Part 2!Evelyn woke up for her second day in her new house and her first day at her new job!
She made some breakfast,

Practiced her guitar,

And went to work! Good luck Evelyn!

She came home, happy with the work she has done!

She practiced the guitar a little more too!

Deciding it was time for some fun, she ate a quick dinner and heading out to the bar with her friends.

She after a couple of drinks, she started to flirt with the bartender, Boston.

Still a bit drunk, she invited him home and Boston suggested he stay the night since it was 1 am in the morning. Evelyn! I’m very disappointed in you!

Evelyn Woods! You just met this man! Luckily, they went straight to sleep.
Uh oh, Evelyn. You don’t look so good.

She’s pregnant.
She went to bed, awestruck at what just happened. In the morning, she would tell Boston.

She didn’t have work tomorrow or the next day, which was a really good thing, she didn’t have to take any days off for the baby.
She woke up and told Boston about the baby.

He refused to have anything to do with the it. They argued for some time before he stormed out.

Evelyn had some yoghurt before calling Liberty over to tell her the news.

Liberty, being the good friend she is, consoled her through this and said that she, Travis, and Summer would support her no matter what. She also suggested painting as a good way to help with paying for the baby.
So they went out and bought an easel!

Evelyn was feeling really hungry, as if she was feeding more than 2. She though nothing of it and made a grilled cheese.

Thanks for reading! Please tell me any suggested names for the baby!