Table of contents: [ Spoiler ] Since this story has grown so much bigger than I ever imagined I feel like its time to borrow a page from some of my favorite SimLit writers and offer you a syn...
Londyn Huntley's life since she arrived in Tartosa has been charmed. She met the love of her life, and made a small tight knit group of friends. She's been enjoying success at work too as her acting career is starting to take off. After a short stint as the commercial face of Salty Suds Detergent she caught the eye of a few tv show producers who are always on the lookout for fresh new faces. Offers are starting to come in for work, mostly on children's shows, but Londyn doesn't mind. She loves kids so this next step in her career is a double blessing. She's currently waiting to hear back from her agent about a spot on 'Critters Of The Mauven Forrest'.
For all the good things in her life there is one thing that has bothered her for the last few years. It's the fight between her and her parents and the fact that it led to their estrangement. The tension had been brewing ever since Londyn came out to her parents during her sophomore year of high school. The final confrontation came one rainy morning just a week after graduation, angry words were exchanged between the once inseparable mother and daughter. After nearly three years Ebony still couldn't accept that Londyn is a lesbian.
"Your father and I have told you repeatedly Londyn" said Ebony " as long as your living under our roof your not going to live that disgusting lifestyle! We don't approve of it! It's wrong! You're a beautiful young woman, you should be finding yourself a nice young man!"
"What is your problem with me mom?" Londyn's anger was building. "Why are you being a such closed-minded hater? When will you learn" she continued, her voice rising in anger, "I am who I am, and I am a lesbian! So what?"
"Big dam deal mom! How can you claim to love me", now Londyn's temper was at full boil, "and then scream and yell at me over something I didn't choose!"
"This ends here and now!" Londyn was ready to give her mom an ultimatum too. "You're either going to accept me for who I am..." said Londyn through gritted teeth...
"Or what young lady?" hissed Ebony
Londyn could tell it was pointless to continue so she said, "That's it I'm out of here! And don't bother talking to me until you can learn to accept me!"
With that Londyn stormed off, fittingly into the rainy Sulani morning. That was the last time she spoke to her mom in almost five years.
Even though Londyn remained in Sulani for most of that time, she and her parents never talked. At first if they saw each other around town they would steer a wide path around each other. Over time that settled into merely passing by normally but still maintaining an air of tension and frostiness. Slowly during that time they began to miss one another but stubborn pride got in the way of reconciliation. Ebony and Lewis had come to realize just how foolish and stupid it was to push their only child out of their lives over her sexual orientation. Londyn's words echoed in Ebony's ears, "I am who I am, and I am a lesbian! So what?". Iy was Ebony's pride most of all that prevented a reunion for so long. As time passed Londyn wanted to build a bridge back to her parents, but she kept remembering the anger in Ebony's eyes and words. Londyn decided that for the time being it was her mom who needed to be the first to reach out and apologize.
For Ebony's part, she was knew she was wrong but it was hard to think of reuniting with her sweet little girl. The horrible things she'd said to Londyn, calling her disgusting. She was sure Londyn hated her and would not agree to mending fences, not yet at least. Ebony kept track of Londyn and how she was doing. She and Lewis also started attending therapy sessions and meetings for parents of LGBTQIA kids. They knew they had understand where Londyn was coming from, to understand who she is, if there was ever to be a happy reunion.
Ebony knew her little girl had long dreamt of being a movie star. Londyn certainly had the talent, she had done many plays while she was in school. Ebony was so proud when her baby girl popped up on her tv screen selling Salty Suds. It wasn't movie stardom, but it was a start. As Londyn's career began to take off, she garnered a little bit of tabloid press. That was where Ebony and Lewis learned that their daughter was engaged. They knew it was time to reach out to her and apologize for their words and actions. It was time to make their family whole again.
"Lewis, we need to talk babe" said Ebony. "It's time we, no...I, need to reach out to Londyn."
"It's long past time honey. We have to trust her, and trust in the values we instilled in her" he said. "If we did our job and she took those lessons to heart like I believe she did, everything will be okay" "I hope your right, Lewis. God I am so scared she still hates me." "I don't believe our little girl hates you now, and I don't believe she ever did" said Lewis consolingly. "It's going to be alright. Go send her an email and trust her"
Dear Londyn...
"Done. Please baby girl, answer me back and say you want to meet with us. Please!" Ebony pleaded with the laptop's screen
"I sent it, it's in her hands now" said Ebony. "Give me strength!" "I'm right here for you as always"
The following morning Londyn woke up to a surprise she had been wishing for these last few years. Word from mom, and the subject line was everything Londyn had always wanted to hear: "Baby girl I was wrong, I am so sorry can you forgive me?"
Dear Londyn,
My baby girl, I can only say I'm so very sorry for all of the hateful and hurtful things I said to you. When you came to me a scared young woman who was learning new truths about herself I wasn't the loving person you needed me to be. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and your father. I understand if it's too soon and you can't. If that is how things are then it's what we deserve. We want you to know that it is, and always was your life to live as you see fit. It was only our job to instill basic values such as kindness, respect, and acceptance. We failed to live by our own words. Yet, even before that last fight we could see all of those values in you. Honey, you took our every lesson and in looking back showed us how the kind of people we should have been.
We have wanted to reach out many times over the last couple of years, but I was always afraid that I had hurt you beyond your capacity to forgive. I was afraid you would reject me all over again, or that at the very least I would reopen old wounds. I hope that isn't the case. I hope that we can reunite as a family. Your father and I miss you terribly and we want you back in our lives. Since you're becoming famous we also heard about your engagement and we would love to meet your fiancé and welcome her into our family as well. From what little we've seen and heard of her she sounds like an angel.
In closing I just want you to know how much we love you and that you will never again have a reason to question whether or not we're in your corner. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Love you with all my heart baby girl, Love, Mom
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