Chapter 1: A New Year
On New Years Eve, the doorbell rang at the Greenfield residence. "I'll get it!" Pablo shouted, running to the door. At the door was Maci, his best friend since first grade, wearing a fancy dress. "Wow, Maci..." He said, "You're all dressed up! It's just a New Years party. You don't have to wear a ballgown!" Maci smiled, "Well... I figured I would. New year, new me, ya know?" "Okay...?" Pablo shrugged. Why was his tomboy friend wearing a dress?
About an hour later, Pablo and Maci were chatting in the kitchen with some of the other guests while eating Juliette's garlic noodles, cookd especially for the occasion. "Your mom is a great cook!" Said Pablo's other friend, Sean. "Yeah," Maci agreed, "you're so lucky you get to eat her meals every day!" Pablo finished the rest of his meal. "I'm stuffed! Wanna go outside, guys?" "Sure." Maci answered. "Nah, Imma watch the San Myshuno New Years Eve Party on TV." Sean said, "Have fun, lovebirds!" "Hey!" Pablo scolded. "We're just friends!" Maci added, "C'mon, Pablo. Let's go."
After playing in the snow for a little bit, Pablo and Maci ended up stargazing. "I can't believe it's almost a new year." Pablo said. "Yeah," Maci said, "Who knows what'll happen?" "Say, Maci," Pablo said, "why did you wear such a fancy dress? You hate dresses!" "Oh..." Maci went quiet, "Well, if I'm being entirely honest... I wanted to impress someone at the party." "Wait, you have a crush?!" Pablo exclaimed, "On who?!" Maci was silent again, then quietly said, "I'd rather not say."
Before Pablo could question his friend further, a group of classmates came up from behind them. "What are you doing down there?" asked a classmate. "Oh... we're just stargazing." Maci answered nervously. "How romantic!" another classmate teased, "When are you gonna get married?" "We're JUST FRIENDS!" Maci insisted. Sean pushed his way to the front of the group. "That's enough, guys." He said to his classmates, "Let's give them some privacy." The classmates groaned and headed back inside. Pablo turned to Maci, "We should probably go inside too. It's probably almost midnight!"
A while later, it was one minute to midnight, and the countdown began. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Everyone cheered. Pablo's parents shared a New Years kiss while young Leonardo pretended to throw up. "Hey, Alfred, you missed New Years!" Pablo said to a nearby friend who was on the computer. "No I didn't!" Alfred answered, "My favorite YouTuber did a New Years livestream! See? The chat's going wild!" Pablo sighed in annoyance and returned to Maci's side.
"Well, I have to go." Maci said, "It's way past my bedtime! Thanks for a great party!" She gave him a hug. "Oh, anytime!" Pablo smiled, "See you soon!"
To be Continued...