4 years agoNew Spectator
Water heater BG update idea
Back in TS2, there's some secret interactions. If a Sim is taking a shower and another sim in the lot flushes the toilet, the sim in the shower will be burned by the hot water due the pressure change.
(minute 6:05)
What if The Sims 4 adds something similar to the game?
The update will contain two water heaters: a cylindric and a box shapped one. The difference between both will be the price of course and the ammount of plumbing items that each support. The cylindric one will support up to 4 plumbing items including sinks, showers and hottubs, while the box shaped one will support up to 8. Beyond that, Sims must have another water heater.
The box shapped water heater however, will requires another item included in the update: a propane tank. The propane tank will add a new item in the bill: "gas". The cylindric water heater will consume electricity (or "power")
The water heaters and the propane tank will be sorted in "Kitchen -> Small Appliances" or "Appliances -> Small Appliances". Both heaters must be placed in a wall outside or inside, while the propane tank must be placed in the ground and outside.
The Water Heating system unlike another gameplay system like laundry or dust cannot be deactivated. The core of this update will be the new dramatic interactions and animations between Sims and plumbing items like showers, sinks or toilets. Depending of how many of those you have in your lot, it will affect the moodlet of the Sims when they take a shower or uses the sinks. Without a heater, Sims will suffer the consecuences of the low pressure in the hot water: low temperature showers, pressure change (hygiene not full restored) or, like in TS2, if a Sim uses the toiler while another is taking a shower. To avoid all these problems, Sims must have one water heater in their lots.
After placing one of the heaters, players can check the functionality with a click: how many hot water plumbing items are placed in the lot and the pressure and temperature of the water. These two last factors will depend of the ammount of plumbing items in the lot and of course, which heater the player choosed for it. That will trigger interactions like the described above: low temperature (bad moodlet), bad showers (incomplete restore of hygene) and incidents between showers vs another appliances.
Unlike another appliances, water heaters or propane tank will not have upgrades or malfunctions.
Dishwashers will count as a hot water appliance.
Sims can change the stove or oven source of power from electricity to propane.
For Off-The-Grid challenges or lots, water heating system will requires only the cylindric one (electric powered) WITH solar panels.
If Cats & Dogs is installed, pets bath will not be affected by the water heating system.
If Seasons is installed, Sims will have a very positive moodlet if the shower/bath was enough hot during winter or low temperature days.
If Eco Lifestyle is installed, the cylindric water heater will support 2+ plumbing items for each solar panel installed, reducing the power bills as well. Also, the propane operated tank will increase the footprint of the neighborhood.
If City Living is installed, apartments will not be affected at all by the water heating system.
If Laundry Day is installed, Sims can change the energy source of the dryer machine to the propane tank. Also, laundry machine will count as a hot water appliance.
Water heaters will be released via free update for Base Game
(minute 6:05)
What if The Sims 4 adds something similar to the game?
The update will contain two water heaters: a cylindric and a box shapped one. The difference between both will be the price of course and the ammount of plumbing items that each support. The cylindric one will support up to 4 plumbing items including sinks, showers and hottubs, while the box shaped one will support up to 8. Beyond that, Sims must have another water heater.
The box shapped water heater however, will requires another item included in the update: a propane tank. The propane tank will add a new item in the bill: "gas". The cylindric water heater will consume electricity (or "power")
The water heaters and the propane tank will be sorted in "Kitchen -> Small Appliances" or "Appliances -> Small Appliances". Both heaters must be placed in a wall outside or inside, while the propane tank must be placed in the ground and outside.
The Water Heating system unlike another gameplay system like laundry or dust cannot be deactivated. The core of this update will be the new dramatic interactions and animations between Sims and plumbing items like showers, sinks or toilets. Depending of how many of those you have in your lot, it will affect the moodlet of the Sims when they take a shower or uses the sinks. Without a heater, Sims will suffer the consecuences of the low pressure in the hot water: low temperature showers, pressure change (hygiene not full restored) or, like in TS2, if a Sim uses the toiler while another is taking a shower. To avoid all these problems, Sims must have one water heater in their lots.
After placing one of the heaters, players can check the functionality with a click: how many hot water plumbing items are placed in the lot and the pressure and temperature of the water. These two last factors will depend of the ammount of plumbing items in the lot and of course, which heater the player choosed for it. That will trigger interactions like the described above: low temperature (bad moodlet), bad showers (incomplete restore of hygene) and incidents between showers vs another appliances.
Unlike another appliances, water heaters or propane tank will not have upgrades or malfunctions.
Dishwashers will count as a hot water appliance.
Sims can change the stove or oven source of power from electricity to propane.
For Off-The-Grid challenges or lots, water heating system will requires only the cylindric one (electric powered) WITH solar panels.
If Cats & Dogs is installed, pets bath will not be affected by the water heating system.
If Seasons is installed, Sims will have a very positive moodlet if the shower/bath was enough hot during winter or low temperature days.
If Eco Lifestyle is installed, the cylindric water heater will support 2+ plumbing items for each solar panel installed, reducing the power bills as well. Also, the propane operated tank will increase the footprint of the neighborhood.
If City Living is installed, apartments will not be affected at all by the water heating system.
If Laundry Day is installed, Sims can change the energy source of the dryer machine to the propane tank. Also, laundry machine will count as a hot water appliance.
Water heaters will be released via free update for Base Game