Forum Discussion

Weefurball's avatar
Seasoned Traveler
2 years ago

The Tower of the Good Witch

Hi all,

I have another build that I started a long, long time ago, almost finished, and never did. I've spent the week fixing it up to post! I must have started around the time that Realm of Magic came out, and probably whenever they came out with customized staircases as well. Because that got me wondering if I could actually wrap the stairs around the outside of a narrow tower. It took a lot of messing around, but I'm happy with how it ended up! I just wish we could go higher than 4 floors. Still cool though.

My "story" that I play is that this tower is the tower that whoever has the title of Good Witch lives in. So it gets passed on from witch to witch to witch. And now the Good Witch is a young, modern sort of witch and she's inherited this formal, witchy sort of tower and trying to live in it and be a good Good Witch. :)

Anyway, enough talking, here it is and I hope you like it!

Tower Exterior:

The hedge maze helps to deter non-serious applicants :)

The glass roof

Tower Interior - lower floor:
Let's head up! Once you get through the hedge maze, you reach the staircase that wraps around the outside of the tower.

The third floor is where the staircase climbs up inside the tower

In this layout, the staircase in the center goes up to the fourth floor. The staircase wrapping around that comes from outside. You enter through the "front door", which is the white one with grey outline that leads to the room on the bottom of the floorplan. That's the entryway. There's a door on the right side of the entryway that leads to the foyer, from which you can access a guest bathroom, the stairs to the fourth floor, and the locked door that leads to ladders that head down inside the tower. Where to? We'll get to that later.

The door on the left side of the entryway leads to the witch's little sanctum, where she keeps her TV, coffeemaker, video game system, and anything else too "modern" for a Good Witch to have in her receiving room upstairs.


Foyer (you can see the ladders leading down inside the tower):

Guest bath, not too interesting:


Tower Interior - upper floor
Let's head up the center staircase up to the fourth floor. This is where the Good Witch receives guests and applicants, and it's her main living space. There are two other rooms, the bedroom and bathroom. She keeps these private, as the guest bathroom is easily accessible at the bottom of the staircase.

Main living space with kitchen:

Lovely view while having breakfast :)

Those two doors lead to the bathroom (left) and bedroom (right).


Imagine lying in that bed at night, looking up through the glass canopy and glass ceiling to the starry sky. Or when it's raining and lightning!

And now let's investigate what's down those ladders. We head back down the central staircase to the foyer, and through the locked, bespelled door, and we head down...

And down...

And down...

To the basement.

Here is where the Good Witch practices her magical arts. She has a seance room, a room to grow her arcane plants for spell ingredients, and a room with her work desk and tables, her library of magical tomes, and of course her cauldron.

Seance room:

Garden room:

Cauldron room:

And finally, a small washroom so she doesn't have to climb up and down 6 ladders every time she has to go!

Well, that's it! You can find it in the gallery under my name, Rieferball, or here: I also originally created a gym, instead of a sanctum, on the bottom tier of the tower. If you want to use that instead, I posted that room on the gallery too, called Tower Exercise Room.

If you'd like to see my previous post, a small cottage with a loft, it's here:

Thanks for reading!

3 Replies

  • Tower of the Good Witch is so very creatively designed! :) Each area is designed so very well! Very lovely exterior design of the tower home, great round walls and very nice wraparound stairs. Very nice windows and very pretty glass roofing.The hedge maze design is so creatively great! Very lovely furnishing of each area of the interior. The curtains are pretty and very nice stone brick walls. Lovely patterned furniture. The design of the living,dining and kitchen area is very nice.The ladders to the basement spells and magic room is great! Very nice garden plants room and cauldron area.
  • Congratulations on your Tower build being highlighted on this week’s forums highlights thread! :) That is great!
  • Weefurball's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    2 years ago
    Thank you @rosemow! I got pretty sick after I posted this and haven't been back, I didn't even look at the Friday highlights so thanks for bringing my attention to it! And thank you again for your always-supportive words.

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