Forum Discussion

Briana2526's avatar
Seasoned Ace
4 years ago

The Preteen Mod I want it implemented in game

There's a mod for Preteens by it'skatato available to all on December 22 on Patreon but I really like this mod and hopefully it can be implemented into the game HINT DEVS HINT!!!
I wait for what else she has in store for this mod.

I would like to say to the devs that they should check this mod out and also get ideas like I would love for Preteens to still hang out on the play ground and play and collect void critters card and also have it all the time by phone like Pokemon go. Also have more clothing with void critters on it and furniture.
Have them cook the basic of foods not everything.
Hopefully we get a Generation Expansion Pack with Preteens patched in.

10 Replies

  • Any kid from birth to 12 is a preteen so technically they already exist in the game. Which is great cause that frees up time and money to work on other aspects! I don’t understand the the clamoring for a life stage that’s going to to do what kids (existing preteens) and teens already do, and as I have said many times before if they’re in their own height category we won’t have hardly any clothes for them, just like kids and toddlers now. Could they maybe revisit parenthood and make acne dynamic instead of a sticker? YES! That would be awesome. Maybe they could make the braces teeth random too. Also cool! But I do not want another height category in CAS and I don’t want time and money spent on an age category that acts the same as two other age categories. There are sooooo many other things that could be added instead that we don’t already have.
  • I hope they'd not add something as major as new life stages this late in the going. But if they ever do, I hope they confine it to a pack about kids, generations, etc. for people who actually want that kind of stuff. I personally do not.
  • I would love a tweens/preteen life stage. As it is, the jump from child to teen feels unnatural and there’s very little that differentiates teen and YA gameplay. If there were more things exclusive to being a teen or exclusive to being a YA it might not be so glaring but right now they’re basically the same thing. I’d love a generations pack with more gameplay/assets for each life stage and if that included an additional life stage I would be pleased. If they could do it with toddlers/occults they could absolutely add another lifestage at this point.
  • Oh, I didn't realize there was a whole thread about this idea.

    Yeah, optimally I wish the game would have launched with a little better distinction with the different Life Stages. I think it was said that the Elders in the Sims 2 actually looked and felt distinct (Sims 2 is the only one I've never played, and my memories of 1 and 3 are hazy). The fact that Teen, Young Adult, Adult, and Elder are basically identical is annoying, and it also makes the jump from Child to Teen extremely jarring.

    At this point in the Sims 4's life, I'd also just rather see a Sims 5 come out that does better with Life Stages from the beginning.

    However, as long as the Sims 4 continues to get updates and completely redesigning everyone's existing characters obviously wouldn't be a good idea, adding a new Life Stage between Child and Teen is the obvious option to me.
  • I think it's impractical for them to fill every age gap. Kids are the preteens and teens are teens.
    They just need an official height slider or presets to get various age looks for teens. They have mood swings, attitudes, homework, and everything people consider a preteen would have.

    The only thing missing is a height slider and teen focused content/activities. More teen like clothing would be nice too. But I guess these days teens dress very adult like.
    (Still waiting on that highschool drama pack)

    I however, understand some people wanting this because I want prekids? (?) like we are missing 5 to 6 year olds. Toddlers just learn to walk. And they use a highchair and they can't talk clear or go to preschool so they are like 1 years old. Can't be more than two.

    Then they jump straight into what looks like a preteen to me. Ts4 kids look older, more like 9 10 11 or 12 depending on how you make them. But no younger than 9 in my opinion. Their boring personalities doesn't help. I want my kids running around the house, knocking things over, jumping on furniture, sword fighting (play swords),building forts out of cardboard and tree houses, pillow fighting and fighting eachother over toys lol etc etc.
    But instead my kids quietly sit around and talk or cry over broken dollhouses lol.
    Oh and make paint meses.

    But most likely the sims would never add 5 year olds.
    I'm still struggling to get good clothes for my kids. I was trying to make a cool vampire boy to match his cool vampire older brother and all I got is like various shirts and pants. Nothing cool, innovative, unique or really fancy. Even with cc the selection is few, dry and borning. While my adults (and teens cause they are the same size) have so many clothes I'm going on a delete spree lol
    It's really unfair. I can't imagine adding other lifestage to the mix of no clothing or accessories.

    If they ever were to add them I would welcome them. I just personally think all the preteen stuff people want can be added to kids and teens to bring them to life more rather than starting over from scratch on a new one that's just gonna be slightly shorter.

  • "temporalgod;c-18022486" wrote:
    I'm actually curious about preteen sims, are they normal sims or do their supernatural genetics kick in, like at what age do the fangs start to grow in.

    I mean they could at that age start getting the symptoms of a were, a vamp, a witch and so on probably just the early stages but I think it might be cool if they had both Preteens and more occults.
  • I like how some simmers are saying they need to focus more on this and that! With all do respect most of the stuff they do focus on no one really asked for them, it totally missed the mark, and the game its boring after awhile it's not like Sims 2 or 3 where you play hours upon hours or days upon Days. Something new needs to happen because for 7 years we have been going around the same cycle. Imo.

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