6 years ago
Universty my ideas
Uni is possably coming this year here area few things i would like to see
The World
I would like the world to be contaned so you won't have people asking you to travell half way across the country just for a drink. there sould be vriaty of lot types these should be.
1. Halls
2. Frat house (not for Community collage)
3. Student union
4. Study areas
5. Libery
6. Labs (not for Community collage)
7. Coffee shops
8. A Stadum(not for Community collage)
9. Lectur theaters
I want 3 diffrent unis
1.Community collage
Prehaps your sim have not done too well at school well they can still go to collage just a comunay collage as apposed to a proper uni and can't
get the same Benfits as a mid or Russel group/ivy league not all coures will be avalabel pass your course here and you may be abel togo to a mid range collage.
2. Mid rage collage
Your sim did ok at school but was just an averige student a Mid range collage is not bad thing you will still start at higer leval but not as high as a Russel group/ivy league graduate.
3.Ivy League/Russel group
Your sim did well in school and you made it to the big time you will start at a higer leval and other sims will treat you with more respect when you leave.
Benfits of going to uni
I want uni lets say I have a sim called cassy who has got in to he uni of choice to do medicen (if you don't have Get to work you can't to the coures that relates to that career of course) when she leves Uni she should be abel to go in to the Doctor career at a higer leval then normal.
Compleating uni shpuld also open up a new 2active career resercher and Lecture.
Going to Uni
The Student path should be treated a littel like an active career from there student accomdation you will get a notfaction (your sim is off to class do you want to go with them)
I think thats all I can think about right now.
The World
I would like the world to be contaned so you won't have people asking you to travell half way across the country just for a drink. there sould be vriaty of lot types these should be.
1. Halls
2. Frat house (not for Community collage)
3. Student union
4. Study areas
5. Libery
6. Labs (not for Community collage)
7. Coffee shops
8. A Stadum(not for Community collage)
9. Lectur theaters
I want 3 diffrent unis
1.Community collage
Prehaps your sim have not done too well at school well they can still go to collage just a comunay collage as apposed to a proper uni and can't
get the same Benfits as a mid or Russel group/ivy league not all coures will be avalabel pass your course here and you may be abel togo to a mid range collage.
2. Mid rage collage
Your sim did ok at school but was just an averige student a Mid range collage is not bad thing you will still start at higer leval but not as high as a Russel group/ivy league graduate.
3.Ivy League/Russel group
Your sim did well in school and you made it to the big time you will start at a higer leval and other sims will treat you with more respect when you leave.
Benfits of going to uni
I want uni lets say I have a sim called cassy who has got in to he uni of choice to do medicen (if you don't have Get to work you can't to the coures that relates to that career of course) when she leves Uni she should be abel to go in to the Doctor career at a higer leval then normal.
Compleating uni shpuld also open up a new 2active career resercher and Lecture.
Going to Uni
The Student path should be treated a littel like an active career from there student accomdation you will get a notfaction (your sim is off to class do you want to go with them)
I think thats all I can think about right now.