Forum Discussion

Lucy_Henley's avatar
New Spectator
3 years ago

The Parker Saga

As with my other stories/threads, there is no legacy or challenge in this story. There's more of a 'plot' to this one than my other ones.

Joshua Parker had... rather an odd childhood, he'd say. Now, as he raises his own children, he decides it is time to deal with his past. Can he balance therapy alongside a full-time job and raising four children, each of whom are very different?



The weather had been atrocious all day; such was the reality of autumn in Henford-on-Bagley.

The dew collectors had been working overtime, in total contrast to the solar panels.

Clover the cow and Cloudy the llama remained firmly indoors, as did the human occupants of 2 Olde Mill Lane.

Inside the house, each of the four children were dealing with their boredom in various ways...

"Wheeeee! Flying to da MOOOOON!"
Hazel, one of the older pair of twins, had a vivid imagination, and playing in front of the dollhouse was her favourite pastime.

The stereo was constantly playing in the living room, and Lydia, Hazel's tomboyish twin, was often to be found dancing to the music.

Meanwhile, Katie - who was best described as Little Miss Independent - was sat on the landing upstairs, happily playing games on her tablet.

Over in the kitchen, Clara - who had inherited her mother's outgoing nature and her father's bad eyesight - needed to ask her daddy a question.
"Dada! I very stinky!"
"Ooh, yes," Joshua replied. "Let's go and run you a nice warm bath."

As he bent down next to the tub, Joshua got thinking about the future. Hazel and Lydia were soon going to be growing up and heading to school. He remembered holding each of his girls for the first time and vowing that each of them would be allowed to pursue whichever career they wanted, without any sort of parental interference. Hazel's imagination didn't just mean she'd become an author, neither did Lydia's wild streak mean she was destined for life as a sports star.

Life is pretty sweet, Joshua thought as he climbed into bed next to his darling wife Emily. I have a loving wife, four adorable daughters and my dream job.
Yet he couldn't help but feel like something was missing...
  • Chapter 3
    Oh geez, they got home right as Joshua’s father died? The game knows how to generate some drama, doesn’t it? Poor guys. And right around the holidays, too. Awww and even the animals ? Grim had a busy time around the Parker family, that’s for sure. Let’s hope they don’t see him again for a while.
  • @_sims_Yimi


    Originally, when I looked via MCCC, Adam was going to die on Winterfest day itself. I did NOT want that to happen, so I used MCCC to temporarily flag him as immortal, then removed the flag a couple of days later.
    Yep, let’s hope there’s no more deaths for a while. Actually the second llama, Curly, left the family as I’d neglected it too long :# so I had to get another one who I named Floofy.

    Now to think seriously about what will happen to the girls… I’m going to be taking a little break from this story and go back to my Magical Mastersons one. I have an idea for Lydia, but not so much the other three.
  • Chapter Four B: Spellcasting and Scouting

    Now that they were teenagers, Hazel and Lydia were keen to learn some spells. They knew they could get to the Magic Realm with their Glimmerstones, but they felt it would be more fun to go through the Portal in Glimmerbrook.
    "You ready?" Lydia asked.
    "Of course! I was BORN ready!" Hazel grinned.

    Once in the Realm, the twins split up. Hazel decided to practise some Practical magic, and Lydia went inside the HQ building to see if she could learn a potion recipe.

    The next morning, Lydia decided to try and make breakfast... but ended up starting a fire.
    "Ha ha, you're in trouble," Hazel grinned.
    "She isn't," Emily said. "It can happen to anyone, and we can easily replace the burnt stuff."
    "I was trying to be helpful by making breakfast for everyone," Lydia sighed. "I guess I need more practice."
    "That's OK, Lydia. If you'd like, I can help you next time you make something," Emily said soothingly.

    All four girls decided to work towards some Scout badges that afternoon, so they visited the Bramblewood and went fishing in the pond.
    "I hope there are some fish in here," Lydia said, gazing at all the leaves and algae in the pond.
    "Yeah, we might have better luck elsewhere," Hazel agreed. "I'm worried I might injure one of those ducks by mistake."

    "Man, this is boring," Katie sighed. "Isn't there something else we can do for the Outdoor Adventurer badge?"
    "Well, we can't cook on grills yet," Clara replied. "We could go looking for frogs, though."

    Hazel noticed that one of the solar panels was broken.
    "Time for a little magic..." she muttered. "Repairio!"
    A shower of sparkles enveloped the solar panel, and the green light at the top switched back from red.
    "Wow! Awesome!" Hazel grinned. "Much quicker and more efficient than getting out a spanner!”

  • Im so glad I managed to catch this story from the start. Loving the story so far and the backstory you've crafted for the Parker family is intriguing. Im eager to find out more about Joshua.

    Also Lydia and Hazel's dynamic is so adorable. I love their dialogue. ?
  • Oops I got Hazel’s spell wrong! She knows Repairio, not Scruberoo :# :D :D I’ll change it right now.
  • Chapter Six: Probing Further

    Joshua was unsure how to feel about his next counselling appointment. He'd always preferred facts and logic and certainty, and there was no way of knowing what would come up. He was optimistic by nature, though, and went in with an open mind.
    Ayesha greeted him with a warm smile and they went into the little front room.
    "How are you feeling today? You seem a little uncomfortable," she remarked.
    "Oh wow, you're great at reading minds!" Joshua replied with a laugh.
    "Well, when you've been a psychologist for as long as I have, you become very good at picking these things up," Ayesha smiled. "I know counselling is tough for a lot of people."
    "It's more... well, I like logic and predictability, and it's hard to predict exactly what's going to happen with these sessions."

    "That's alright," Ayesha said. "I've met a lot of people like you. In fact, I'm the same way to a certain extent; most people are."
    "Of course."
    "I just wanted to pick up on a few things from our last session. I gathered that you felt your mother forced you into things, without you really having a say. So I find it interesting that you became a Spellcaster as a teenager. How did that pan out?"
    "Oh, I never told my mother," Joshua explained. "She didn't notice me leave the house. I loved reading fantasy books as a kid which mentioned wizards and magic, and then Emily, my wife, told me she was a Spellcaster and that her parents were too. We lived next door to each other and became friends. She also told me you could didn't have to be born a Spellcaster and could become one, but had to wait until you were a teenager. So that was pretty much the first thing I did after my birthday."

    "Do you... umm... know much about Spellcasters?" he asked.
    "A little. I know they can be somewhat secretive, but that's mainly to do with not casting spells in public," Ayesha said.
    "OK. Yeah, we keep to ourselves. Anyway, I went to Glimmerbrook, which is the ancestral home of Spellcasting..." - here Ayesha nodded - "... and found the portal, and went through it..."

    More under spoiler:


    "... I bumped into this guy who seemed quite knowledgable, and he said he was one of the Sages - who are, like, experts in their chosen style of magic - and he said he could transform me into a Spellcaster..."

    "... and he did. It was an odd process physically. I started levitating and felt very... odd all over, I can't really describe it. He then told me that I was now a Spellcaster and could learn and cast spells and create potions."

    "Then I went to an area where you can purchase spellbooks and potion ingredients and stuff, and I happened to bump into Emily. She was my best friend at the time, and then became my girlfriend and is now my wife."
    Ayesha nodded, smiling.
    "I told her that I'd become a Spellcaster and she was so excited. She thought it was really cool."

    "Right," Ayesha said. "That's an interesting story."
    "Oh?" Joshua replied. He had a sudden worry - did she think he'd become a Spellcaster just to impress Emily?
    He voiced his worry.
    "I don't think so," Ayesha said. "Perhaps that might have been a small part of it. But think about the way you went about it."
    "I want you to try and come up with your own answer. A lot of therapy is about encouraging patients to come up with their own ideas and solutions, with the therapist's guidance."
    "Oh. Well, I didn't tell anyone about it," Joshua said.
    "Exactly," Ayesha replied.

    "Well, aside from Emily of course... but that's different."
    "Why didn't you tell anyone?"
    "It was none of their business. I mean, I had a nanny who was really kind to me, but I knew she and Mum spoke a lot about various things and I didn't want anything to slip out."
    Joshua went quiet. Ayesha kept looking at him somewhat expectantly.
    "I wanted to do something that I had chosen to do, rather than have someone tell me to do it."
    "Very good! Ayesha smiled. "You took control, likely for the first time, and did something that fundamentally changed you."

    "Huh," Joshua said. "I never thought about it in that way."

  • Chapter Seven B: Starting University

    Now that Hazel and Lydia had finished school, their immediate thought was university. Having applied for scholarships and then for their actual degrees, Hazel was eager to find out whether they'd been accepted.
    "Hey Lyd! I got in!" Hazel grinned.
    "Ooh, well done! What about me?"
    "Well, I didn't think I should open your letter. But I'm sure you got in, too."
    Lydia decided to check the online application portal; sure enough, she'd gained a place at Foxbury Institute to study Biology.

    With the weekend ahead of them before they started classes, the twins decided to investigate the various societies on offer. Both of them joined their respective spirit corps. In addition, Hazel had heard of something called the "Secret Society", which naturally intrigued her. There was little information about it on Britechester's student portal, but there was something that suggested that an offering made at the university statue was a way to obtain further information.
    At midnight, a couple of students arrived and informed Hazel that she had been accepted into the Secret Society, and handed her a special robe. She put it on, feeling both ecstatic at having been admitted and a little silly at wearing the robe. For a so-called "secret society", such an obvious outfit would likely attract more attention than not.

    The following Monday, with the weather getting colder, the girls headed off to their first classes.

    More under spoiler:


    Hazel had learned that a lot of what the Secret Society did was appeasing various sprites, which could be achieved by making offerings at a location behind the local pub. Hazel guessed that rare objects would probably go down better than more common ones, and was grateful that her mother had such an extensive garden full of high-quality harvestables.

    Winterfest occurred on the Wednesday, and Hazel and Lydia decorated the tree together.
    "How's it going?" Hazel asked, untangling a string of fairy lights.
    "Yeah, everything's great," Lydia replied. "I'm a little bit worried about the presentation I have to do, but otherwise..."
    "Yeah, I understand. It's a good skill to learn though," Hazel said.

    Meanwhile, Joshua had been working hard to acquire all the components to create a Servo. Finally, he achieved his goal, and the Servo was activated. Unsure what else to name him, Joshua dubbed his creation "C3PO Blue".

    That Friday afternoon...
    "Oh sh*t! It's gone 4pm!" Lydia exclaimed in dismay. She'd been told that she had to give her presentation by then, and here she still was at home.
    "F**k, f**k, f**k," she muttered, trying (and somewhat failing) not to panic. Although she'd told Hazel about not enjoying the prospect, she had always intended to actually give the presentation. Would she be penalised? Had she done enough in class and her homework to achieve a decent grade?

    That evening...
    "So, how did it go?" Katie asked.
    "Not too bad. Two A+s and two Bs. I could have done better, of course, but I'm not too bothered."
    "How about Lydia? I heard she missed being able to give her presentation," Katie said.
    "Yeah, she managed a B- in that class anyway," Hazel grinned. "She rang the professor and was very apologetic, and he said not to worry and that it had happened before. Luckily she'd done well enough otherwise to not fail the whole module."
    "She was lucky, then," Katie smiled back. "I guess in some ways it's good that it happened, so she knows to be a little more organised next time. It'll have given her a kick up the backside."

  • Well, after a long break, I'm finally back with the Parker Saga!

    I write the posts on Blogger first before copy-and-pasting over here. From now on, I think it'll be easier to just directly link to the blog post rather than copy everything out. I've also started doing little preview photos, too, with Canva, which I'm still figuring out.

    So, without further ado...

    Chapter Eight: Proposals on Location

    Chapter Nine: Clara and Katie

    I originally published the next chapter, Ten A, back in May. Now, though, I've acquired Pose Player, so I re-wrote it using fresh screenshots. It's still got a date of 25th May, so it doesn't mess up the order the posts appear in on the blog.

    Chapter Ten A: Opening Up

    Big thanks to @_sims_Yimi for the advice on using Pose Player/Teleport Any Sim on her Tales of Camelot thread! I really should've installed it earlier, haha.

    Finding decent "sitting down and having a chat" poses was surprisingly difficult. I originally wanted them to be in the living room, so I searched for sofa poses... most of which are either super-formal family portraits that people use for their legacy families, or they're somewhat sexualised/model-type poses of Sims draped all over armchairs and that sort of thing. Sometimes I'd find a decent set of poses (I mostly search with Google Images) only to find that they were no longer available for whatever reason. I then decided to have the discussion round the dining table, and found a decent set of poses. Ayesha's pose during the therapy scene makes her look almost stern, but it was the best I could do. It's from a different set of poses to the dining table discussion ones.

    Anyway... the most recent chapter is Ten B, which is just some old screenshots from Joshua's childhood, as well as some cute ones from when Hazel, Lydia, Clara and Katie were toddlers. I <3 it when toddlers hug, they look so cute o:) <3 No preview photo for this one.

    Chapter Ten B: Some Old Screenshots
  • @_sims_Yimi No problem! Now I’ve got the wedding chapter to do… I only used a couple of wedding-specific poses, but I’m happy with the way they turned out!