5 years agoRising Traveler
Renovate My House...
You've seen those home renovations you know that not every house is ready for you to put your design spin on it, right? Some are worse than others..... :D So that is what this is about… Read the client brief, it will tell you everything you need to know about the needed renovation.
There will be no winners......... this is just for fun and to challenge your creativity based on what someone else would want.
BTW...use MOO when downloading my builds.
- Give credit to those who created something you are using.
- Tag your upload description with the tag in the brief.
- Cheats permitted: bb.moveobjects , bb.showhiddenobjects , bb.showliveeditobjects, bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement, and your favorite to obtain the funds to do the build.
- Do not go over the budget. Delete any available money and use only what is budgeted, but whatever furniture and appliances you delete is bonus money but not walls cabinets, or plumbing, unless indicated in the brief.
- Maintain the lot size
- Do not change the exterior walls, unless indicated in the client briefing.
- Do not change the roofline, unless indicated in the client briefing.
- Do not change the interior load-bearing walls, unless indicated in the client briefing.
- T.O.O.L. permitted
- Playtest your reno, please.
Entry form: (copy/paste to post)
Origin ID:
Link to the gallery:
Link to more photos/slideshow (optional):
Pictures: 1 top view (per story); 1 of your favorite room.