Forum Discussion

dedegear's avatar
7 years ago

The missing link is University...

I looove the direction of Sims 4 I just think the missing link is University. I was thinking 2 part time careers for students in high school and college would be 1) tutoring: where some actions could be the tutor teaching someone sooo dimwitted it becomes an alllll night study session which will work for group midterm studies. Also this could lead to a teacher career 2) the opposite could be the person who sells essays and the price paid determines the grade this can lead to a counterfeit crime career ...
For the alll nighter study sessions students could suffer a caffeine high and either stay up for 24 hours fall asleep during the exam or hibernate 24 hours as a result missing big events like home coming a date or midterms or just class. I think aside from the ramen pizza and caffeine diet along with the freshmen 15 the newly adults can recieve monies western union or sim gram from parents or whom ever. It would also be funny to see whims like them spending their money on clothes games etc instead of making responsible choices and the parents having options to say no in regards to helping them which can get them kicked out the dorm ir college altogether. I think sorities and frat boys should return along with whims after they graduate for some who cant get over thier glory days as homecoming/ prom king/ queen or that winning touch down. Which would be great for parents to talk to their kids about ala Al Bundy
I also think a game back for cancun/ skiing destination would be great for the college students to go on a spring break holiday giving them an option to ditch family by going solo or bring friends/ mate in vacation or to visit family and they should pack dirty laundry too but hopefully theres a laundromat on campus. Another option is summer internship. Or online classes to level up career from 5 to 8, or just getting an online degree which can be real or shotty university and forgo college altogether great for many story lines this can also work for high schoolers to give them an advantage with college credits and graduate early. I also think a new career should be career student and some night school taught by vampires.

2 Replies

  • I feel University will bring balance to this game and maybe as a prelude we can get a game pack that focuses on school events like home coming... prom... GRADUATION there are great mods for these but everytime theres an update either it doesnt work or we hafta await the mods to update and these things add depth to the game. For home coming n prom teens could be on float or decorating committee or crowned king and queen or whatever you want in your world.
    I think picking out the outfits can be a solo or event involving family/ friends...which can include the teen sim being gifted a vintage dress from a family member alive or ghost who some players may wanna bring back for that event. Options could be parent chaperoned, home prom great for vamps, spiked punch with sick Sims, kidnapped mascot costume by opposing school for homecoming, same outfit, terrible pictures, float going flat, team losing game because team captain threw it wrong way, and they can pratice (slow) dancing for prom and home coming great for weddings too or get 2 left feet negative reaction. Sims can get into college by having all night cram session at home library or cafe solo/ friends. Or cheat on exam get caught during or after or not at all and hafta pay karma later in life or pay GRIM. Sims can get recommendations letters via boss scout master or teacher and apply for scholarship along with being accepted to none some or all schools applied for or family can buy sims way in by paying tuition or making hefty donation to top school with library in their honor. A prompt to sign year books while at school and a skip day to go to beach would be cool. Students that dont have grades to graduate csn do summer school and get mail diploma but dont graduate with friends. A grad party can set up by student or parent. And student or parent can invite people to graduation who can also gift cash jewelry or rust bucket car that doesnt drive. Graduating Sims should have badges earned through school career leading to university. And pictures of them in cap and gown. For giggles simbling or parent should measure room for plans they have when they leave like younger sibling taking room cause its bigger or dad making it his man cave. I think a game pack like this would be fun and you could merge with the game of life making it a board game meets simulation game... Old meets new since the Sims have an older fan base like myself who play both and also new. This can be sold a month before University expansion or as a deluxe pack

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