5 years agoSeasoned Ace
Thrall's Shell Challenges (Two new shell challenges posted 1/1/2021)
Each month I will be posting shell challenges on my gallery (Gallery ID: IllusoryThrall), here, my blog (, and on my twitch channel ( For this first month (January 2021), I will be doing two challenges, a standard challenge and an "advanced" challenge for those who want a bit more of, well, a challenge. I don't know whether I will continue doing two challenges like this, or just stick to the one most of the time. I will keep the first few posts reserved in this topic, and each time I post a new challenge, I'll edit them to reflect the newest challenge, as well as adding them to the end of the thread. At the end of each challenge, I will tour any builds that have been uploaded to the challenge hashtag on my twitch channel. If you're able to come watch, that's great! If not, the stream will still be up for the next month (or two? - not sure on this) on my channel, and you can watch it later. (Eventually, I will probably start posting my twitch streams to my youtube channel, but that's still in the murky future.) If you want to enter, but aren't interested in seeing the tours streamed, that's perfectly ok, too! It would be nice to see some pictures posted in this topic, but if you want to just lurk and post your build to the gallery, just make sure you've used the correct hashtag so that I can go see what you've done! :smiley: