@DaniRose2143 I find it's best if I write up the story when inspiration strikes, hopefully before I lose what happened! Sometimes, I have to break it apart to make them smaller segments, but then I get overzealous and post as many as four in one sitting! I hadn't played my Main save in awhile, and I had to fix the gender of he children. I didn't want more than six, as it complicates things in more ways than one. So, I reset the lot to hold 8 only, Kayleigh remained pregnant, which gobsmacked me. My intention was to change out Carina for Peter. But once I removed Carina, CAS wouldn't allow me to edit in another child. Kayleigh was, indeed, still pregnant! I had already checked. It was the boy Carina was supposed to be. So, I was inspired but a statement another player made on my Edit Thread and hence, the latest chapter.