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Zenionith's avatar
8 years ago

The Sims 4: FARMING Expansion Pack + HORSES

The Sims 4: Off The Land Expansion Pack

Create your own horse in CAP or tame wild horses by feeding them carrots in the new world Redwood Reservoir.
You can ride through the neighborhood on a horseback or train them to run faster.
When you're lucky you might even encounter a unicorn at night, but there is a special harvestable that you have to feed them with in order to become tame.
Riding skill: learn how to ride or your Sim might fall off the horse.
Sims can also show their riding skill at the mechanical bull rodeo ride that appears at the farmer‘s market or local watering hole.

There are plenty of new harvestables, some examples include Oranges, Peaches, Corn, Lettuce, Parsnips, Turnips or even Plums.
You also get to finally do something with the harvestables! Use the Nectar Maker and Nectar Rack to create delicious (or not so delicious) Nectar, depending on your Nectar Making skill. Just don't fart while making Nectar or doing it with low hygiene! Nectar becomes more valuable and delicious when storing in the Nectar rack for a longer time. You can also preserve vegetables or create jam with the Canning Station. If Sims drink too much nectar, they get dazed!

Besides country-ish clothing, your Sims can live in the new world of Sunlight Acres. All lots in this world are "Off the Grid", meaning you need Generators and Water Pumps to take a shower or watch TV, but on the good side you don't have to pay bills!
Use alternative objects that don't use energy like an outhouse or firewood stove instead!


18 Replies

  • lovlyb's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    7 years ago
    I want farm life so badly, but it gotta have the basic farm animals for me. Cows, pig, chickens etc...
  • "lovlyb;c-16893827" wrote:
    I want farm life so badly, but it gotta have the basic farm animals for me. Cows, pig, chickens etc...

    Sheep and maybe llamas as well! (They produce wool for sewing)
  • For me, things I would want from a farm expansion pack (which I've wanted for so long uhg) would be:

    Animals - Animals are a must on a farm. Not just Horses. Farm animals could be sent to slaughter (rabbit hole) so you have meat

    -Cows (Milk)
    -Sheep (wool)
    -Chicken (Eggs)

    Additional animals could be things like Goats, Pigs, and even a llama or Turkey. The amount of care you put into the animals would level up their byproducts and in the end make you more money by selling them with a click, a weekly farmer's market, or at a business you own. With the exception of Horses, farm animals must remain in an enclosure and cannot leave the lot except to be shown at the local fair. All main farm animals could have a few coat options so they're not all the same color/patterned. They'd all be NPC

    Wild animals that could be tamed and possibly domesticated?
    -ducks/geese (raid the nests)
    -horses (like the wild ones running around)

    Crops and new soil plot. As we know Corn grows tall and generally in rows, perhaps thin dirt plots that are long and in lines can hold up to 3 crops. You got to have corn. I can't think of all the crop types off the top of my head but things like Wheat, hay, alfalfa, clover, and sugar cane as new ones

    New Skills would be canning/nectar making/cheese maker/Sewing

  • Creating horses in CAP would probably bump it up from a GP to an EP, as well as adding in all the animations and such. And like many others here I'd like to see more animals than just horses -- cows to produce milk, sheep (or llamas) to produce wool, chickens for eggs. I'd be willing to have them confined to a pen, similar to what we had in the Sims 3 Store.

    I'd also like to see new harvestables, new recipes to use the harvestables, maybe something like a grain mill for grinding corn to make cornmeal or wheat to make flour, then add those as optional ingredients to recipes to reduce the cost, or it can be used for animal feed (especially corn). I'd like to see more handicrafts/hobbies; if we got sheep or llamas, perhaps knitting or crochet as a hobby to create (unlock) things like blankets, sweaters, hats etc. Start out making ugly misshapen stuff then progress to more quality work -- maybe a 5 level skill? If you have CL or JA you can use the sales tables to sell your products. I'd also like the market carts shown in the GT concept art for Sims to sell their produce; it would tie in really well with both Seasons (though Seasons wouldn't be required) and the gardening overhaul. Maybe a farmer's market modeled after the Flea Market in CL where Sims would sell stuff.
  • I might be a bit late to this thread but I just want to get out some of my ideas that I would love to see

    - As others have said I would want these fully fleshed out (with the way sims4 is I wouldn't mind if these were in a separate gamepack)
    - perhaps being able to use them as an alternative to a tractor when ploughing fields and such e.g. have pre-set plot sizes to grow crops which will allow the horses/tractors to drive past and harvest/plant

    - again others have said cows (milk, leather), sheep (wool), chickens (eggs), pigs
    - ability to sell for meat
    - pen bound but with some type of mating system to allow you to build up your farm and make it seem more rewarding
    - enable chickens to roam within a set area during the day
    - might be unrealistic but pets compatibility to allow sheep herding by dogs or just some ability to bark at or annoy the farm animals/be scared by them

    - depending on the world's terrain some wild sheep on hillside
    - rabbits and deers to make the world seem more alive
    - racoons that can go through your bins
    - while very unlikely to be implemented, foxes that you need to protect your chickens from e.g. make sure they are in their pens at night
    - birds that require scarecrows to chase off

    - crops e.g. wheat etc.
    - bread making (including windmill)
    - canning/preserving
    - pie making
    - knitting/sewing
    - village festivals (dancing, bake sale etc)
    - cheese making
    - nectar making

    - solar panels/wind turbines/generators
    - composting
    - bathing in lakes
    - outhouse
    - collect, or just the option to chop, firewood

    There is probably more bu this is all i can think of at the moment. Obviously some of these will never happen with the way sims 4 is but this is what I would love to see
  • "SaminaWinchester;c-17106137" wrote:
    I might be a bit late to this thread but I just want to get out some of my ideas that I would love to see

    - As others have said I would want these fully fleshed out (with the way sims4 is I wouldn't mind if these were in a separate gamepack)
    - perhaps being able to use them as an alternative to a tractor when ploughing fields and such e.g. have pre-set plot sizes to grow crops which will allow the horses/tractors to drive past and harvest/plant

    - again others have said cows (milk, leather), sheep (wool), chickens (eggs), pigs
    - ability to sell for meat
    - pen bound but with some type of mating system to allow you to build up your farm and make it seem more rewarding
    - enable chickens to roam within a set area during the day
    - might be unrealistic but pets compatibility to allow sheep herding by dogs or just some ability to bark at or annoy the farm animals/be scared by them

    - depending on the world's terrain some wild sheep on hillside
    - rabbits and deers to make the world seem more alive
    - racoons that can go through your bins
    - while very unlikely to be implemented, foxes that you need to protect your chickens from e.g. make sure they are in their pens at night
    - birds that require scarecrows to chase off

    - crops e.g. wheat etc.
    - bread making (including windmill)
    - canning/preserving
    - pie making
    - knitting/sewing
    - village festivals (dancing, bake sale etc)
    - cheese making
    - nectar making

    - solar panels/wind turbines/generators
    - composting
    - bathing in lakes
    - outhouse
    - collect, or just the option to chop, firewood

    There is probably more bu this is all i can think of at the moment. Obviously some of these will never happen with the way sims 4 is but this is what I would love to see

    I like these ideas. We need to keep pushing Farming as an EP to keep Maxis thinking about it. The other threads about it are going further back on the pages again.

    Off the Grid seems to be a given Option in Island Living but I don't know how it is implemented in it.
  • > @SaminaWinchester said:
    > I might be a bit late to this thread but I just want to get out some of my ideas that I would love to see
    > HORSES
    > - As others have said I would want these fully fleshed out (with the way sims4 is I wouldn't mind if these were in a separate gamepack)
    > - perhaps being able to use them as an alternative to a tractor when ploughing fields and such e.g. have pre-set plot sizes to grow crops which will allow the horses/tractors to drive past and harvest/plant
    > - again others have said cows (milk, leather), sheep (wool), chickens (eggs), pigs
    > - ability to sell for meat
    > - pen bound but with some type of mating system to allow you to build up your farm and make it seem more rewarding
    > - enable chickens to roam within a set area during the day
    > - might be unrealistic but pets compatibility to allow sheep herding by dogs or just some ability to bark at or annoy the farm animals/be scared by them
    > - depending on the world's terrain some wild sheep on hillside
    > - rabbits and deers to make the world seem more alive
    > - racoons that can go through your bins
    > - while very unlikely to be implemented, foxes that you need to protect your chickens from e.g. make sure they are in their pens at night
    > - birds that require scarecrows to chase off
    > - crops e.g. wheat etc.
    > - bread making (including windmill)
    > - canning/preserving
    > - pie making
    > - knitting/sewing
    > - village festivals (dancing, bake sale etc)
    > - cheese making
    > - nectar making
    > - solar panels/wind turbines/generators
    > - composting
    > - bathing in lakes
    > - outhouse
    > - collect, or just the option to chop, firewood
    > There is probably more bu this is all i can think of at the moment. Obviously some of these will never happen with the way sims 4 is but this is what I would love to see

    I would love some geese(gaurd chickens from predators), ducks(eggs/meat), rabbits in a cage on the farm (meat/fur/just cute) and goats (alternative milk) and tha ability to buy turkeys only in fall
    Tractors, plowing (maybe with an old plow and a horse), water well, a farm stand, farmers market

  • Yaffel's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    6 years ago
    I am 100% on board with an off the grid expansion. Bring solar panels, wind energy and the ability to work in the industry to average life!! I love it so much!!

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