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4 years ago

The Upgrowth Challenge: The Clark Family

This is the Clark family's story while doing the Upgrowth Challenge. Follow their journey through love, heartache, challenges, and joy.

The Upgrowth Challenge:

Alice came from a wealthy family. She had two older brothers and a sister. Alice, the baby of the family, was spoiled by her father. Her mother, however, was tired of child rearing by the time she arrived and left her in the care of nannies.

Alice, used to getting her way, was surprised to learn that her father had picked a husband for her. A much older man who worked with her father. Alice protested, but her father would not listen. Her mother, Hellen, was no help either. She was eager to marry off her pampered daughter and be rid of her.

“He’s a good match, Alice,” said Hellen. “He’s wealthy and can provide you a nice home.”

Alice tear stricken ran to her room. Alice had dreamed of love and romance, a handsome, wealthy husband.

In town, Samuel had caught Alice’s eye. She liked his muscular build from hours of farm work. He was different from the men in her world. Her father’s coworkers and her sister’s husband, she found dull.

She found excuses to go to town to meet with him. Samuel found Alice beautiful and complimented her often.

When her father found out, he forbade her to see him. Her pleas made no difference. He demanded that she marry a respectable man. This man could give her nothing. He was only a poor farmer.

Samuel Clark came from a much different world than Alice. He came from a line of farmers. He was the sixth of eight children. His mother had recently passed after a lengthy illness, her life full of struggles and disappointments. His father’s only love was the drink and gambling.

Once the farm had provided a modest living. It had slowly deteriorated as Samuel’s oldest brothers moved out and his father began to drink more and farm less. The family soon was unable to afford but the absolute necessities. The family was ridiculed. The children wore rags and old hand me downs. Samuel had to quit school and work full time on the farm.

Samuel’s father gambled more and was unable to pay off his debts. Angry at not being paid, the farm was burned to the ground. They came after Samuel forcing him to flee with just the clothes on his back.

Samuel met Alice to say goodbye. Though she hardly knew him, she asked to go with Samuel. Samuel was surprised that she would leave the comfortable life she led to go with him. Alice was persuasive and insisted this was what she wanted.

They left that night and eloped. Samuel found some land and built a house. Alice was not used to so much work. Surely, things would improve soon. She can’t be expected to live this way, in a shack, working from sun up to sun down, getting filthy.

She wrote her parents. She was sure they would forgive her and help her out. They couldn’t possibly want her to live this way.

When Alice did not hear back from her parents she wrote a second and then a third letter. She hoped the letters had just been lost in the mail.

After the third letter, she heard back from her mother.

Your father is very disappointed in you. We gave you everything, Alice, A nice home, nice clothes, a good wealthy match and you threw it all away for a poor farm boy. You have disgraced your family. You always were a selfish, spoiled, impulsive girl. Now you will live with your decision. Your father refuses to speak your name and has written you out of the will. Do not write again. Hellen

Alice was devastated. How could her father stop loving her? She had been his favorite. There would be no help from her family. She was trapped, poor, and exhausted.

She was also expecting her first child. Alice hoped for a daughter. She knew Samuel wanted a son to help out on the farm. Alice found boys wild and messy. A daughter would be someone to dress up and gossip with.

Alice got her wish. A daughter was born. They named her Lucille.

Surely, once her parents learned about their new grandchild they would forgive her. They wouldn’t want the child to grow up in dirt and grime wearing rags.

  • The Antique Generation continues. Life offers many challenges for these Sims. Pregnancy is risky and there is no medication if a Sim falls ill.

    Alice yearns for the approval and support of her parents, but will she find it?

    Time passed and Alice had still not heard a word from her parents. She couldn’t believe they could just move on and completely forget about her as if she never existed.

    Lucille had kept her busy and she soon found herself expecting a second child.


    This time Lucille had a son. They named him Nelson. The pregnancy had been difficult and she hoped that it would be the last one. They had little money and Samuel had little time to work on improving their small home.


    Samuel helped with Lucille when he could, but often he was too busy doing farm work or crafting furniture. If he got done in time, he would read little Lucy a bedtime story.


    Samuel brought home a puppy named Bandit. He said it was for Lucy, but he doted on the puppy like it was another child. Lucy loved the puppy and they grew up together. Alice just signed, another mouth to feed and clean up after.

    On her birthday, Samuel surprised Lucy with another dog, Maggie. Lucy loved the dogs and spent hours training them. They became fast friends.


    How Alice’s life had changed. She had grown up with a nanny, cook, and a maid. Now she felt like she was all three in one. Sometimes, she wished that she had listened to her parents, married the wealthy man, and lived in luxury. Then she would watch Samuel with the children and she was glad to have them.

    She had written her parents again after the birth of Nelson. She thought maybe the birth of a new grandson would soften their hearts. No letter came. She began to wonder if she would ever see them again, if they would ever forgive her.


    Life was hard on the farm. Samuel worked long hours, stumbling in at night, barely able to eat supper before falling asleep.

    One morning he struggled to get out of bed. His head felt like it would explode. He tried to get up and felt dizzy. Maybe a little rest and then he could start his day, he thought as he lay back down. There was no money for a doctor.

    Alice was expecting again. She took one look at Samuel and told him to stay in bed.

    “Lucy and I will take care of the work,” She told him.


    The next day, Samuel was feeling no better. Alice insisted he rest one more day. She took the children to the market. Samuel dragged himself out of bed. He couldn’t neglect the farm two days in a row. He got dressed and then collapsed.

    Alice arrived home to find Samuel on the floor, dead. She sank to her knees and sobbed. How would she care for her family, run a farm on her own? She couldn’t do it on her own.


    Alice told Lucille she had to be a big girl now and help out more on the farm. She may have to miss school sometimes.

    “Don’t worry mama,” Lucille said,”I will help you.”

    Once again, Alice wrote to her parents, desperate for help. Surely, they would help her now. They wouldn’t punish their grandchildren for her choices, would they?


    Alice’s last child was a girl, Rebecca. Months passed and Alice heard not a word from her parents. They had truly written her off, forgotten her. She worked hard each day and fell into bed in exhaustion each night. Lucy was a big help, but she was only a child.

    Rebecca loved attention and would do almost anything to get it. She liked to dance and get her own way.


    Just when she has given up ever hearing from her parents again, a letter arrives. At last, they have forgiven her. She and the children can get off this farm and live the life they were meant to.

    Alice waits until the children are in bed. She reads the letter. It is not what she thinks. It’s from her mother with news that her father has died. Her mother is coming for a visit.

    Alice puts her head on the table and sobs. She will never see her father again. He died without forgiving her. How could she have been so foolish to run away from everything she had ever known? At least her mother is coming to rescue them, she thinks. Maybe she can find a match for her. Alice wouldn’t turn it down this time.

    She sighed with relief. Her mother would help her after all. She would get her inheritance, put the children in a proper school, and live a life more suitable for her.


    Hellen, Alice’s mother arrives. Alice is ashamed of her home, but their is little she can do about it. She knows her mother will judge her.

    “It’s worse than I thought,” said Hellen in disgust. “How can you live like this?” Alice bowed her head in shame.

    “Father, did father forgive me?” Alice asked.

    “Your father died without speaking your name again. He would be mortified to see how you are living like a servant.”

    Alice holds back tears and replied,” I was young and foolish. I think I paid for my choices. Thank you for coming to help us. I appreciate anything you can do.”

    “Help you?” Hellen smirked. “You made your choice to shame the family. You could have married a wealthy man and not had to worry about a thing. However, I am not a cruel woman. There is one thing I can do for you. I am in need of a lady’s companion. I am willing to take Lucille if she is civilized.”

    “Oh,” said Alice surprised, “What about the rest of us?”

    “I am too old for a houseful of children,” Hellen answered.

    “They will be quiet. You won’t even know they are there. At least let us stay until we can find somewhere else to stay with the inheritance.”

    “Inheritance,” laughed Hellen, “Your father wrote you out of the will when you left home. You humiliated him when you ran off on your engagement. It was as if you never existed. You shamed me once and you will not do it again”

    Alice is stunned. Her father had adored her.


    “Then a match. I won’t turn down anyone you choose,” pleaded Alice.

    Helen laughed. “No one wants a widow with three children, Alice. You ruined your life. Out of the kindness of my heart, I am offering to save your daughter. That is my only offer. Now, where is she?”

    Lucille comes inside and meets her grandmother for the first time. She finds her intimidating and she is not happy to leave her home to go with this woman.


    “What about my dogs?” Lucille asked.

    “Those filthy beasts? Not in my house. Pack your things.”

    “Leaving already?” Alice was desperate for her mother to stay, to get her help. but there was no changing Hellen’s mind.

    Alice hugged her daughter goodbye.

    “You live the life I was meant to live. Don’t forget us Lucille.”

    Lucille tried to beg to stay, but it was no use. She hugged her mother and siblings goodbye.

    You can read more about the Clark family here:

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