Forum Discussion

Canuckfan86's avatar
5 years ago

Wedding Venue in Granite Falls

Gallery Username: Canuckfan86

Just uploaded my lot for a rustic wedding in Granite Falls. The pictures I took were before I added the outdoor lighting and the campfire.

Start off with your ceremony as you get lost in the pine trees and to the backdrop of a waterfall. Enjoy the candles flickering just behind you as you exchange your vows.

It's unfortunate with all the trees that the lot can't fully be seen by the pictures posted on the gallery - but oh well. If you feel like you could use this in your game please go ahead and download - any and all feedback is a welcome addition :smile: !
  • It is a very lovely wedding venue for Granite Falls! :) Very nice and warm rustic wedding arch area amongst the trees! The natural wood seating on either sides is very nice , and the candles on the seating edges and behind the arch are lovely! Very beautiful greenhouse reception room! The long dining tables with flowers and candles down the middle are lovely! Very nice red and white colour scheme. It is nice that there is a special bridal table as well. The red greenery on the wall is very nice. The hanging ceiling lights are pretty! Very nice outdoors bar and dance area. Sims will enjoy dancing to the D.j booth music. Very nice log cabin with bathrooms and a kitchen for cooking the reception meals.
    It is a very nice wedding venue! :)
  • RouenSims's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    Gorgeous lot! Do you have to pay for camping at Granite Falls before you can use it, or can you just travel there directly?
  • @rosemow - thank you so much for your lovely comments!

    @Rouensims - unfourtunately you have to pay to go on vacation at Granite Falls. But feel free to download and place the lot in another world :). It is a 50x50 lot.