Forum Discussion
4 years agoHero
Day 3 - Part 1
So Dawn just played quietly in the playroom while Donny and I and the rest of the little ones slept. Of course being a little wild, she's going to do what she wants to do anyhow.
Nathan gets up and comes into my room telling me that he needs a diaper change, so I change it for him. Then we talk for a little bit since I can't use the bathroom yet as Donny is in there doing his business.
Then Donny tells me that he's going to take a shower so that I don't end up walking in on him. He also reminds me that the new bathtub will be here today as we need one to wash the kids in.
After Donny takes his shower, he goes outside to use his punching bag that arrived from his last home that he was in. He called his buddy up that still lives there asking him if he can get it taken apart and box it up to have shipped to him as he wants to use it, so his buddy said that he would.
While Donny was outside using his punching bag. I took a shower next as I needed to clean up as well. It's a good thing that we are getting rid of the shower as it feels a bit cramped in my opinion. The only problem with our new tub that we have coming is that it's just a tub and not a tub/shower combo but maybe once we have a little bit more money in our accounts then can we get a tub/shower combo as there are days when I just want a quick shower even though bubble baths can be quite relaxing.
Then I went out to grab a bite to eat after my shower. It's so nice to have my own place with bathroom as I don't have to worry about other people who aren't family walking in on me with the exception of Donny. But of course I wouldn't mind if he did walk in on me since we do have kids together but we did agree not to walk in on each other while in the bathroom unless if we are potty training the little ones.
I then washed up the dirty dishes as I don't want my house to be dirty. Granted that I do have kids and it's hard to have a clean house but at least my kids have their own playroom where they keep their toys in which makes it a little easy to keep a clean house.
Then Nathan came out crying that he was hungry, so I out him in his highchair and gave him his cereal to eat. After he was done, I took him out his chair so that he could go play or do whatever he wanted to do.
While Nathan was playing, I went in to see Dawn and to have a talk with her since she was up quite early this morning. Of course I know that she can't understand me telling her that she should had went to bed when Nanny Mims told her too instead of staying up all night. But you know, kids will be kids. So I'm hoping that when she gets a little older that she won't be up at all hours of the night while the rest of the house is sleeping.
Nathan was playing with the dolly house while I was looking for Willie as he needed a bath once the tub gets installed and all of the pipes tighten sealed up.
Once the tub got installed and I was told that it was okay to use, Willie was the first one to use it. As we can see, he had a good time getting his bath as he had his favorite rubber ducky with him.
After giving Willie his bath, I went out to grab me something to drink as I was feeling thirsty. Then I went looking for the next to kid to wash up.
Nathan was next and he too had fun with his bath. He even splashed me a few times.
Then Dawn was the last one to wash up. She too had fun in the tub and splashed around for a little bit. With having our own bathroom and tub, the kids got spend a little bit more time in the tub and not feel rushed when someone came knocking on the bathroom door wanting to know when I will be finished bathing the kids.
Nathan found his brother in the playroom and went over to talk to him. What they talked about, only they know even though it still sounds like babble to me. I do pick up on some words that they say as they are getting a bit better with their talking which is a good thing.
After Dawn got dried off and dressed, she too headed to the playroom to play with the dollhouse while Nathan and Willie were still chatting it up. Before I know it, they will be growing up soon. I sure do wish that they stay small forever.
When Nathan and Will was done talking it up, Willie made his way out to the kitchen where he spotted the trashcan. Of course he had to go over to the can and started digging through it.
While Nathan was digging through the trash, he found the old broken TV remote that was thrown away as it didn't work anymore. So I came and got the trash bag out of the can so that he couldn't get anything else out of it.
Of course he still tried to dig through the trash even though it wasn't in there.
So I carried out the trash bag and threw it away in the outside garbage can for the trash company to come and pick it up. Hopefully the kids can't reach the trash to dig through it.
While I was outside, I heard a loud crash coming from the house. It would seem as if someone had broken the dollhouse. I wonder who did that?
So I ran inside to see what all of the noise was about and saw that the dollhouse had collapsed. I asked who did it but no one wanted to tell me. It's a good thing that I remembered how to put together, so I got to work on fixing it so that the kids could keep playing with it.
When Donny came home from work, he came in and picked up Nathan and gave him a hug. He wants the kids to get used to him being around and getting them to call him daddy.
Once I was done fixing the dollhouse, I went over to talk to Donny as he wanted to get to know me some more. He wanted to know what kind of music that I like and I told him. Nathan also told him what his favorite song is.
Then Donny wanted to know what my hobbies are and so I told him that I love to paint but that I hadn't done that in quite some time. I told him that it's hard to do my hobbies when I'm always taking care of the kids. I told him that once the kids age up that I will get back into painting.
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