Table of contents: [ Spoiler ] Since this story has grown so much bigger than I ever imagined I feel like its time to borrow a page from some of my favorite SimLit writers and offer you a syn...
The day everybody has been waiting for is here. In a second, if your eyes haven't already peeked, we will see who it is that captured Danielle's heart. From watching it happen I can say for sure she went head over heels for her new love. Most of you probably have a good idea who it is. I had fun going around the forum dropping some subtle, and some not so subtle hints. For me, she found the one I wanted her to find, and I didn't have to do much of anything except organize their paths crossing the first time. They took it from there. So enough dragging out the suspense let's see who it is...
Chapter Six
This lovely young woman is Londyn Huntley. She is an aspiring actress from Sulani who happened to be in Tartosa to shoot some publicity shots for Plumbob Productions. It was only supposed to be two days and nights but Tartosan weather being what it is the shoot ran long. Londyn decided to spend a little bit of that free time at Celebrazioni D'Amore. It would turn out to be a decision that changed the course of her life. While she was enjoying some of the local nectar, she spotted a face that captivated her. Before she could work up the courage to go and start a conversation, the stranger had left.
But that face lingered in her mind all that night and was still fresh in her mind the next day when she was able to complete a few of the shots the studio wanted. It must have been fate because during the shoot Londyn spotted that face again. The stranger was no less captivating than she had been the night before.
After the shoot wrapped for the day Londyn was able to meet the beautiful stranger and her friends. Londyn quickly realized, much to her delight, that the stranger was very friendly and instantly invited Londyn to join the group who was out for their daily swim in Tartosa bay. She also learned the stranger who had so fascinated her was named Danielle Chabert. What a coincidence, she told Danielle, I've been reading your books and they are fantastic.
This was better than Londyn could have imagined. She met her favorite author and was quickly becoming friends with her, but there was more to it. Londyn felt something stir in herself the night before when she first spotted Danielle. Now those feelings were even stronger. This wasn't anything new for Londyn, she had always been attracted to women, but never had anyone moved her like Danielle had.
Now Londyn found herself being included in outings with Danielle and her friends. As she became more and more a part of the group, her feelings for Danielle were growing stronger and stronger. But would Danielle be receptive to Londyn's romantic interest. Londyn couldn't be sure but she thought she could feel an energy coming from Danielle, that Danielle's eyes lingered that little bit longer on her when they were talking, even with the full group around. Like the night at the Finchwick Fair. It was there that Londyn knew that Danielle was feeling something even if she hadn't said anything or made any moves to acknowledge her feelings. Londyn had been here before, and knew the look. Londyn was hopeful that this might be headed somewhere since she had never felt an attraction this strong before. She knew she was falling in love and she was praying that Danielle was feeling it too. Londyn loved being around Danielle and was quickly finding she wasn't happy unless Danielle was around.
Londyn had been right. Danielle had felt the spark of attraction too, all the way back on the day they met on the beach in Tartosa. It wasn't something Danielle was expecting. She had, once or twice felt a little something when looking at another woman. On those occasions it wasn't strong and only the first time made her wonder if perhaps she might be lesbian or bi. Danielle had no shortage of boyfriends over the years. Several of those romances had been intense, but ultimately none ever lasted more than a year or so. Now she had a lot too think about and sort out.
Danielle spent the following day trying to make sense of her feelings.
Danielle: I need to discuss something and there's no else I trust with something like this except you. Summer: It's about your feelings for Londyn. You love her and you're freaking out. Danielle: Summer: Girl you are the only one who can't see it. We've all been talking about it. We can see it in her face, her eyes. She's totally, head-over-heels in love with you. And the look in your eyes when you look at her. You never get more than two or three steps away from her when you're together. Even Leonardo can see it and he's not a sophisticated, sensitive man who's in tune with his emotions. He's a playboy with all the emotional depth of a kiddie pool.
Danielle: Why didn't you say something? Summer: I was going too, very soon in fact, but I was hoping you'd come to me like this. I wanted to get you two together in the worst way, but I didn't want to come at you and freak you out worse and ruin a beautiful thing. You two belong together, and if you screw this up Danielle, I am going to be so angry with you. I know you, you are deeper in love than I have ever seen you. You just haven't noticed it yet because you're frightened by something you never knew was in you. It's okay, we're all behind you and Londyn. Everyone in the group adores her and we all want both of you to be happy. The only way that's going to happen is if you accept the truth, let go, and give your heart to her completely. Danielle: I do love her, and you're right, this is scary. I can't think of anything other than her lately. I never thought of myself as a lesbian before. Oh once or twice in my life I have felt something when I looked at another woman, but nothing that made me question too hard. Summer: It was a little surprising but not shocking. I don't know why, but it wasn't. Maybe I sensed something but never gave it a lot of thought. But that doesn't matter. What does matter is that you go tell her you love her and don't get cold feet and mess this up. You tell me when and where and I will be nearby, but just out of sight, too lend you support if you need it.
Danielle: Thank you so much Summer. You are the best friend I've ever had. Summer: I was, now I'm your second best. Your best friend and soulmate is waiting for you. Go tell her you love her and you want to be with her.
The following night, Danielle has set it up to meet Londyn at Celebrazioni. This was it, she was going to open her heart to Londyn and let fate take her wherever it would.
Danielle: Hi Londyn! Im so glad you made it. How have you been? How'd you're day go? Londyn: Hey Danielle! I wouldn't miss an opportunity to hang out like this. I'm doing wonderful, and I've got an audition lined up for tomorrow. My first gig if I land it. Danielle; I'm sure you'll wow them. That part is already your's Londyn: Thank you Danielle. That is so sweet of you to say. I sure hope you're right.
Danielle: Londyn, we need to talk. Londyn: Oh? What's on your mind? Danielle: Us. You and me.... Londyn: Go ahead. You were saying, you and me. Danielle: Let's go some place quiet. There's a spot not far away where we can look at the ocean, smell the salt air, and watch the moon come up. What do say, how about taking a walk with me? Londyn: Sure! Lead the way.
Danielle: Londyn, we have enjoyed having you join our little band of friends. I have really enjoyed have you there. And....well... Londyn: Yes? Danielle: I'm falling in love with you. No, that's not right. I'm not falling, I have fallen. I love you Londyn Huntley! Londyn: Im in love with you too, Danielle Chabert. I have dying to hear you say that. I've been in love with you since that day we met on the beach. I've known for a while you loved me too, but I knew this was a difficult thing for you to work out. I knew if I didn't push, you'd see it, make your peace with it and then you'd come to me. This is it, you are the one, you are my soulmate and I am yours. Always and forever.
The following morning Londyn was preparing to head off to her audition....
Danielle: You know, that offer to spend the night is good beyond just last night? You are welcome to stay here every night. I want you here with me Londyn. I love you. Londyn: I will be here to stay in a couple of days. I need to go to this audition and then I will get things wrapped up and then I will be back. I love you too.
Londyn was off her game. She was distracted by her thoughts of Danielle and unfortunately she didn't land her acting gig. But she wasn't too upset. It meant she could get back to Danielle a day sooner and surprise her.
Danielle was caught off guard, but her plans were in place and could be put into action quickly. First, back to their place, Celebrazioni D'Amore for a night of fun.
Some badly sung karaoke, but sung badly with passion.
Some dancing
Plenty of romancing
And the night cap, as the moon sinks into the sea Passion Tenderness The look of pure love
I don't know about the rest of you, but I think that's a great place to leave things for now. And anybody else feeling like their room is exceptionally warm right now? I can say it's toasty here. Wow! Thank you for reading along. The couples are now set. I was going to show you what was happening with Leo and Summer, and Matteo and Liberty, but the way this storyline with Londyn and Danielle played out I decided it needed the spotlight all to itself. It's still hot in here. Next time, we will catch up with the others and see what these two are up too. I will post the entire series of pictures from the beach. There are close 25-30 shots, or there about, that didn't make the cut. You're not going to believe my luck with staging that rendezvous.
Until next time, thank you so much for reading, Dani
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