Personally I think that trust funds or a savings account to save the money that kids make would be an awesome idea in the Sims4. Right now the way I play is I have my children complete all four childhood aspirations, Then have my teens get to level 3 of each job available to them. All while building their skills for the future (cooking, handiness as teens and creativity and such as children). Then once they have done those self set objectives and are also at A Student status and one of the top students in school then I level them up to young adults. In my current game none of the kids have gotten to YA yet but my oldest is a teen and I was thinking about how I’m going to get him the skill building things he needs when he moves out to get married and have his own family but I think what I will do is try and use my family funds to buy a bunch of books and rare seed packets (mom is a lvl 10 Gardner cuz I needed someone to stay home with 4 kids and still make money) and put the seeds/harvestables/books/upgrade parts I have bought into his sim inventory so that when he’s in his household he can sell those items to get starting funds. I mean obviously you would still have to buy cheaper house go to that lot and sell what is in his inventory, also I’m not 100% sure sim inventory doesn’t get wiped when managing worlds and moving them out. If that’s the case my plan is no good but even with doing it this way the tons of clicking and moving is a pain and I’m on console so it’s even worse than having a keyboard and mouse. Your idea of a loan shark or bank wouldn’t even be that hard to implement just make it a computer option like savings-put away simoleans-save for- and then have options like future or like the names of their children or like a withdrawal and deposit option. That way like if you want your Sim to buy a bigger house and have kids when they age to adult then you could like save for future adulthood and then when they have their birthday to become an adult they get that money back to buy a bigger house along with what they made in young adult hood, or if they put it away for the kids it goes into computer and is automatically added to the funds you have when you decide to move that child out of your house. There are some very many things to do if they want to keep charging $60 a game and $10-$30 for expansion /stuff packs and then coming out with a new game every 5 years. IMO I would rather keep the Sims 4 like we have now and have them make this the best darn sims they can and keep making it better and coming out with better updates and stuff and buying that then having The Sims 5 come out eventually and have all the flaws still in these games and have the stuff that does work be glitchy at first. (So Sorry about the long comment I just have a lot of opinions/ideas) ??