The Kalanis
It's feels like ages since I last played the Kalani branch. I skipped them in the last rotation because there was so much going on with Vetle and Mariana's family. But it's about time this family gets some attention too. Little Albert, who is the sim I'm mainly focusing on in this household, is not so little anymore. In this picture, he was playing with his best friends Nile, Pri and Silvia.
Now he's grown to be a teenager, and so have most of his friends.
Nile is the only one in the gang who hasn't quite aged up yet. His two other childhood friends, Pri and Silvia, sits on either side of him in this picture.
At home, things are pretty much the same old. Karla Mai moved out to live with her boyfriend, but the other twin, Jenna, still lives with them. She and Albert are still very close, she's practically a third parent to him. Which is nice, because both his parents work all the time. Mahatma is not in this evening photo because he works late, but aunt Una Michelle is visiting.