some help or counseling too. I doubt it though. It would be really wild if Christin left her husband, Brody, and she and Max became an evil power couple! Mwahaha! Or Veronica, Brodie's sister.
So many predictions! I love your ideas for Sofia's storyline in the future. It could really go all ways. I do think it's funny how in your predictions, there's no way Luna and Sofia's relationship would survive. ?
Hahaha! I'm voting for Nelgo.
The situation between Hugo and Luna can't go on like this and will explode at some point. Luna needs to defuse the situation if she wants to avoid awkward family parties.
Jacqueline is one of the prettiest sims I've had born in-game. She looks just like her dad, but I think those features look incredible on her. Jacques' feature are super strong which makes the kids he already had pretty unrealistic. They look nothing like him.
I'm not sure if you realised, but Paolo and Lucy already have Juliana together. They had her before they ever got married, so they do have a child already. But baby drama could be interesting. Also for the rest of the family since the age gap between the kids would only be getting bigger. I do love having new kids around though. The genetic mixes are so cool to see. But Lucy has had a pretty eventful life, so a quiet, happy marriage might be what she'll go for. But who knows? Anything could happen. Max is still out there somewhere and he can't avoid his family forever.
I'd be up for a romance for Max. I wonder if he could be nice for long enough to actually romance someone though. Another evil sim, like Christin, might be his best possible match. But we all know most people don't end up with a 'perfect' match.
To Jacqueline, on a subject near and dear to my heart, girl, love yourself! Love all of yourself. Even the parts you think are ugly. You live in a world where beauty is defined so superficially and the world's standard of beauty is so fickle. What's in today is out the next. Be true to yourself. Take care of yourself. Be strong and confident in who you are. You'll radiate even more beautifully.
Beautifully said! I love how most people decided to give Jacqueline a piece of advice. I hope she'll listen to all of it and she'll be doing better next time Too Good at Goodbyes comes around.
You mentioned in a comment somewhere that you might do a little more backstory on the Villareal kids. I'd love to read it. I think it would help fill in the blanks. You write the story in a way that feels like we're already in the middle of it. We jump right into the action and things are revealed slowly over time. But I do find myself wondering about motivations and their earlier years so if you're willing to share, I'd love to read it!
Thank you for telling me! I'm for sure considering doing it. The only thing I'm still on the fence about is if I would make a whole story out of it or if I would make it a one chapter prologue.
How did you pick the Villareals as a family for your story?
I created Lucy (Amador) in CAS and I had downloaded a Golddigger aspiration I was dying to try out. So I started my game and went through the motions until my sim had to marry a wealthy sim. I wasn't sure on how to figure out who was wealthy and what wealthy in-game even meant. Google didn't tell me a whole lot on that either, so I decided to go for the richest household in the game. It turned out to be the Villareals so I let Lucy befriend Luna since they were remotely close in age and that's how Lucy got to Jacques. She broke up his marriage by seducing him and getting pregnant. After that, Lucy moved in, married Jacques and the rest is history. I haven't regretted doing it this way because this family turned out to be so fun to play.
Did you play the family a bit before writing or did you develop backstory in notes and then just jump right in?
I absolutely played the family before writing. I played them for quite a long time actually. I played Lucy on her own as a while, I've already played Luna and Hugo through college. I do think it made for a more interesting story because I had ideas for this family and I knew what I could do with them. I think it would have been a mistake to just start writing from the moment I started playing Lucy. I hadn't been invested in TS4 like this before, so I needed to gather my mods and figure out the game a whole lot more. I think I'm pretty well-versed now, so it was a good time to start writing.
Because of the experience I have now, I do think I'd jump into writing immediately next time. That way my readers won't miss anything I've already played before and we'd explore this story together.
How much of gameplay influences your storytelling? (I know, at least, parts of it does, but I'm curious).
Right now, less than I would want to. In the beginning a whole lot was affected by gameplay, but lately, it's been more of my own ideas than actual autonomy.
Who's your favorite character and why?
I could answer all of the other questions easily, but this is the first one I have to sit with and think about. They're all my babies and I love playing all of them, but if I look at who I have the most fun with and who I take the most screenshots of, it has to be Sofia. She's the most complicated character for me and I love playing with her story. She's closely followed by Max.
Who do you struggle to write the most?
I think Jacqueline. I have to think a lot about how I want to continue her story and how I want to write it as delicately as possible. I notice I don't play her as much as the others either.
Do you have an overarching plot you're trying to achieve or are you just writing as you go?
I have an end point in mind for the story which will tie in with the next question. So there is somewhat of an overarching plot but it's super vague. For some characters, I have planned far ahead and I know where I want to go with them in the future and how the family members will interact with each other, Max being one of them. Jacqueline or Juliana are different stories, Juliana more so than Jacqueline. I have no clue what I want to do with them in the future or where things are exactly going to go. So I guess it's a mix of things.
Will you play future generations/write their stories? Like Allyson as an adult and her kids if she has them? Or Jacqueline and Neal? Or do you plan to end with this generation?
I haven't decided yet. For this story, my end point is with this current generation. That doesn't mean I wouldn't want to write a sequel with the other characters. I wouldn't want to endlessly go in with this story so people might become overwhelmed and wouldn't want to get into it anymore. I think I'd want to start fresh with the preexisting characters and make it easily accessible for new readers to get into. If they want the full backstory on those characters, they'd have to read the prequel. If I do decide to continue on with future generation, I'd do it like this.
@Duvelina Wow I’m loving all your courses. They sound exciting and challenging, but the rewarding kind. Good luck! And it sounds like your Masters program is very comprehensive and time saving to be able to complete everything in a year. Is this specific to your university? During my bachelors they experimented with my cohort and compressed what was supposed to be a four-year course into three years. We got to graduate earlier than our peers from other universities but NEVER again! Lol. I had classes as early as 7 and end as late as 12am. And then sometimes I’d have to sit in the lab until 3am. (I live by my cultures. Haha) I hope it isn’t like that for you but your description certainly gives that impression. :lol: P.s- I’ll be answering your questions soon. Thought I’d quickly catch up before I’m left in the dust :smile:
@AdamsEve1231 Aw your niece is in her cutest (and cheekiest) age now! Enjoy it while it lasts. :smile: Yes, a GradDip is the equivalent of a Masters certificate, with less courses but enough to get the recognition needed to bridge into the field of interest. I’ve not heard of it being 12 weeks. GradDips here usually take one or one and a half years to complete. For mine, I spaced it to 2 years. Are your seminars and conventions part of your work or you attend them out of passion? It’s amazing either way. Thank you for taking the time to share your notes. I’d love to know more about Themes for sure!
@Skeilah Sorry for my reply’s lateness! My birthdate is 13 September. (Hooray for Friday the 13th birthdays!) Congratulations on getting into your final year! So close!
@_sims_Yimi I love how you were recruited by a Jap company. I’d backpack all over Japan if I was offered to work there. I’m a traveller at heart. I’m always looking out for the next adventure (until Covid happened lol)
@mercuryfoam It's actually not specific to my university. This is how it works for most Dutch universities actually. I think it's unusual for a master's degree to take more than one year. My bachelor worked much of the same, only 3 years instead of 1. 5 courses in one semester. One lecture and one seminar per course per week plus the classwork at home. I've never had to stay at school for an insane amount of time, actually. We have different types of universities in The Netherlands. You have the 'lowest' level with more practical courses which mostly take three years, I think. The middle one is one I've been in for two years and was very hands-on. I was at school for 8 hours a day and had schoolwork apart from that. I'm currently in the highest level, it's very academic with a lot of at-home work and less hours actually spend at school.
I hope I explained it well. Maybe @_sims_Yimi has something to add to that still. Maybe it's the same in Australia or the US. I don't know enough about other education systems to compare.
@Duvelina True! The one I attended took 4 years and was ridiculously full with homework, tests and projects. The last year, we barely attended actual classes and were completely focused on research and assignments. But it really depends on the subject you want to study, and the level you want (and are qualified) to study it at.
@Duvelina Ah I see. It must be a difference in structure then. Master Degrees here take at least 2 years and for me and my circle, 2 or more is the norm because of the fields we're in. And it's so interesting how you have different tiers for your universities. We have technical colleges for the more hands-on professions, but there's no specific hierarchy beyond that.
And here are the answers to your In-depth questions! :smile:
5.Do you think I portrayed Sofia’s addiction storyline well? First, I think its amazing how you fitted her appearance to match her gradual fall from grace. Her descent, losing interest in socialising and activities is very real. Her general lethargy and lack of enthusiasm is very realistic too. I was very invested in her well-being. And up until she decided to quit, her withdrawal and torn mental state was elaborated very well. I’m glad we’re getting to the part where she’s starting to pick herself up.
6. What is your favourite portrayed relationship, romantic or otherwise, in the story so far and why? I like Luna and Sofia’s relationship the most, partly because Sofia, Hugo, and Luna has been featured so much more compared to the others. So I feel as if I were closer to them and understand their hardships and needs compared to the rest so I’m more invested in their successes. Luna and Sofia doesn’t have much of a relationship yet per se. But I find their Sofia’s longing for Luna believable while Luna’s focus on her daughter’s wellbeing refreshing. I would be more invested in Hugo and Nelson, but so far I do not know much about Nelson so I have them under ‘pending’ :lol: 7. What is your least favourite portrayed relationship, romantic or otherwise, in the story so far and why? Honestly I don’t have one at the moment. I think its because the ones that are given a lot of screen time are done very well. So even if it’s unhealthy or not a good relationship per se, it’s realistic and I trust that it will get better. I’m quite the optimist you see. I suppose if I have to, I’d choose Max and his relationship with his family. There’s barely any contact between them after he made a stand. I also would’ve liked more Max chapters that showed his terrorising the family or being an absolute nightmare to deal with by Lucy because for the longest time, I didn’t know why Max was mad at his family because it was mentioned only once. As the story progresses and I started becoming more invested in the other characters, I forgot this tidbit about him and couldn’t remember his reasons for being mad at his family. Only when I backtracked and reread did I remember. So I think a chapter fully dedicated to Max and his passive aggressive, snarky comments at Lucy would cement the reason for his broken familial relationship.
8. What do you think of my portrayal of the Villareal family? Sorry I’m drawing a blank here. I don’t play premades nor do I look at their traits. I’m not sure of the significance of Villareal except that lots of simmers on the forums have some beef with them so I assume they’ve got some bad traits or are generally unlikeable like Vlad. I like your portrayal of the family, not necessarily tied as a Villareal. :\
9. How would you interpret and describe Max as a character? My first impression of Max is that he’s got issues but it’s not too bad. He seems like a reasonable character because anyone would be frustrated if their mom surprised them with a wedding on the day itself. And not only did he shift his plans around for her and attended the wedding, he didn’t make a huge show nor destroy anything. He even outlined his expectations so Lucy wouldn’t be disappointed that he left halfway. It was only in the second feature that his underlying feelings of injustice and resentment bubbled to the surface that I realised he was going to pop, and pop he did.
Then, I thought he went by his feelings too much. Walking out on his family without thinking things through, fistfighting with Nancy when Nancy supposedly had a lot to offer his gang. But after he got kicked out of his own gang, it seems like Max is developing a more level-headed side and becoming craftier. I think its a good thing for people in that side of life. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but I understand why he’d need a trait like that. I enjoy his character development. I do wonder why he cut off contact with his family so completely. He's understandably mad at Lucy, but he must have at least one person he feels close to. 10.Who is your favourite character so far and why? I think Hugo is the most well-rounded character so I like him best. He has a good heart and is genuine all the time. He has an even-temper and is not afraid to reach out to friends and family for support when dealing with Sofia’s addiction.
11. Who is your least favourite character and why? If Max continued to let his emotions rule him I would say he’s my least favourite, but I like that he’s becoming cunning. He is in his own way improving even if its in the wrong direction. My least favourite character now would be Sofia, not because she’s a bad person, but because I haven’t seen her make improvements to herself. She has made a display (looking presentable and being a good date) but I’ll need to see more. I worry she will become a baggage for others because she has stagnate in growth for too long and desperately needs to find her zest for life. I don’t think she should date Luna until she figures herself out. But even as I say she’s my least favourite, I really want her to succeed. She’s got that bit of self-realisation, but I as a reader hasn’t seen it yet.
12. Who would you want to see more of? Jacqueline and Neal please. :)
13. What is your favourite storyline and why? Jacqueline lol. There’s not much of a storyline there but I can identify and relate to her insecurities. (I think most women can) If I were to pick from the main storylines I’ll have to say Max. Even if he is in a controversial profession, he is doing his best to get to the top. I like people with ambition, so that side of him is speaking to me. It’s also pretty fun reading his and his gang’s shenanigans. I really enjoy watching Hugo’s life coming together and becoming more and more stable up to the point where he’s moving up. I enjoy watching him achieve too.
14.What are your predictions for any of the ongoing (or future) storylines? Owh I don’t like to do predictions. I prefer immersing myself. Let’s see.. I forsee Nelson bringing Hugo baggage because Hugo might be the type to attract that sort of character and I don’t see him saying no if anyone like that reaches out to him. Also because of the in-fighting in Nelson's home. I think with Max’s recent development he’ll be doing quite well. Whether it’s with Christin by his side, I think its VERY Plausible. He may have set her up, but its easy to pass off as a victim of that scenario too. Also they have good chemistry. Why not right? Depends how loyal she is to Brodie, though I doubt Brodie will treat her well so there’s another reason for Christin to seek understanding and comfort from Max. I am hoping that Sofia wises up. There's no hint given as to her finding her mojo. So I'm not drawing any predictions on her - only hopes!
15. If you could give a piece of advice to one character, who would you choose and what would you say? Oh man.. I got so much to say to all of them. But one character hrm.. Probably Sofia. Girl you need to focus on yourself. Stay friends with Luna, find out what you want in life pursue it then go out with her. With your brain wired for addiction now, it’s easy for you to get addicted to another high. Romance is just that. Stay away. Do you. 16. Do you have anything of your own to ask or add? - What inspired or where do you draw inspiration for your story? - Who are you as the author most invested in? (You’re probably invested in them all, but you need to pick :smile: ) - Which character do you connect the most with? - Do you have a set ending for them? Or are you developing their story as you go? - How do you balance gameplay and storytelling?
Also, I keep forgetting to mention this. I completed the final chapter for B2W's Season 1! YAY! It's my first ever simLit and I managed to make it til the end! (Well there's S2 but I'm taking a well-deserved break) :smiley:
@mercuryfoam Nice!!! :D And thank you for your birthday, I'll update the birthday calendar soon. I'm also thinking about changing the font... And the colors.... Idk yet. I'm not 200% happy with it right now.
@Duvelina I'm going to dig in your other questions right now before I forget again. This is exactly why I always do everything the same day :D
@mercuryfoam whoah, congratulations! That's a huge deal, to finish a big story like that :smiley: I already left a behemoth of a comment on your blog, but did you have fun? That's what it all boils down to in the end :blush:
5. Do you think I portrayed Sofia’s addiction storyline well? Yes. I like Sofia's storyline and it also felt so realistic. I'm really into drama and stuff and I'll get into it like I'm in the story myself. I've read more stories with addictions and stuff but this one was really easy to understand and follow, but it still sounded so real.
6. What is your favourite portrayed relationship, romantic or otherwise, in the story so far and why? I was really into Sofia and Hugo when it all started, and although they're not together anymore, I'm still curious how the two of them will go further as a duo. Will they see each other again? Will they still talk to each other sometimes? Will they have a fight? I don't know why, but those two really had me good and I'd love to see them once again - even when they're going to be enemies :P
7. What is your least favourite portrayed relationship, romantic or otherwise, in the story so far and why? Phew, now I have to go through the chapters because this is a hard question... Jacqueline and that Arielle-girl. I don't have a special reason tho :P
8. What do you think of my portrayal of the Villareal family? I didn't even knew that the Villareal was a premade family in the Sims until.... I started to write these questions xD I never played with them, I never bumped into them, I'll also won't recognize them if I DID bump into them, I think. For me this was just a family, like... One you made by yourself, like when I started with Liz and then Brent came in and then Alison and Ella and so on.... Yeah. I do like how you made the family look.
9. How would you interpret and describe Max as a character? After Hugo, I actually like Max the second most. He's like the ugly duckling to me. Always having bad luck, always in problems, but I think that in the end, he's the most beautiful. I just know that somewhere deep inside, he's a good person and he'll become a beautiful goose. Well, at least I hope so hehe. :P
10. Who is your favourite character so far and why? First Hugo, then Max. I have the feeling that somewhere those two are the same person. Okay, they're brothers :p but besides that, I just... I don't know. They both do something to me. I can't really describe it in words :')
11. Who is your least favourite character and why? I don't have anything for Lucy, Neal and Jacqueline, but maybe that's because I'm just so into Hugo and Max. Also, finding out that Lucy is a former gold-digger didn't do anything good for me, although it's former. For Neal and Jacqueline, maybe I just haven't seen them enough to make something about them.
12. Who would you want to see more of? Yeah, because of previous question I would say Neal and Jacqueline, just to see if I'd like them more after knowing more about them. Besides that, Hugo and Max will always be my favorites :P
13. What is your favourite storyline and why? Again, Hugo first and then Max :P
14. What are your predictions for any of the ongoing (or future) storylines? Something's going to happen between Hugo, Nelson, Sofia, and Luna. Yeah. That's going to be a dramatic something. Second: Max and Brodie. I'm curious how this will end. Will they be fine? Friends? Leaders together? Worst enemies? Frenemies?
15. If you could give a piece of advice to one character, who would you choose and what would you say? Come on Max, don't let me down! Fix your gang and fix your life!
16. Do you have anything of your own to ask or add? Nope, not really :P I just want to say that I like the story and can't wait to see more!
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